nodejs library for serialization/deserialization of data based on ruby marshal protocol
Simple library for serializing and deserializing Ruby's Marshal byte sequences in NodeJS.
Supported features
- dumping integers
- dumping raw strings (ivar strings don't exist in js so raw strings are encoded in utf-8)
- dumping floats (1.0 is dumped as int type due to NodeJS number type)
- dumping nil values (null values)
- dumping boolean values
- dumping symbols (js symbols are converted to ruby symbols)
- dumping symbol links (each js symbol is converted to symbol link when necessary)
- dumping arrays
- dumping hashes (non plain objects will throw)
- loading integers
- loading raw strings
- loading ivar strings
- loading floats (1.0 is loaded as int type due to NodeJS number type)
- loading nil values (are converted to null on js)
- loading boolean values
- loading symbols (in js are converted to strings)
- loading symbol links (in js are converted to strings)
- loading arrays
- loading hashes
Unsupported features
- bumping/loading bignums
- bumping/loading objects
- bumping/loading object links
- bumping/loading classes
- bumping/loading modules
- bumping/loading regular expressions
- and bumping/loading other types
npm install @bitfinex/lib-js-util-marshal
npm test
'use strict'
const { inspect } = require('util')
const marshal = require('@bitfinex/lib-js-util-marshal')
const myObj = {
foo: 'bar',
1: true,
data: [
'a', null, false, -3.14,
[1, 2, { name: 'joe' }]
const serialized = marshal.dump(myObj).toString('hex')
/* prints
0408 7b08 3a06 3154 3a08 666f 6f22 0862 6172 3a09 6461 7461 5b0a 2206 6130
4666 0a2d 332e 3134 5b08 6906 6907 7b06 3a09 6e61 6d65 2208 6a6f 65
const deserialized = marshal.load(Buffer.from(serialized, 'hex'))
console.log(inspect(deserialized, false, 10, true))
/* prints
'1': true,
foo: 'bar',
data: [ 'a', null, false, -3.14, [ 1, 2, { name: 'joe' } ] ]
Detailed info on how object marshaling works in ruby can be found this blog series.