This repository contains all the functions created over the course of the Lotide project while studying at [Lighthouse Labs](https://www.lighthouselabs.ca/).
version 1.0.1
A Lighthouse Labs project by Brett Bilyk
Beware: These functions were created while studying Web Development at Lighthouse Labs and is not intended for use in production-grade software. Use at your own risk.
What is Lotide?
Lotide is a clone of the Lodash JavaScript library to practice creating various types of functions using JavaScript.
This repository contains all the functions created over the course of the Lotide project while studying at Lighthouse Labs. Functions will be organized by the week of learning in which they were created, and referred to in order of creation.
Install it: npm install @bilykb/lotide
Require it: const _ = require('@bilykb/lotide');
Call it: const results = _.tail([1, 2, 3]) // => [2, 3]
Table of Contents
| Week 1 Functions | Week 2 Functions | |--- | --- | | assertEqual.js | middle.js | | head.js | countOnly.js | tail.js | countLetters.js | | eqArrays.js | findKeyByValue.js | | assertArraysEqual.js | eqObjects.js | | without.js | assertObjectsEqual.js | | flatten.js | map.js | | | takeUntil.js | | findKey.js |
Week 1 Functions:
- A function which accepts two primitive data types as arguments: actual outcome and expected result. The function then prints to console whether the outcome matches the expected result with an assertion statement
- a function which accepts an array as an argument, and returns the head of the array
- a function which accepts an array as an argument, and returns the tail of the array
- a function which compares two arrays to determine if they are similar in elements and length
- a function which utilizes aqArrays.js to compare two arrays for an exact match, then prints to console a pass or fail assertion
- a function that accepts two arrays: the source array, and an "itemsToRemove" array. It returns a new array with the items removed.
- a function that accepts a nested array with one level of nesting as an argument, and returns a single "flattened" array
Week 2 Functions:
- A function that accepts an array, and returns the middle index value(s) in a new array
- a function that accepts an array of names, and an object of names you wish to make a tally of. Returns a new object with a name count
- a function that accepts a string of characters. It then returns an object with a tally of characters
- a function that accepts a string of characters. It then returns an object with an array for the index of each character present
- a function that searches for a key in an object
- a function which compares two objects to see if they are similar
- function which takes two parameters, the actual object, and the expected object, and returns an assertion passed or failed
- this function is a copy of the higher order map() method. map() creates a new array populated with results of a callback function on every element in a specified array
- the function takeUntil() will collect items from a provided array until the callback function provided returns a truthy value
- this function accepts an object and callback function. It iterates through the object and returns the first key for which the callback returns a truthy value. If not, returns undefined.