Working with lists requires proper permissions for your skill, read the permissions part of the [amazon documentation](https://developer.amazon.com/docs/custom-skills/access-the-alexa-shopping-and-to-do-lists.html#permissions-setup) before using this modu
Alexa lists
Working with lists requires proper permissions for your skill, read the permissions part of the amazon documentation before using this module.
Before making the requests you need to provide the access token. That is why the init
function needs to be called first. All examples use the alexa-app module.
Permissions card
If you don't have the permissions to work with lists, then you should send the permissions card
to the user.
async function sendPermissionsCard (req, res) {
return res.card(alexaLists.getPermissionsCard()).send()
Create custom list
Creates a new with the provided name and a state set to active
async function createCustomList (req, res) {
const listHandler = alexaLists.init(_.get(req, 'context.System.apiAccessToken'))
const createdList = await listHandler.createCustomList('blazing new list')
Create custom list item
Creates a new item for a specified list with the provided item status can be active
or completed
. The active
status is set by default
alexaLists.init(token).createNewListItem(listName, listItemName, listItemStatus)
async function createNewListItem (req, res) {
const listHandler = alexaLists.init(_.get(req, 'context.System.apiAccessToken'))
const createdListItem = await listHandler.createNewListItem('blazing list', 'buy apples', 'completed')
Delete custom list
Delete a custom list by name.
async function deleteCustomList (req, res) {
const listHandler = alexaLists.init(_.get(req, 'context.System.apiAccessToken'))
const deletedList = await listHandler.deleteCustomList('blazing list')
Delete custom list item
Delete a list item from a specified list.
alexaLists.init(token).deleteListItem(listName, listItemName)
async function deleteListItem (req, res) {
const listHandler = alexaLists.init(_.get(req, 'context.System.apiAccessToken'))
const deletedListItem = await listHandler.deleteListItem('blazing list', 'buy apples')
Get list
Get specific list by name and/or status.
alexaLists.init(token).getList(listName, listState)
async function getList (req, res) {
const listHandler = alexaLists.init(_.get(req, 'context.System.apiAccessToken'))
const list = await listHandler.getList('blazing list', 'active')
Get list item
Get a specific list item from a list.
alexaLists.init(token).getListItem(listName, listItemName)
async function getListItem (req, res) {
const listHandler = alexaLists.init(_.get(req, 'context.System.apiAccessToken'))
const listItem = await listHandler.getListItem('blazing list', 'list item')
Get lists metadata
Get all lists, without the list items.
alexaLists.init(token).getListMetadata(listName, listItemName)
async function getListMetadata (req, res) {
const listHandler = alexaLists.init(_.get(req, 'context.System.apiAccessToken'))
const lists = await listHandler.getListMetadata()
Update custom list
alexaLists.init(token).updateCustomList(listName, {
name: 'new list name',
state: 'completed'
async function updateCustomList (req, res) {
const listHandler = alexaLists.init(_.get(req, 'context.System.apiAccessToken'))
const updatedCustomList = await listHandler.updateCustomList('blazing list', {
name: 'new list name',
state: 'completed'
Update list item
alexaLists.init(token).updateListItem(listName, listItemName, {
value: 'new list item name',
status: 'completed'
async function updateListItem (req, res) {
const listHandler = alexaLists.init(_.get(req, 'context.System.apiAccessToken'))
const updatedListItem = await listHandler.updateListItem('blazing list', 'some item', {
value: 'some updated item name',
status: 'completed'