A client for regtest bitcoin or litecoin usage. Requires nakamotojs-server from github.
NakamotoJS Client
A library for managing integration test on NakamotoJS server
This repo is a clone from the original regtest-client repository, with the addition of support other UTXOs based blockchains. Currently supports Bitcoin and Litecoin.
You must specify a server
Default URL is
, and the recommended way to set up a server
is to run a docker container locally.
You can override the URL with APIURL
environment variable or by using the
optional second arg new RegtestUtils(bitcoin, { APIURL: 'xxx' })
at runtime.
You can also override the API password (set on the server side) with APIPASS
env variable, or new RegtestUtils(bitcoin, { APIURL: 'xxx', APIPASS: 'yyy' })
The optional second arg can have either, both, or none of the two overrides.
You can provide a network configuration
export const regtestUtils = new RegtestUtils({
network: litecoin.networks.regtest,
Check the docker folder on @bitocin-computer/nakamotojs-server to run a server locally.
TypeScript support
Types are automatically generated. Develop in TypeScript, commit JS and types. Pull requests must all contain TS, JS, and types where needed.
// inside an async function to use await
const bitcoin = require('@bitcoin-computer/nakamotojs-lib');
const { ECPairFactory } = require('ecpair');
const tinysecp = require('tiny-secp256k1');
const { RegtestUtils } = require('@bitcoin-computer/nakamotojs-client');
const regtestUtils = new RegtestUtils(bitcoin);
const ECPair = ECPairFactory(tinysecp);
const network = regtestUtils.network; // regtest network params
const keyPair = ECPair.makeRandom({ network });
const p2pkh = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, network });
// Tell the server to send you coins (satoshis)
// Can pass address
const unspent = await regtestUtils.faucet(p2pkh.address, 2e4);
// Tell the server to send you coins (satoshis)
// Can pass Buffer of the scriptPubkey (in case address can not be parsed by bitcoinjs-lib)
// Non-standard outputs will be rejected, though.
const unspentComplex = await regtestUtils.faucetComplex(p2pkh.output, 1e4);
// Get all current unspents of the address.
const unspents = await regtestUtils.unspents(p2pkh.address);
// Get data of a certain transaction
const fetchedTx = await regtestUtils.fetch(unspent.txId);
const fetchedTxComplex = await regtestUtils.fetch(unspentComplex.txId);
// Mine 6 blocks, returns an Array of the block hashes
// All of the above faucet payments will confirm
const results = await regtestUtils.mine(6);
// Send our own transaction
const txb = new bitcoin.Psbt({ network });
hash: unspent.txId,
index: unspent.vout,
nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from(fetchedTx.txHex, 'hex'),
hash: unspentComplex.txId,
index: unspentComplex.vout,
nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from(fetchedTxComplex.txHex, 'hex'),
// regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS is created on first load.
// regtestUtils.randomAddress() will return a new random address every time.
// (You won't have the private key though.)
txb.addOutput({ address: regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS, value: 1e4 });
txb.signInput(0, keyPair);
txb.signInput(1, keyPair);
const tx = txb.extractTransaction();
// build and broadcast to the Bitcoin Local RegTest server
await regtestUtils.broadcast(tx.toHex());
// This verifies that the vout output of txId transaction is actually for value
// in satoshis and is locked for the address given.
// The utxo can be unconfirmed. We are just verifying it was at least placed in
// the mempool.
await regtestUtils.verify({
txId: tx.getId(),
address: regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS,
vout: 0,
value: 1e4,