biut blockchain merkle tree lib
This package is used for SEC blockchain merkle tree.
- MerkleTree
- new MerkleTree(rawData, hashAlgo)
- .getLeaves() ⇒ Array.<Buffer>
- .getLayers() ⇒ Array.<Buffer>
- .getRoot() ⇒ Buffer
- .getProof(rawData, [index]) ⇒ Array.<Object>
- .verify(proof, targetNode, root) ⇒ Boolean
new MerkleTree(rawData, hashAlgo)
new MerkleTree(rawData, hashAlgo) Constructs a Merkle Tree. All rawData(will be converted to leaves and nodes after hash calculation) are stored as Buffers.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | rawData | Buffer[], Array[] | Array of raw data, will be convert to leaves after hash calculation | | hashAlgo | String | Algorithm used to hash rawData, leaves and nodes, now the code only supports "md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha512", "ripemd160" |
const crypto = require('crypto')
const MerkleTree = require('../src/index')
const rawData = ['a', 'b', 'c']
const tree = new MerkleTree(rawData, 'sha256')
merkleTree.getLeaves() ⇒ Array.<Buffer>
Returns array of leaves of Merkle Tree.
Kind: instance method of MerkleTree Example
const leaves = tree.getLeaves()
merkleTree.getLayers() ⇒ Array.<Buffer>
Returns array of all layers of Merkle Tree, including leaves and root.
Kind: instance method of MerkleTree Example
const layers = tree.getLayers()
merkleTree.getRoot() ⇒ Buffer
Returns the Merkle root hash as a Buffer.
Kind: instance method of MerkleTree Example
const root = tree.getRoot()
merkleTree.getProof(rawData, [index]) ⇒ Array.<Buffer>
Returns the proof for a target leaf.
Kind: instance method of MerkleTree Returns: Array.<Object> - - Array of json object
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | rawData | Buffer, String | Target leaf's raw data | | [index] | Number | Target leaf index in leaves array. Use if there are leaves containing duplicate data in order to distinguish it. |
If index is not defined, code will traverse the tree to find rawData's corresponding index. If index is defined, rawData is invalid and code will proceed with index only.
const proof = tree.getProof(rawData[2])
const rawData = ['a', 'b', 'c']
const tree = new MerkleTree(rawData, "sha256")
const proof = tree.getProof(rawData[2], 2)
merkleTree.verify(proof, targetNode, root) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if the proof path (array of hashes) can connect the target node to the Merkle root.
Kind: instance method of MerkleTree
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | proof | Array.<Object> | Array of json object | | targetNode | Buffer, String | Target node Buffer | | root | Buffer | Merkle root Buffer |
const root = tree.getRoot()
const proof = tree.getProof(rawData[2])
const verified = tree.verify(proof, rawData[2], root)
代码用于SEC Merkle Tree Hash计算 主要的函数:
定义MerkleTree: MerkleTree(rawData, hashAlgo) 其中rawData是原始的数据,例如区块链上每个区块utf-8编码形式的数据 hashAlgo是Merkle树的hash运算算法,现在仅支持"md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha512", "ripemd160"
getProof(rawData, [index]) => Array. 该函数会返回目标节点在hash树每一层的配偶节点的位置(左/右)及其hash值,返回类型为带key键的Array 该函数配套verify函数,用于确认目标节点的数据是否遭到篡改
verify(proof, targetNode, root) => Boolean 该函数需要的输入为:getProof函数返回的目标节点每一层的配偶节点位置及hash值, 想测试的目标节点 raw data 以及 Merkle树根的值 因此可以很容易的计算并确认数据没有遭到篡改
第二次原像攻击: 由于Merkle根值只是一个值,只能代表最后的值是否正确,而无法展示其他信息,如树的节点个数,树的层数等等,因此容易受到伪造者攻创建一个具有相同Merkle树根的虚假文档进行攻击 解决方法: 每一层的树在计算hash值之前加上所在层数对应的一个前缀值,例如第一层在data前面加0x00,以此类推