Generate GraphQL Schema and @besync/graphstore Model from Firebase realtime database
GRAPHSTORE-DEV Model Generator
This repository contains an automatic code generator. It converts a production Firebase to a GraphQL style database schema and in turn such a GraphQl schmea to typescript code that drops right into @besync/graphstore.
Non-production prototype
This is a working prototype that was corrected to work off a single production database. It will likely require some debugging and editing of the code generation to work for your database.
Example input
"users": {
"google-Jk0wcm5svSaBAU6Doh5UlPqBrZj1:0": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"profile_picture": "https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-asdsdad/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAJY/dfqq8tfiGoA/photo.jpg",
"username": "Demo User"
Example generated output (GraphQL)
type User
@connector(byId: "(id) => getDocument('users/${id}')")
id: UserId! @primary,
email: String!,
profile_picture: String!,
username: String!
chats: [Chat] @resolver(get: "ChatsForUser(id)"),
logs: [Log] @resolver(get: "LogsForUser(id)"),
userPosts: [UserPost] @resolver(get: "UserPostsForUser(id)")
Example generated output (TypeScript)
export class User extends Model
@primary @observable id: string;
@observable email: string;
@observable profile_picture: string;
@observable username: string;
@resolver get chats(): Chat[] { return ChatStore.getChatsForUser(this.id); };
@resolver get logs(): Log[] { return LogStore.getLogsForUser(this.id); };
@resolver get userPosts(): UserPost[] { return UserPostStore.getUserPostsForUser(this.id); };
protected static Store: typeof Store = UserStore;
constructor (defaults: {id: string, [extra: string]: any }, ...args) { super(defaults, ...args); }
Command Line Usage (Firebase Json to GraphQL)
graphstore-dev firebase data/db-export.json build/schema.graphql
Command Line Usage (GraphQL to TypeScript)
graphstore-dev graphql build/schema.graphql src/model.ts
See besync\graphstore-test-mockdata package.json for an example of where this is used in an npm script.
Alternative API to execute the generator from Javascript Node.js or equivalent application
var inputfile = path.resolve(__dirname, "../data/db-export.json");
var graphQLFile = path.resolve(__dirname, "../build/schema.graphql");
var modelTSFile = path.resolve(__dirname, "../src/model.ts");
importJsonExportGraphQl(inputfile, graphQLFile);
exportModelTs(modelTSFile, importGraphQl(graphQLFile));
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