A library of MUI Material themed components for BlastDOM, enhancing UI design with a cohesive set of styled elements.
FramJet BlastDOM MUI Material Components
The @blastdom/components-mui-material
package provides MUI Material components that can be seamlessly integrated and used within BlastDOM applications.
You can install the package using npm, yarn or pnpm:
# With npm
npm install @blastdom/components-mui-material
# With Yarn
yarn add @blastdom/components-mui-material
# With PNPM
pnpm install @blastdom/components-mui-material
| Name | MUI Material Component |
| mui.m.accordion
| Accordion |
| mui.m.accordion.actions
| Accordion Actions |
| mui.m.accordion.details
| Accordion Details |
| mui.m.accordion.summary
| Accordion Summary |
| mui.m.alert
| Alert |
| mui.m.alert.title
| Alert Title |
| mui.m.app.bar
| App Bar |
| mui.m.autocomplete
| Autocomplete |
| mui.m.avatar
| Avatar |
| mui.m.avatar.group
| Avatar Group |
| mui.m.backdrop
| Backdrop |
| mui.m.badge
| Badge |
| mui.m.bottom.navigation
| Bottom Navigation |
| mui.m.bottom.navigation.action
| Bottom Navigation Action |
| mui.m.box
| Box |
| mui.m.breadcrumbs
| Breadcrumbs |
| mui.m.button
| Button |
| mui.m.button.base
| Button Base |
| mui.m.button.group
| Button Group |
| mui.m.card
| Card |
| mui.m.card.action.area
| Card Action Area |
| mui.m.card.actions
| Card Actions |
| mui.m.card.content
| Card Content |
| mui.m.card.header
| Card Header |
| mui.m.card.media
| Card Media |
| mui.m.checkbox
| Checkbox |
| mui.m.chip
| Chip |
| mui.m.circular.progress
| Circular Progress |
| mui.m.collapse
| Collapse |
| mui.m.container
| Container |
| mui.m.css.baseline
| CSS Baseline |
| mui.m.dialog
| Dialog |
| mui.m.dialog.actions
| Dialog Actions |
| mui.m.dialog.content
| Dialog Content |
| mui.m.dialog.content.text
| Dialog Content Text |
| mui.m.dialog.title
| Dialog Title |
| mui.m.divider
| Divider |
| mui.m.drawer
| Drawer |
| mui.m.fab
| Fab |
| mui.m.fade
| Fade |
| mui.m.filled.input
| Filled Input |
| mui.m.form.control
| Form Control |
| mui.m.form.control.label
| Form Control Label |
| mui.m.form.group
| Form Group |
| mui.m.form.helper.text
| Form Helper Text |
| mui.m.form.label
| Form Label |
| mui.m.global.styles
| Global Styles |
| mui.m.grid
| Grid |
| mui.m.grow
| Grow |
| mui.m.hidden
| Hidden |
| mui.m.icon
| Icon |
| mui.m.icon.button
| Icon Button |
| mui.m.image.list
| Image List |
| mui.m.image.list.item
| Image List Item |
| mui.m.image.list.item.bar
| Image List Item Bar |
| mui.m.input
| Input |
| mui.m.input.adornment
| Input Adornment |
| mui.m.input.base
| Input Base |
| mui.m.input.label
| Input Label |
| mui.m.linear.progress
| Linear Progress |
| mui.m.link
| Link |
| mui.m.list
| List |
| mui.m.list.item
| List Item |
| mui.m.list.item.avatar
| List Item Avatar |
| mui.m.list.item.button
| List Item Button |
| mui.m.list.item.icon
| List Item Icon |
| mui.m.list.item.secondary.action
| List Item Secondary Action |
| mui.m.list.item.text
| List Item Text |
| mui.m.list.subheader
| List Subheader |
| mui.m.menu
| Menu |
| mui.m.menu.item
| Menu Item |
| mui.m.menu.list
| Menu List |
| mui.m.mobile.stepper
| Mobile Stepper |
| mui.m.modal
| Modal |
| mui.m.native.select
| Native Select |
| mui.m.outlined.input
| Outlined Input |
| mui.m.pagination
| Pagination |
| mui.m.pagination.item
| Pagination Item |
| mui.m.paper
| Paper |
| mui.m.popover
| Popover |
| mui.m.popper
| Popper |
| mui.m.radio
| Radio |
| mui.m.radio.group
| Radio Group |
| mui.m.rating
| Rating |
| mui.m.scoped.css.baseline
| Scoped CSS Baseline |
| mui.m.select
| Select |
| mui.m.skeleton
| Skeleton |
| mui.m.slide
| Slide |
| mui.m.slider
| Slider |
| mui.m.snackbar
| Snackbar |
| mui.m.snackbar.content
| Snackbar Content |
| mui.m.speed.dial
| Speed Dial |
| mui.m.speed.dial.action
| Speed Dial Action |
| mui.m.speed.dial.icon
| Speed Dial Icon |
| mui.m.stack
| Stack |
| mui.m.step
| Step |
| mui.m.step.button
| Step Button |
| mui.m.step.connector
| Step Connector |
| mui.m.step.content
| Step Content |
| mui.m.step.icon
| Step Icon |
| mui.m.step.label
| Step Label |
| mui.m.stepper
| Stepper |
| mui.m.svg.icon
| SVG Icon |
| mui.m.swipeable.drawer
| Swipeable Drawer |
| mui.m.switch
| Switch |
| mui.m.tab
| Tab |
| mui.m.table
| Table |
| mui.m.table.body
| Table Body |
| mui.m.table.cell
| Table Cell |
| mui.m.table.container
| Table Container |
| mui.m.table.footer
| Table Footer |
| mui.m.table.head
| Table Head |
| mui.m.table.pagination
| Table Pagination |
| mui.m.table.row
| Table Row |
| mui.m.table.sort.label
| Table Sort Label |
| mui.m.tabs
| Tabs |
| mui.m.tab.scroll.button
| Tab Scroll Button |
| mui.m.text.field
| Text Field |
| mui.m.theme.provider
| Theme Provider |
| mui.m.toggle.button
| Toggle Button |
| mui.m.toggle.button.group
| Toggle Button Group |
| mui.m.toolbar
| Toolbar |
| mui.m.tooltip
| Tooltip |
| mui.m.typography
| Typography |
| mui.m.zoom
| Zoom |
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.