Receive hubtel payments on all networks
This is a handy unofficial nodejs package for Hubtel's Recieve Money API. This package will help you to Recieve Mobile Money payments
from Users of all networks (mtn,voda,tigo,airtel)gh into your app/system.
Kindly note that, this package does not work for any other hubtel payment service except Recieving Money from Users of your app. In short, this package will take care of sending a mobile money prompt
to the users phone.
`npm i --save @bigboblittle/hubtelmomo`
Please follow the official Hubtel docs to get your API Keys, API secret and merchant Account Number
Required Fields
**fullname** -- fullname on user's mobile money wallet
**phonenumber** -- mobile money account phonenumber // must be a string of 10 digits
**amount** -- Amount of money to be deducted from users wallet
**merchantNumber** -- Your hubtel merchant number
**PrimaryCallbackUrl** Your primary callback url
Needed, but not required
a unique code on your end to identify each transaction. i've used shortid to auto generate a unique code. you can leave it or replace this field with your own unique key to identify transaction
A brief description of the transaction
const RecieveMobileMoney = require('../index').RecieveMobileMoney;
const hubtelConfig = {
apiKey: "Your-Api-Key",
apiSecret: "Replace-With-Api-Secret",
PrimaryCallbackUrl: "set your callback url, ",
FeesOnCustomer: false , //i've set to false
merchantNumber: "HM..........",
description: "Description of request", //not required
ClientReference: "Your-client-request" //i've used a package by name shortid to auto generate reference, u can override it here
Please copy the above code and replace it with your own keys, it's a good practice to load them from your .env files
`RecieveMobileMoney(fullname,phonenumber,amount, hubtelConfig);`
Example using express js
const app = require('express')();
const RecieveMobileMoney = require('../index').RecieveMobileMoney; *//<-- require ('packagename').RecieveMobileMoney
const ErrorCodes = require('../index').mobileMoneyErorrCodesAndResponse; *//<---- i will talk about this later
const hubtelConfig = {
apiKey: "Your-Api-Key",
apiSecret: "Replace-With-Api-Secret",
PrimaryCallbackUrl: "set your callback url, ",
FeesOnCustomer: false , //i've set to false
merchantNumber: "HM..........",
description: "Description of request", //not required
ClientReference: "Your-client-request" //i've used a package by name shortid to auto generate reference, u can override it here
fullname= "Big Bob Little";
phonenumber = "0541234567", *//always make sure the phonenumber is a 10 digit string
amount = "1";
app.post('/test1', async(req,res,next) => {
try {
let test = await RecieveMobileMoney(fullname,phonenumber,amount, hubtelConfig);
console.log(test); // you'll get the response from hubtel here
} catch (error) {
Handling Errors and ResponseCode
Hubtel provides a ResponseCode
to identify the status of each transaction whether successful or not with a message.
The response codes are plenty, depending on which of their payment services you're using.
i've taken care of all response codes starting with 2xxx
and few of 3xxx
You may be interested in passing back those responses to your users. In such case,
you can add
`const ErrorCodes = require('../index').mobileMoneyErorrCodesAndResponse;` //<---- i promised to talk about
Each hubtel response after every transaction has a ResponseCode
attached to it, so you can do something like this
app.post('/test1', async(req,res,next) => {
try {
let test = await RecieveMobileMoney(fullname,phonenumber,amount, hubtelConfig);
console.log(test); // you'll get the response from hubtel here
let errorCodes = ErrorCodes(test.ResponseCode); *//<------- like this *
res.json(errorCodes) *//<----- this will give you the a msg explaining the error code*
} catch (error) {
Custom Errors
In order to differentiate the errors of this package from other development errors, i preceeded all errors return from this package withBOBLITTLE-RecieveMobileMoney:::
followed by the error itselfBOBLITTLE-RecieveMobileMoney:::\n Please provide all params {fullname,phonenumber,amount and config}