Scripture editor used in Platform. See https://platform.bible
Scripture Editor for Platform using USJ
A Scripture editor React component that works on USJ Scripture data. A utility that converts USX to USJ is also included. It is expected that data conforms to USJ v3.1.
title: Scripture Data — Editor flow
graph TB
DB[(DB)] <-- USX --> C
C[USX-USJ converter] <-- USJ --> A
A[USJ-Editor adapter] <-- Editor State --> Editor
npm install @biblionexus-foundation/platform-editor
[!NOTE] This is an uncontrolled React component.
- Use the
<Editorial />
component for an editor without commenting features.- Use the
<Marginal />
component for an editor with comments (comments appear in the margin).
import { EditorOptions, immutableNoteCallerNodeName, Marginal, MarginalRef, usxStringToUsj, UsjNodeOptions } from '@biblionexus-foundation/platform-editor';
import { BookChapterControl } from 'platform-bible-react';
const emptyUsx = '<usx version="3.1" />';
const usx = `
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<usx version="3.1">
<book code="PSA" style="id">World English Bible (WEB)</book>
<para style="mt1">The Psalms</para>
<chapter number="1" style="c" sid="PSA 1" />
<para style="q1">
<verse number="1" style="v" sid="PSA 1:1" />Blessed is the man who doesn’t walk in the counsel of the wicked,</para>
<para style="q2" vid="PSA 1:1">nor stand on the path of sinners,</para>
<para style="q2" vid="PSA 1:1">nor sit in the seat of scoffers;<verse eid="PSA 1:1" /></para>
const defaultUsj = usxStringToUsj(emptyUsx);
const defaultScrRef = { /* PSA */ bookNum: 19, chapterNum: 1, verseNum: 1 };
const nodeOptions: UsjNodeOptions = { [immutableNoteCallerNodeName]: { onClick: () => console.log('Note was clicked!') } };
const options: EditorOptions = { isReadonly: false, textDirection: "ltr", nodes: nodeOptions };
// Word "man" inside first q1 of PSA 1:1.
const annotationRange1 = {
start: { jsonPath: "$.content[3].content[1]", offset: 15 },
end: { jsonPath: "$.content[3].content[1]", offset: 18 },
// Phrase "man who" inside first q1 of PSA 1:1.
const annotationRange2 = {
start: { jsonPath: "$.content[3].content[1]", offset: 15 },
end: { jsonPath: "$.content[3].content[1]", offset: 22 },
const cursorLocation = { start: { jsonPath: "$.content[3].content[1]", offset: 15 } };
export default function App() {
const marginalRef = useRef<MarginalRef | null>(null);
const [scrRef, setScrRef] = useState(defaultScrRef);
const handleUsjChange = useCallback((usj: Usj, comments: Comments | undefined) => console.log({ usj, comments }), []);
// Simulate USJ updating after the editor is loaded.
useEffect(() => {
const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
return () => clearTimeout(timeoutId);
}, []);
// Add and remove annotations after USJ is loaded, and set cursor location.
useEffect(() => {
const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
marginalRef.current?.addAnnotation(annotationRange1, "spelling", "annotationId");
marginalRef.current?.addAnnotation(annotationRange2, "grammar", "abc123");
marginalRef.current?.removeAnnotation("spelling", "annotationId");
}, 3000);
return () => clearTimeout(timeoutId);
}, []);
return (
<div className="controls">
<BookChapterControl handleSubmit={setScrRef} scrRef={scrRef} />
This npm package does not include styling so you need to style the editor component to suit your application. A good place to start is to copy the CSS from this repo:
- Scripture Nodes /packages/platform/src/usj-nodes.css
- Editor /packages/platform/src/editor/editor.css
- Marker Menu /packages/shared/styles/nodes-menu.css
For icon assets for the editor referenced in editor.css
(the license file is included):
If using the commenting features in the <Marginal />
- /packages/platform/src/marginal/comments/ui/Button.css
- /packages/platform/src/marginal/comments/ui/ContentEditable.css
- /packages/platform/src/marginal/comments/ui/Modal.css
- /packages/platform/src/marginal/comments/ui/Placeholder.css
- /packages/platform/src/marginal/comments/comment-editor.theme.css
- /packages/platform/src/marginal/comments/CommentPlugin.css
- USJ editor with USX support
- Read-only and edit mode
- History - undo & redo
- Cut, copy, paste, paste as plain text - context menu and keyboard shortcuts
- Format block type - change
markers. The current implementation is a proof-of-concept and doesn't have all the markers available yet. - Add comments to selected text, reply in comment threads, delete comments and threads.
- To enable comments use the
<Marginal />
editor component (comments appear in the margin). - To use the editor without comments use the
<Editorial />
- To enable comments use the
- Add and remove different types of annotations. Style the different annotations types with CSS, e.g. style a spelling annotation with a red squiggly underline.
- Get and set the cursor location or selection range.
- Specify
, or"auto"
is unlikely to be useful for minority languages). - BCV linkage - change the book/chapter/verse externally and the cursor moves; move the cursor and it updates the external book/chapter/verse
- Nodes supported
- Nodes not yet supported
- Node options - callback for when a
link is clicked
<Editorial />
Editorial Properties
* Scripture Editor for USJ. Created for use in [Platform](https://platform.bible).
* @see https://github.com/usfm-bible/tcdocs/blob/usj/grammar/usj.js
* @param props.ref - Forward reference for the editor.
* @param props.defaultUsj - Initial Scripture data in USJ format.
* @param props.scrRef - Scripture reference that links the general cursor location of the Scripture.
* @param props.onScrRefChange - Callback function when the Scripture reference changes in the editor as the cursor moves.
* @param props.onSelectionChange - Callback function when the cursor selection changes.
* @param props.onUsjChange - Callback function when USJ Scripture data has changed.
* @param props.options - Options to configure the editor.
* @param props.logger - Logger instance.
* @returns the editor element.
Editorial Ref
/** Forward reference for the editor. */
export type EditorRef = {
/** Focus the editor. */
focus(): void;
/** Get USJ Scripture data. */
getUsj(): Usj | undefined;
/** Set the USJ Scripture data. */
setUsj(usj: Usj): void;
* Get the selection location or range.
* @returns the selection location or range, or `undefined` if there is no selection. The
* json-path in the selection assumes no comment Milestone nodes are present in the USJ.
getSelection(): SelectionRange | undefined;
* Set the selection location or range.
* @param selection - A selection location or range. The json-path in the selection assumes no
* comment Milestone nodes are present in the USJ.
setSelection(selection: SelectionRange): void;
* Add an ephemeral annotation.
* @param selection - An annotation range containing the start and end location. The json-path in
* an annotation location assumes no comment Milestone nodes are present in the USJ.
* @param type - Type of the annotation.
* @param id - ID of the annotation.
addAnnotation(selection: AnnotationRange, type: string, id: string): void;
* Remove an ephemeral annotation.
* @param type - Type of the annotation.
* @param id - ID of the annotation.
removeAnnotation(type: string, id: string): void;
/** Ref to the end of the toolbar - INTERNAL USE ONLY to dynamically add controls in the toolbar. */
toolbarEndRef: React.RefObject<HTMLElement> | null;
Editorial Options
/** Options to configure the editor. */
export type EditorOptions = {
/** Is the editor readonly or editable. */
isReadonly?: boolean;
/** Is the editor enabled for spell checking. */
hasSpellCheck?: boolean;
/** Text direction: "ltr" | "rtl" | "auto". */
textDirection?: TextDirection;
/** Key to trigger the marker menu. Defaults to '\'. */
markerMenuTrigger?: string;
/** View options - EXPERIMENTAL. Defaults to the formatted view mode which is currently the only functional option. */
view?: ViewOptions;
/** Options for each editor node:
* @param nodes.ImmutableNoteCallerNode.noteCallers - Possible note callers to use when caller is
* '+'. Defaults to Latin lower case letters.
* @param nodes.ImmutableNoteCallerNode.onClick - Click handler method.
nodes?: UsjNodeOptions;
<Marginal />
These are the same as Editorial except where noted below. See Editorial API.
Marginal Properties
Inherits from the Editorial Properties.
export type MarginalProps<TLogger extends LoggerBasic> = Omit<
> & {
/** Callback function when comments have changed. */
onCommentChange?: (comments: Comments | undefined) => void;
/** Callback function when USJ Scripture data has changed. */
onUsjChange?: (usj: Usj, comments: Comments | undefined) => void;
Marginal Ref
Inherits from the Editorial Ref.
/** Forward reference for the editor. */
export type MarginalRef = EditorRef & {
/** Set the comments to accompany USJ Scripture. */
setComments?(comments: Comments): void;
Demo and Collaborative Web Development Environment
Thanks to CodeSandbox for the instant dev environment: https://codesandbox.io/p/github/BiblioNexus-Foundation/scripture-editors/main
This package is the third tab (dev:platform:5175
To run the demo app locally, first follow the Developer Quick Start, but instead of running the last step, instead run:
nx dev platform
Develop in App
To develop an editor in a target application you can use yalc to link the editor in without having to publish to NPM every time something changes.
- In this monorepo, publish the editor to
, e.g.:nx devpub platform
- In the target application repo, link from
:yalc link @biblionexus-foundation/platform-editor
- In this monorepo, make changes and re-publish the editor (see step 2).
- When you have finished developing in the target application repo, unlink from
:yalc remove @biblionexus-foundation/platform-editor && npm i