The applications infrastructure for node.js is a wrapper for node application.
The applications infrastructure for node.js is a wrapper for node application.
This wrapper handles all the necessary endpoints for communicate with bigid, provide dtos and logger for quick application development.
First get the package from npm.
npm install @bigid/apps-infrastructure-node-js
After the package installed - implement all the providers in your application and in your root app file use deployServer()
for creating the server.
How to use sdk's scheduler service?
If you have any function that needs to be running for each of the tenants that uses the application in any time period you can use the sdk's scheduler service.
First import the schedule function
const { scheduleFunction } = require('apps-infrastructure-node-js');
Then call it with the necessary params
scheduleFunction('dailyInsightUniqueName', '* * * * *', callbackToExecute)
But before you are running your application please make sure you configure the next environment variables depends where the application was deployed
###Single tenant mode BIGID_BASE_URL - bigid url
BIGID_REFRESH_TOKEN - refresh token that will be used to execute api calls
###Multi tenant mode BIGID_BASE_URL - bigid url
AUTH0_DOMAIN - auth0 domain where the application configured - will be provided by BigID's application framework team
CLIENT_ID - client id of the application in auth0 - will be provided by BigID's application framework team
CLIENT_SECRET - client secret of the application - will be provided by BigID's application framework team