This is a package to help control different contexts on your node/web application.
This is a package to help control different contexts on your node/web application.
Installation Guide
Run yarn add @blast-engine/context
or npm i @blast-engine/context
Run yarn context:select
to select a previously declared context.
Run yarn context:current
to see the currently selected context.
Run yarn context:set [context]
to explicitly set your current context to the specified context name.
Setting Up Different Contexts
On the root directory of your application, create a file called contexts.config.js
. In this file, you need to declare your different contexts. Your contexts.config.js
file should follow this format:
module.exports = () => ({
onSelect: context => null,
// after selecting a context using `yarn context:select`,
// this function will be called with the selected contexts values
// as a parameter to the function
contexts: {
prod: {
_showInSelect: true,
// if set to false, the context will not appear
// in `yarn context:select`
yourConfigKeys: {
apiKey: "apiKey"
importantEnvParamForContext: "super important"
dev1: {
_showInSelect: true,
yourConfigKeys: {
apiKey: "apiKey"
importantEnvParamForContext: "less important"
After selecting a context, a file called active-context
will be automatically generated, listing your active context. Make sure to add active-context
file to your .gitignore
To have access to the environment parameters based on different context, you can edit the onSelect
function such that it would write the specified parameters in the context into a file:
onSelect: context => fs.writeFileSync(