## Project setup ``` npm install ```
Project setup
npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
Library installment
1. In the project where you want to install the library. In command line type - npm i <...path to the folder with library>.
2. In vue.config.js file in your project, you will need to add the fallowing code:
const path = require('path')
chainWebpack: config => {
config.resolve.alias.set( 'vue', path.resolve('./node_modules/vue'))
3. To start using the library, import it in your file:
import { VTable } from 'table-grid-library'
4. Register component:
components: {
How to customize heder cell
The name of template should consist of the words - header-...-content,
and the name of the value of the header cell - #header-calories-content
Put the value of the cell that you want to change between, and put
your content inside template tag:
<template #header-calories-content >
Your custom content
If you want to customize your current data into cell, receive the data
in props "{header}". Then take the value of the cell from displayName
<template #header-calories-content="{header}" >
{{ header.displayName }}
How to customize table body cell
The name of template consist of the number of the line - line-<number>
(first line of the table starts from 0) and number of the call -
cell-<number> (first cell in line starts from 0). The numbers of
line and cell must be linked with _ .
In this example we transmit our custom content to the first cell of
the first line:
<template #line-0_cell-0>
Your custom content
If you want to customize your current data into cell, receive the data
in props "{bodyCell}":
<template #line-0_cell-3="{bodyCell}">
{{ bodyCell }}
How to add your color on row hover
In order to apply your custom color to row hover, you need to pass to the
component backgroundColor prop a string with the color you need.
:backgroundColor ="'#f0f'"
How to make a fixed height of the table
Use tableHeight prop to transmit a string value into the component, the size
of height of the table you want in pixels.
:tableHeight ="'200'"
It means that the table will have 200px height
How to fix header of the table
Use isHeaderSticky prop. To make header sticky transmit boolean value true to
the prop. To make it not sticky, transmit false or just skip this prop.
:isHeaderSticky ="true"
How to apply custom arrows for sorting columns
Apply two templates with names: #arrow-top, #arrow-bottom. In each template put
img tag of the arrow. Receiving "active" prop, you can apply your own class
to your img tag.
<template #arrow-top="{active}">
<img src="arrow.svg"
:class="{ arrowStyle : active }"
How to make a column sortable
To make column sortable you need to add a key 'sortable' with a boolean value
to the object of a column.
displayName: 'column N',
displayValue: 'fat',
sortable: true
How to change a background for sorting arrows
You need to add a key 'sortArrowBackground' to the object of needed column, with
the value of the color.
displayName: 'column N',
displayValue: 'fat',
sortArrowBackground: '#f0f'
How to show sortable window
On the sort button can be called a window with options, to choose wich kind of
sorting method you need. To activate this window you need to pass a boolean
value into a 'isShownSortableWindow' key in the object of a column.
displayName: 'column N',
displayValue: 'fat',
isShownSortableWindow: true
How to make arrow selection
There are three types of arrow selection. To choose the slection mode you need
to add 'showSelect' prop and pass one of three string values:
'default' - without any selection.
'single' - selecting checkbox will appear in the beginning of each line.
'multiple' - in adition to checkboxes in the beginning of each line, one checkbox
will appear in the left top corner, which will give the possibility to mark all lines.
:showSelect ="'multiple'"
To receive the result of chosen items, you need to apply to props an event
listener select-result.
@select-result="<name of your function>"