- npm package to help you upload images easily! ## how to use it - first in your nodejs app require amazon web services sdk : `const AWS = require('aws-sdk');` - and configure it as follows : `AWS.config.update({ accessKeyId:"YOUR_AWS_ACCESSKEY", se
Welcome to S3_image_uploader!
- npm package to help you upload images easily!
how to use it
- first in your nodejs app require amazon web services sdk :
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
- and configure it as follows :
AWS.config.update({ accessKeyId:"YOUR_AWS_ACCESSKEY", secretAccessKey:"YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY" });
- and require our module :
var s3_uploader = require('s3\_image\_uploader');
- then you can easily use its promises as easily as shown here to upload image:
s3_uploader.uploadImg(Upload_Params) .then(S3Data => {console.log(S3Data)}) .catch(err =>{throw err});
- and here we used a param
which looks like :let Upload_Params = { BucketName: 'YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME', id: 'YOUR_USER_ID_TO_BE_USED_IN_FILE_NAME', location: "LOCATION_TO_USE_TO_SAVE_THE_IMG", img: "IMG_IN_BASE64_FORMAT" };
- then to remove image do as the following :
s3_uploader.removeImg(Remove_Params).then(removed => { console.log(removed);}
- and here are the 'Remove_Params' to be used :
var params = {Bucket:'YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME',Key:'PATH_TO_FILE'}