Simple ORM for REST APIs
An Simple ORM for rest API's
AGPL-3.0-or-later; see LICENSE
file for more details
import { jsonName, jsonProperty } from 'ts-serializable';
import { entity, Entity, registerClient } from '@bithero/simple-rest-orm';
import 'reflect-metadata';
// Defining an entity by extending Entity; with the @entity decorator you can specify extra options
// such as the entity name to use or the clientname
@entity({name: 'my-entity', client: 'myClient'})
class MyEntity extends Entity {
private name: string;
public city: string;
// Constructors need to have default arguments because the serlizer needs an
// default constructor (i.e. `new MyEntity();`)
public constructor(name: string = "") {
this.name = name;
public getName(): string {
return this.name;
// Registering an client to use; the name (second argument) is optional and defaults to 'default'
// each buildRequest* function can either return an Request object, an URL or an string containing an url
buildRequestFind(entityName, id) {
return `http://localhost:3000/api/${entityName}/${id}`;
buildRequestAll(entityName, query) {
return new URL(`http://localhost:3000/api/${entityName}`);
buildRequestQuery(entityName, query) {
return new Request(`http://localhost:3000/api/${entityName}/query`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(query) });
buildRequestDelete(entityName, id) {
return new Request(`http://localhost:3000/api/${entityName}/${id}`, { method: 'DELETE' });
buildRequestCreate(entityName, data) {
return new Request(`http://localhost:3000/api/${entityName}`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data) });
buildRequestUpdate(entityName, data) {
return new Request(`http://localhost:3000/api/${entityName}/${data.id}`, { method: 'PUT', body: JSON.stringify(data) });
sendRequest: fetch,
}, 'myClient');
// retriving an single entitiy
let result = await MyEntity.find("123");
// retrieving all entities
let all = await MyEntity.all();
// quering multiple entities; the query can be completly custom and is defined by your API
let results = await MyEntity.query({ name: { $regex: "^Peter" } });
// deleting either works on an entity
// ... or via the entity
// creating entities is as simple as instantiate an object and calling `save()`
let newEntity = new MyEntity("Dan");
// ... and updateing is even simpler!
newEntity.city = "London";
import { jsonProperty } from 'ts-serializable';
import { entity, Entity, oneToMany, oneToOne } from '@bithero/simple-rest-orm';
import 'reflect-metadata';
@entity({ name: 'ref-entity' })
class RefEntity extends Entity {}
@entity({name: 'my-entity'})
class MyEntity extends Entity {
// Uses an subroute to lookup the references; i.e.:
// ==> GET /my-entity/<this.id>/refs
// Note: this field is generated and completly overwritten after de-serialization
@oneToMany({ type: 'subroute', subroute: 'refs', entity: RefEntity })
private refs_a: RefEntity[];
// Uses an array of id's inside this entity to lookup the references:
// this['refs_b'] = [ '1234', '5678' ]
// ==> GET /ref-entity/1234
// ==> GET /ref-entity/5678
@oneToMany({ type: 'arrayOfIds', entity: RefEntity })
@jsonProperty([String]) // Needed in order to de-serialize the array of id's
private refs_b: RefEntity[];
// Uses an single id inside this entity to lookup the reference
// this['ref'] = '1234'
// ==>
// this['ref'] = fetch( GET /ref-entity/1234 )
@oneToOne({ entity: RefEntity })
@jsonProperty(String) // Needed in order to de-serialize the id
private ref: RefEntity;