Beyond Essential System's ESLint config for JavaScript/React.js
JavaScript/React.js style guide as as shareable ESLint configuration
This package defines Beyond Essential System's style guide for JavaScript/React.js projects. It extends the Airbnb Style Guide, with some tweaks and additions.
Install the package and its required peer dependencies:
yarn add -D @beyondessential/eslint-config-ts eslint prettier
You need to extend this package in your ESLint configuration:
"extends": "@beyondessential/js"
Please be mindful of this package's twin sibling, @beyondessential/eslint-config-js: you may want to reflect any common rule/dependency updates in that package too.
- Checkout the latest code:
git fetch && git checkout master
- Commit your changes in a new branch
- ⚠️ Don't forget to also update the package version:
npm version # < patch || minor || major >
- Create a pull request against
After your PR is approved and merged:
git fetch && git checkout master && git pull
npm login
npm publish --access public
You may want to create a pull request against
Style guide
We use the Airbnb Style Guide, with some changes and additions.
| Rule | Airbnb | BES | Comment |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| class-methods-use-this | error | off | This rule was made to encourage the usage of static methods where possible. However, there are valid reasons to not use a static method, even if this
is not required (eg testability, inheritance, using functionality via the instance rather than the class). |
| import/order | error | warn | |
| import/prefer-default-export | error | off | |
| no-await-in-loop | error | off | This is a common syntax for async operations that must be performed serially. |
| no-continue | error | off | In most cases it is preferable to break our functions into smaller ones than use continue
. However, sometimes it serves as a compromise between performance and readability. Also, it is useful in refactoring big functions in legacy code. |
| no-plusplus | error | off | A standard in for
loops, which we allow. |
| no-prototype-builtins | error | off | |
| no-restricted-globals | error | off | |
| no-restricted-syntax | Restrict for...of
loops | Allow for...of
loops | |
| no-use-before-define | error | off | |
| radix | error | off | In the vast majority of the cases we just use the default radix of 10
. There is one case where this rule would be useful: array.map(parseInt)
, where radix
will be wrongly set to the array index of each iteration. Unfortunately this rule's implementation does not cover this scenario. |
| react/forbid-prop-types | Forbid array
, object
| Allow array
, object
| |
| react/jsx-filename-extension | Allow only .jsx | off | |
| react/jsx-one-expression-per-line | ['error', { allow: 'single-child' }] | off | |
| react/jsx-props-no-spreading | error | off | |
| react/no-did-update-set-state | error | off | |
Enforce prettier formatting
Rule: prettier/prettier: error
"arrowParens": "avoid",
"printWidth": 100,
"singleQuote": true,
"trailingComma": "all"