A library to process tcp messages from DigitalMatters Devices
Use this library to decode the tcp flexi-protocol data which Digital Matters devices send and receive.
The device sends tcp packets with header bytes. These packets can be received contactinated onto each other. This library separates them and builds up an array of individual messages. Individual messages can be flexi length. This library handles them accordingly and places the results into an array. It also builds up an object with the data placed in the response.values object for ease of use. You can however ignore this object and build your own from the array that is returned.
To use call function .processData()
let response = await biTidProtocol.processData(<raw tcp Buffer data from the device>)
What you probably most interrested in is you get a nice neat object back with the DMT values:
time: 1620170944,
TxFlag: 11,
digitalsIn: 0,
digitalsOut: 0,
AI1: 4094,
AI2: 30,
AI3: 2239,
AI4: 29,
AI...........(depending on what the unit is configured to send)
BATT: 4.094,
SIG: 29,
InternalTemperature: 29,
ExternalVoltage: 5
This library will provide the hello response buffer data to be sent to device when it sends a hello This library provides the commit response buffer data to be sent to the device to notify it that the data has been recieved and processed by the server. Note that you need to build your logic up around this. You need to decide when you would like to commit or not based on errors you may have writing to your db.
This holds all the data split up accordingly.
This holds the individual message data such as GPS location, digital inputs and analogs.
If you need more functionality from this library but don't want to code it up let us know and we will assist you. email [email protected]
More detail to be added to this readme soon....