A package that reads your conventional commits and git history and recommends (or applies) a SemVer version bump for you
A package that reads your conventional commits and git history and recommends (or applies) a SemVer version bump for you. Supports single-package repositories, as well as multi-package repositories!
What is this package intending to be?
If you have been relying on lerna to automate your package version number managements, based on your commit history, or if you just want a hands-off way of applying version bumps to your package.json
files in CI before you publish, this is the package for you!
npx lets-version apply-bumps
? The following bumps will be applied:
package: my-app
bump: 0.0.0 -> 0.0.1
type: PATCH
valid: true
package: node-app
bump: 0.0.0 -> 0.0.1
type: PATCH
valid: true
package: shared-utils
bump: 0.0.0 -> 0.0.1
type: PATCH
valid: true
Do you want to continue? › (y/N)
CLI Documentation
lets-version [command]
lets-version ls Lists all detected packages for this
lets-version local-dep-graph Builds a local repository-only depen
dency graph. If you are in a monorep
o, this is useful to visualize how t
he dependencies in said monorepo rel
ate to each other.
lets-version last-version-tag Gets the last tag used when version
bumping for a specific package. If n
o package is specified, all found ta
gs for each package detected are ret
lets-version changed-files-since-bump Gets a list of all files that have c
hanged since the last publish for a
specific package or set of packages.
If no results are returned, it like
ly means that there was not a previo
us version tag detected in git.
lets-version changed-packages-since-bump Gets a list of all packages that hav
e changed since the last publish for
a specific package or set of packag
es. If no results are returned, it l
ikely means that there was not a pre
vious version tag detected in git.
lets-version get-conventional-since-bump Parsed git commits for a specific pa
ckage or packages, using the officia
l Conventional Commits parser
lets-version get-bumps Gets a series of recommended version
bumps for a specific package or set
of packages. NOTE: It is possible f
or your bump recommendation to not c
hange. If this is the case, this mea
ns that your particular package has
never had a version bump by the lets
-version library.
lets-version apply-bumps Gets a series of recommended version
bumps for a specific package or set
of packages, applies the version bu
mps, and updates all repository depe
ndents to match the version that has
been updated.
lets-version changed-files-since-branch Gets a list of all files that have c
hanged in the current branch.
lets-version changed-packages-since-bran Gets a list of all packages that hav
ch e changed in the current branch.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
Lists all detected packages for this repository.
lets-version ls
Lists all detected packages for this repository
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--cwd The folder to use as root when running command. Defaults to your se
ssion's CWD
--json If true, lists results as a JSON blob piped to your terminal
[boolean] [default: false]
Builds a local repository-only dependency graph. If you are in a monorepo, this is useful to visualize how the dependencies in said monorepo relate to each other.
lets-version local-dep-graph
Builds a local repository-only dependency graph. If you are in a monorepo, this
is useful to visualize how the dependencies in said monorepo relate to each othe
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--cwd The folder to use as root when running command. Defaults to your se
ssion's CWD
--json If true, lists results as a JSON blob piped to your terminal
[boolean] [default: false]
Gets the last tag used when version bumping for a specific package. If no package is specified, all found tags for each package detected are returned.
lets-version last-version-tag
Gets the last tag used when version bumping for a specific package. If no packag
e is specified, all found tags for each package detected are returned
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--cwd The folder to use as root when running command. Defaults to
your session's CWD
--json If true, lists results as a JSON blob piped to your termina
l [boolean] [default: false]
-p, --package One or more packages to check. You can specify multiple by
doing -p <name1> -p <name2> -p <name3> [array]
--noFetchAll If true, will not fetch information from remote via "git fe
tch origin" [boolean] [default: false]
--noFetchTags If true, does not force fetch tags from origin. By default,
lets-version will do "git fetch origin --tags --force" to
ensure your branch if up-to-date with the tags on origin
[boolean] [default: false]
Gets a list of all files that have changed since the last publish for a specific package or set of packages. If no results are returned, it likely means that there was not a previous version tag detected in git.
lets-version changed-files-since-bump
Gets a list of all files that have changed since the last publish for a specific
package or set of packages. If no results are returned, it likely means that th
ere was not a previous version tag detected in git.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--cwd The folder to use as root when running command. Defaults to
your session's CWD
--json If true, lists results as a JSON blob piped to your termina
l [boolean] [default: false]
-p, --package One or more packages to check. You can specify multiple by
doing -p <name1> -p <name2> -p <name3> [array]
--noFetchAll If true, will not fetch information from remote via "git fe
tch origin" [boolean] [default: false]
--noFetchTags If true, does not force fetch tags from origin. By default,
lets-version will do "git fetch origin --tags --force" to
ensure your branch if up-to-date with the tags on origin
[boolean] [default: false]
Gets a list of all packages that have changed since the last publish for a specific package or set of packages. If no results are returned, it likely means that there was not a previous version tag detected in git.
lets-version changed-packages-since-bump
Gets a list of all packages that have changed since the last publish for a speci
fic package or set of packages. If no results are returned, it likely means that
there was not a previous version tag detected in git.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--cwd The folder to use as root when running command. Defaults to
your session's CWD
--json If true, lists results as a JSON blob piped to your termina
l [boolean] [default: false]
-p, --package One or more packages to check. You can specify multiple by
doing -p <name1> -p <name2> -p <name3> [array]
--noFetchAll If true, will not fetch information from remote via "git fe
tch origin" [boolean] [default: false]
--noFetchTags If true, does not force fetch tags from origin. By default,
lets-version will do "git fetch origin --tags --force" to
ensure your branch if up-to-date with the tags on origin
[boolean] [default: false]
--byName If true and the --json flag has not been set, reports the c
hanged packages by their package.json names, instead of by
their relative file paths [boolean] [default: false]
Parsed git commits for a specific package or packages, using the official Conventional Commits parser
lets-version get-conventional-since-bump
Parsed git commits for a specific package or packages, using the official Conven
tional Commits parser
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--cwd The folder to use as root when running command. Defaults to
your session's CWD
--json If true, lists results as a JSON blob piped to your termina
l [boolean] [default: false]
-p, --package One or more packages to check. You can specify multiple by
doing -p <name1> -p <name2> -p <name3> [array]
--noFetchAll If true, will not fetch information from remote via "git fe
tch origin" [boolean] [default: false]
--noFetchTags If true, does not force fetch tags from origin. By default,
lets-version will do "git fetch origin --tags --force" to
ensure your branch if up-to-date with the tags on origin
[boolean] [default: false]
Gets a series of recommended version bumps for a specific package or set of packages. NOTE: It is possible for your bump recommendation to not change. If this is the case, this means that your particular package has never had a version bump by the lets-version library.
lets-version get-bumps
Gets a series of recommended version bumps for a specific package or set of pack
ages. NOTE: It is possible for your bump recommendation to not change. If this i
s the case, this means that your particular package has never had a version bump
by the lets-version library.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--cwd The folder to use as root when running command. Defaults
to your session's CWD
[string] [default: "/Users/benjaminduran/devlop/opensource/lets-version"]
--json If true, lists results as a JSON blob piped to your term
inal [boolean] [default: false]
-p, --package One or more packages to check. You can specify multiple
by doing -p <name1> -p <name2> -p <name3> [array]
--noFetchAll If true, will not fetch information from remote via "git
fetch origin" [boolean] [default: false]
--noFetchTags If true, does not force fetch tags from origin. By defau
lt, lets-version will do "git fetch origin --tags --forc
e" to ensure your branch if up-to-date with the tags on
origin [boolean] [default: false]
--releaseAs Releases each changed package as this release type or as
an exact version. "major" "minor" "patch" "alpha" "beta
" "auto" or an exact semver version number are allowed.
[string] [default: "auto"]
--preid The "prerelease identifier" to use as a prefix for the "
prerelease" part of a semver. Like the rc in 1.2.0-rc.8.
If this is specified, a bump type of "prerelease" will
always take place, causing any "--releaseAs" setting to
be ignored. [string]
--uniqify If true, will append the git SHA at version bump time to
the end of the version number (while maintaining valid
semver) [boolean] [default: false]
--forceAll If true, forces all packages to receive a bump update, r
egardless of whether they have changed. What this means,
in practice, is that any package that would not normall
y be changed will receive a PATCH update (or an equivale
nt if --preid is set)
[deprecated: Use --force instead] [boolean] [default: false]
--force If true, forces all packages to receive a bump update, r
egardless of whether they have changed. What this means,
in practice, is that any package that would not normall
y be changed will receive a PATCH update (or an equivale
nt if --preid is set) [boolean] [default: false]
--updatePeer If true, will update any dependent "package.json#peerDep
endencies" fields [boolean] [default: false]
--updateOptional If true, will update any dependent "package.json#optiona
lDependencies" fields [boolean] [default: false]
Gets a series of recommended version bumps for a specific package or set of packages, applies the version bumps, and updates all repository dependents to match the version that has been updated.
lets-version apply-bumps
Gets a series of recommended version bumps for a specific package or set of pack
ages, applies the version bumps, and updates all repository dependents to match
the version that has been updated.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--cwd The folder to use as root when running command. Defaul
ts to your session's CWD
[string] [default: "/Users/benjaminduran/devlop/opensource/lets-version"]
--json If true, lists results as a JSON blob piped to your te
rminal [boolean] [default: false]
-p, --package One or more packages to check. You can specify multipl
e by doing -p <name1> -p <name2> -p <name3> [array]
--noFetchAll If true, will not fetch information from remote via "g
it fetch origin" [boolean] [default: false]
--noFetchTags If true, does not force fetch tags from origin. By def
ault, lets-version will do "git fetch origin --tags --
force" to ensure your branch if up-to-date with the ta
gs on origin [boolean] [default: false]
--releaseAs Releases each changed package as this release type or
as an exact version. "major" "minor" "patch" "alpha" "
beta" "auto" or an exact semver version number are all
owed. [string] [default: "auto"]
--preid The "prerelease identifier" to use as a prefix for the
"prerelease" part of a semver. Like the rc in 1.2.0-r
c.8. If this is specified, a bump type of "prerelease"
will always take place, causing any "--releaseAs" set
ting to be ignored. [string]
--uniqify If true, will append the git SHA at version bump time
to the end of the version number (while maintaining va
lid semver) [boolean] [default: false]
--forceAll If true, forces all packages to receive a bump update,
regardless of whether they have changed. What this me
ans, in practice, is that any package that would not n
ormally be changed will receive a PATCH update (or an
equivalent if --preid is set)
[deprecated: Use --force instead] [boolean] [default: false]
--force If true, forces all packages to receive a bump update,
regardless of whether they have changed. What this me
ans, in practice, is that any package that would not n
ormally be changed will receive a PATCH update (or an
equivalent if --preid is set)
[boolean] [default: false]
--updatePeer If true, will update any dependent "package.json#peerD
ependencies" fields [boolean] [default: false]
--updateOptional If true, will update any dependent "package.json#optio
nalDependencies" fields [boolean] [default: false]
--saveExact If true, saved dependencies will be configured with an
exact version rather than using npm's default semver
range operator [boolean] [default: false]
--allowUncommitted If true, will allow the version operation to continue
when there are uncommitted files in the repo at versio
n bump time. This is usefull if you have some scripts
that need to run after version bumps are performed, bu
t potentially before you issue a git commit and subseq
uent npm publish operation. [boolean] [default: false]
--dryRun If true, will print the changes that are expected to h
appen at every step instead of actually writing the ch
anges [boolean] [default: false]
--rollupChangelog If true, in addition to updating changelog files for a
ll packages that will be bumped, creates a "rollup" CH
ANGELOG.md at the root of the repo that contains an ag
gregate of changes [boolean] [default: false]
--noChangelog If true, will not write CHANGELOG.md updates for each
package that has changed [boolean] [default: false]
--noCommit If true, will modify all required files but leave them
uncommitted after all operations have completed. This
will also prevent a git push from occurring
[boolean] [default: false]
--noInstall If true, will skip running "npm install" or your packa
ge manager's equivalent install after applying the bum
ps [boolean] [default: false]
--noPush If true, will not push changes and tags to origin
[boolean] [default: false]
-y, --yes If true, skips any confirmation prompts. Useful if you
need to automate this process in CI
[boolean] [default: false]
Gets a list of all files that have changed in the current branch.
lets-version changed-files-since-branch
Gets a list of all files that have changed in the current branch.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--cwd The folder to use as root when running command. Defaults to you
r session's CWD
--json If true, lists results as a JSON blob piped to your terminal
[boolean] [default: false]
-b, --branch Name of the branch to check against. [string] [default: "main"]
-p, --package One or more packages to check. You can specify multiple by doin
g -p <name1> -p <name2> -p <name3> [array]
Gets a list of all packages that have changed in the current branch.
lets-version changed-packages-since-branch
Gets a list of all packages that have changed in the current branch.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--cwd The folder to use as root when running command. Defaults to you
r session's CWD
--json If true, lists results as a JSON blob piped to your terminal
[boolean] [default: false]
-b, --branch Name of the branch to check against. [string] [default: "main"]
-p, --package One or more packages to check. You can specify multiple by doin
g -p <name1> -p <name2> -p <name3> [array]
--byName If true and the --json flag has not been set, reports the chang
ed packages by their package.json names, instead of by their re
lative file paths [boolean] [default: false]
Node API
The Node API is a 1:1 match for the CLI API, and can be used in its place. All exported functions accept the same arguments and product the same results. There are some additional functions that are available when using the Node API, if you're interested in exploring
Returns all detected packages for this repository
- Parameters
opts?.cwd?: string
- Defaults toappRootPath.toString()
Given an optional array of package names, reads the latest git tag that was used in a previous version bump operation.
- Parameters
opts?.names?: string[]
- Defaults to[]
opts?.noFetchTags?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
opts?.cwd?: string
- Defaults toappRootPath.toString()
Gets a list of all files that have changed since the last publish for a specific package or set of packages. If no results are returned, it likely means that there was not a previous version tag detected in git.
- Parameters
opts?.names?: string[]
- Defaults to[]
opts?.noFetchTags?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
opts?.cwd?: string
- Defaults toappRootPath.toString()
Gets a list of all packages that have changed since the last publish for a specific package or set of packages. If no results are returned, it likely means that there was not a previous version tag detected in git.
- Parameters
opts?.names?: string[]
- Defaults to[]
opts?.noFetchTags?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
opts?.cwd?: string
- Defaults toappRootPath.toString()
Parses commits since last publish for a specific package or set of packages and returns them represented as Conventional Commits objects.
- Parameters
opts?.names?: string[]
- Defaults to[]
opts?.cwd?: string
- Defaults toappRootPath.toString()
Given an optional list of package names, parses the git history since the last bump operation and suggests a bump. NOTE: It is possible for your bump recommendation to not change. If this is the case, this means that your particular package has never had a version bump by the lets-version library.
- Parameters
opts?.names?: string[]
- Defaults toundefined
opts?.releaseAs?: ReleaseAsPresets
- Defaults toReleaseAsPresets.AUTO
opts?.preid?: string
- Defaults toundefined
opts?.uniqify?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
opts?.forceAll?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
opts?.noFetchAll?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
opts?.noFetchTags?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
opts?.updatePeer?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
opts?.updateOptional?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
opts?.cwd?: string
- Defaults toappRootPath.toString()
Given an optional list of package names, parses the git history since the last bump operation, suggest a bump and applies it, also updating any dependent package.json files across your repository. NOTE: It is possible for your bump recommendation to not change. If this is the case, this means that your particular package has never had a version bump by the lets-version library.
- Parameters
opts?.names?: string[]
- Defaults toundefined
opts?.releaseAs?: ReleaseAsPresets
- Defaults toReleaseAsPresets.AUTO
opts?.preid?: string
- Defaults toundefined
opts?.uniqify?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
opts?.forceAll?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
opts?.noFetchAll?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
opts?.noFetchTags?: boolean
- Defaults tofalse
- If true, skips all user confirmations - Defaults tofalse
- If true, will update any dependent "package.json#peerDependencies" fields - Defaults tofalse
- If true, will update any dependent"package.json#optionalDependencies"
fields - Defaults tofalse
- If true, will prevent pushing any changes to upstream / origin - Defaults tofalse
- If true, in addition to updating changelog files for all packages that will be bumped, creates a "rollup" CHANGELOG.md at the root of the repo that contains an aggregate of changes.opts?.noChangelog
- If true, will not write CHANGELOG.md updates for each package that has changed. Defaults tofalse
- If true, will print the changes that are expected to happen at every step instead of actually writing the changes. Defaults tofalse
. array of change log entries and returns the full changelog entry string. Defaults toundefined
.opts?.cwd?: string
- Defaults toappRootPath.toString()
Gets a list of all files that have changed since the current branch was created.
- Parameters
opts?.branch?: string
- Defaults tomain
opts?.names?: string[]
- Defaults toundefined
opts?.cwd?: string
- Defaults toappRootPath.toString()
Gets a list of all packages that have changed since the current branch was created.
- Parameters
opts?.branch?: string
- Defaults tomain
opts?.names?: string[]
- Defaults toundefined
opts?.cwd?: string
- Defaults toappRootPath.toString()
Advanced configuration
The lets-version
library supports some additional configurations, which can be enabled and customized by creating a letsVersion.config.mjs
config file in the root of your repository. Please take note of the .mjs extension. If you would like TypeScript type assistance support, you can use the provided defineLetsVersionConfig(config)
function for this, which is a simple pass-through function. The available options are listed below, all of which are optional:
import { defineLetsVersionConfig } from '@better-builds/lets-version';
export default defineLetsVersionConfig({
changelog: {
* A custom formatter that will take in all of the changes for a version and output what the change
* log entry should look like
* @param {ChangelogUpdate} updates - The updates to be included in the changelog entry for a version
* @param {ChangelogUpdate[]} allUpdates - The list of all updates for the context about the changes in other packages
* @returns {string} The formatted line to represent the entire changelog entry for a version
changeLogEntryFormatter(updates, allUpdates) {
// updates is an instance of the `ChangelogUpdate` class.
return ''; // Return some string to alter the Changelog contents, or null if you want to omit
* A custom formatter that will take in a single commit line and return a formatted string.
* @param {GitConventional} line - The individual line to format
* @returns {string | null} The formatted line or null if you want to ignore the line
changelogLineFormatter(conventional) {
// conventional is an instance of the `GitConventional` class
return ''; // Return some string to alter the Changelog contents, or null if you want to omit this line
* A custom formatter that will take in an instance of the ChangelogAggregateUpdate,
* which contains all of the updates and subsequent individual lines for the commit.
* If the output of this function is a string, this will cause an aggregated
* changelog to get written.
* @param {ChangelogAggregateUpdate} aggregatedUpdate
* @returns {string | null} String contents to be written, or null if you want nothing to be written
changeLogRollupFormatter(aggregatedUpdate) {
// aggregatedUpdate is an instance of the `ChangelogAggregateUpdate` class
return ''; // Return some string to alter the Changelog contents, or null if you want to skip writing a rollup changelog
Get started contributing
- Clone this repo
- Run
- Happy hacking! ⌨️