Visual snapshot testing for everyone
Take an image of an iframe and compare it to a saved image.
import {compareToSnapshot} from "@bitovi/snapshot-test";
// A URL you want to test against.
// Must be same domain.
url: "./style-guide.html",
// The width and height of an iframe used
// to load the URL. The <body> will be rendered.
// So if your <body> is greater than `height`
// an image of that size will be created.
width: 1000, // defaults to 1000
height: 400, // defaults to 400
// The path to where to keep your saved images.
snapshotDir: "./",
// An identifier used to figure out the saved
// image's path.
// For example, if the tests were running in google `chrome`
// on a `high definition` display, an image would be looked
// in the following places:
// 1. style-guide-1000-hd-chrome.png
// 2. style-guide-1000-hd.png
// 3. style-guide.png
snapshotPrefix: "style-guide",
// This function is called after the iframe has loaded.
// You can make adjustments to the document before the snapshot
// is taken. This function should return a promise when
// the snapshot is ready to be taken.
prepareDocument(iframe) { return Promise },
// Options passed to pixelmatch that does the diff.
pixelMatchOptions: { ... }
// `compareToSnapshot` returns a promise.
// If the promise resolves, the images are equal.
// You should pass your test!
}, function(err) {
// If the promise rejects, the images are not equal!
// You should fail your test.
// An err object is returned with useful information.
// A DOM element you can insert
// to see the difference and save a new snapshot.