GFX editor
Best Apps GFX Editor
Use Best Apps' GFX Editor as a React component or in vanilla JS
Table of contents
- Installation
- Usage in React
- Use as es6 module
- Use as script and window.embedGFX
- Using GFX instance
- Styling the editor
- Integrations
npm install @best-apps/gfx-editor
yarn add @best-apps/gfx-editor
Usage in React
import { GFXInstanceProvider, GFXInstance } from "@best-apps/gfx-editor";
function App() {
return (
width: 400,
height: 600,
margin: 20,
border: "1px solid black",
position: "relative", // You have to wrap the editor in an element with width/height and position: fixed/relative/absolute
v1TemplateId={123} // The v1TemplateId for you product and design
That will render the editor in an iframe and give you the full interface for interacting with your design/template/product
Wherever you want to put the Editor you have to put it inside <GFXInstanceProvider />
. This creates a React context so
that every component nested within it has access to gfx
with useGFXInstance()
Use <GFXInstance {...props} />
wherever you want to render the Editor in an iframe.
- First create a
, andposition
styles so that the editor can fill this container element. - Wrap this and whatever other components need access to
within a GFXInstanceProvider component. - Provide a react ref as
. It will get initialized with agfx
instance object.
This hook will get gfx
from context. Here is an example:
import { useGFXInstance } from "@best-app/gfx-editor";
function Button() {
const gfx = useGFXInstance();
return <button onClick={() => gfx?.actions.flipCanvas()}>Flip canvas</button>;
If you are attempting to get the parent gfx
from context in a React class component, use GFXInstanceContext
directly. Here is an example:
import { GFXInstanceContext } from "@best-app/gfx-editor";
class ButtonWrapper extends React.Component {
static contextType = GFXInstanceContext;
render() {
const gfx = this.context;
return (
<button onClick={() => gfx?.actions.flipCanvas()}>Flip canvas</button>
You can also use GFXInstanceConsumer with a child render callback to access the parent gfx
from context. Here is an example:
import { GFXInstanceConsumer } from "@best-app/gfx-editor";
function Button() {
return (
{(gfx) => {
<button onClick={() => gfx?.actions.flipCanvas()}>Flip canvas</button>;
NOTE: This is only useful if you are creating your own UI for the Editor.
When creating your own toolbars and buttons, you will often need to know exactly what TYPE OF object has been
actively selected. This is where useActiveObjectType
is useful.
This hook will return:
Here is an example:
function TopToolbar() {
const activeObjectType = useActiveObjectType(gfx?.state);
if (activeObjectType === "LikeCustomTextbox") {
return (
onClick={() =>
menuType: "strokeColorOnTextbox",
Open stroke color drawer
Use as es6 module
Sort of like ReactDOM.render
, you call this with a config object and an html element where we should insert the
import { embedGFX } from '@best-apps/gfx-editor';
const gfx = embedGFX({
v1TemplateId: 1234
}, document.getElementById(#editor - container))
Once you have the gfx
object, you can build a UI that incorporates gfx.actions
and gfx.state
Using GFX Instance
GFX actions
You call these like gfx.actions.flipCanvas()
: This flips the canvas (if there is a front and back to the design and product). Wall art, for example, will not flip.rotateCanvas()
: This will rotate the canvas (only when using wall art or poster printables)openMenu: (activeMenu: ActiveMenuType) => Promise<void>
. This opens a menu/drawer.ActiveMenuType
is one of these:openMenu({ menuType: 'sticker' })
: to open the sticker draweropenMenu({ menuType: 'printableColor' })
: to open the color selection drawer to change the color on the garment or wall art (what we call "printables")openMenu({ menuType: 'strokeColorOnTextbox' })
: to open the color selection drawer to select the color for the stroke on text in a textboxopenMenu({ menuType: 'fillColorOnTextbox' })
: to open the color selection drawer to select fill color on text in a textboxopenMenu({ menuType: 'fontFamilyOnTextbox' })
: to open the sticker draweropenMenu({ menuType: 'fillColorOnAllTextboxes' })
: to open the color selection drawer to select fill color on ALL text in ALL textboxes and text slots
closeMenu: () => void
: Closes the menu (any menu)setFillColorOnTextbox: (color: string) => void
: This will set the fill color on text in a textboxsetFillColorOnTextboxSlot: (slotId: number, color: string) => void
: Set fill color on text in a text slotsetFillColorOnAllTextboxes: (color: string) => void
: Sets the fill color on ALL text boxessetFontFamilyOnTextbox: (...args: any) => void
: Sets the font family on a textboxsetStrokeColorOnTextbox: (...args: any) => Promise<void>
: Sets the stroke color on a given textboxsetImageOnImageSlot: (...args: any) => Promise<void>
: Sets the image on an image slotsetPrintableColor: (color: string) => void
: Sets the printable color to the specified colornextColor: () => void
: Toggles the color on the "printable"updateDesignOnState: () => void
: This just creates an export of the design and put is ongfx.state.design
debouncedUpdateDesignOnState: () => Promise<void>
: A debounced version of theupdateDesignOnState
methodtoggleZoom: () => void
: Toggles the zoom on the editor canvasaddText: () => Promise<void>
: Adds a customizable textbox to the canvasaddImage: (urlOrBase64: string, addImageOptions?: AddImageOptions) => Promise<void>
: Adds an image to the canvasrotateActiveObject: (angle: number, animate?: boolean) => void
: Rotates the active objectalignActiveObject: (position: AlignPosition, animate?: boolean) => void
: Aligns the active object depending on the arguments you pass in:AlignPosition: 'center' | 'centerHorizontally' | 'centerVertically' | 'alignToTop'
showAlert: (alertOptions: AlertOptions) => void
: Shows an alert you specify withalertOptions
title: string
: The title of the alertbody?: string
: The body of the alerttimeout?: number
: How long before the alert is dismissed automaticallydismissable: boolean
: Whether or not the alert can be dismisseddismissableButtonLabel?: string
: And what the dismiss button label is
hideAlert: () => void
: Hides any active alertgetProofs: (quality?: number) => Promise<GFXProofs>
: Gets proofs and sends back their base64 representationsaveDesign: (options?) => Promise<void>
: Saves the design to our db- options:
- designNumber: string: The design number to save the design as.
- printableColor: string: The printable color to save the design as.
- proofs: string[]: The proofs Size to be returned in response. Valid values:
'low' | 'medium' | 'high'
- options:
removeSlot: (props: { uuid: string }) => Promise<void>
: Removes a slot by its UUID.setFontSizeOnTextbox: (fontSize: number) => void
: Sets the font size on the active textbox.setInchesSize: (width: number, height: number) => Promise<void>
: Sets the size of the active object in inches.getInchesSize: (uuid?: string) => { width: number, height: number } | null
: Gets the size of the specified object in inches.setCustomPropertyOnSlot: (slotIdentifier: string | number, value: string, textValue?: string) => Promise<void>
: Sets a custom property on a slot such as new image or other value.applySlotProperties: (objects: GFXCanvasObjectType[]) => Promise<void>
: Applies properties to slots based on the object list passed.setSlotAlias: (props: { alias: string, uuid: string }) => Promise<void>
: Sets an alias for a slot.setFitToContainer: (fitToContainer: boolean) => Promise<void>
: Sets whether the slot should fit to the container. fitToContainer in false should crop to match the container (Only work for images slots).moveElementTo: (uuid: string, newPosition: number) => Promise<void>
: Moves an element to a new position. Updates Z Index position.runWalkthroughAction: (step: number) => Promise<void>
: Runs a walkthrough action.highlightSlotById: (slotId: number, selectSlot?: boolean, toggleSlot?: boolean) => Promise<void>
: Highlights a slot by its ID.setActiveObjectNegative: (negative: boolean) => Promise<void>
: Sets the active object as negative.setTextAlign: (align: 'left' | 'center' | 'right') => Promise<void>
: Sets the text alignment on the active textbox.uploadImage: () => Promise<void>
: Uploads an image.getSides: () => Promise<number>
: Gets the number of sides in the design.getTemplateInfo: () => Promise<EditedTemplateInfo>
: Gets the template information.adjustSlotsScale: (scale: number, topSpace: number, section: SectionType) => Promise<void>
: Adjusts the scale of slots.setObjectActive: (uuid: string) => void
: Sets an object as active by its UUID.copy: () => void
: Copies the active object.paste: () => string | null
: Pastes the copied object in the current canvas.duplicate: () => string | null
: Duplicates the active object.removeObject: () => Promise<void>
: Removes the active object.setScaleCenter: (scale: number) => Promise<void>
: Sets the scale of the active object to the center.toggleGroupAllObjects: () => Promise<void>
: Toggles grouping of all objects.setCustomTextWidth: (width: number) => Promise<void>
: Sets the custom width of the active text object.fitGroupToPrintableArea: () => Promise<void>
: If toggle group enable, it fits the group to the printable area.validateIsEditorReady: () => Promise<boolean>
: Validates if the editor is ready by checking if all sections, images, and fonts are loaded. It will return true after all are loaded.
GFX State
These are properties on gfx state. You might access them like gfx.state.isZooming
isSyncing: boolean
cornerIcons: CornerIcons
canFlip: boolean
canRotate: boolean
canChangeColor: boolean
status: Status
statusCode: StatusCode
orientation: PrintableInfoOrientation
activeObject: GFXCanvasObjectType | null
isZooming: boolean
scale: number
centerPoints: GFXCenterPointsBySection
alert?: AlertOptions | null
design: V2Design
activeSection: SectionType
activeV2Printable: V2Printable
isSupportedBrowser: boolean
productId: number | string | null
designId: number | string | null
designNumber: string | null
v1TemplateId: number | string | null
initialData: GFXInitialDataType
windowWidth: number | null
windowHeight: number | null
stickers: number[]
GFX events
You call these like gfx.actions.flipCanvas()
onStateChange: (payload: GFXStateType) => void
: your favorite probably, a way to listen for state changesonColorChanged: (color: string) => void
: when the printable/garment color is changedonTextFillColorChanged: (color: string) => void
: when text fill color is changedonObjectRemoved: (obj: GFXCanvasObjectType) => void
:onObjectDoubleClicked: (obj: GFXCanvasObjectType) => void
:onSelectionCleared: (payload: {
:deselected: GFXCanvasObjectType[] | null
:selected: GFXCanvasObjectType[] | null
:}) => void
:onImageSelectedInSlot: (obj: GFXCanvasObjectType) => void
:onBeforeSelectionCleared: (payload: { deselected: GFXCanvasObjectType[] }) => void
:onObjectSelectionUpdated: (payload: {
:onImageIdUpdatedOnSlot: (payload: { slotId: number; imageId: number }) => void
:onUpdatedCustomSlot: (payload: any) => void
Example usage:
var gfx = window.embedGFX(
v1TemplateId: 829, // Just an example v1TemplateId
interfaceType: "full",
gfx.addEventListener("onStateChange", (state) => console.log(state));
Styling the editor
We use BEM style classnames throughout the editor UI, and you can provide a stylehseet as a text string in the gfxConfig.customOptions.css
property in order to override our existing styles.
var gfx = window.embedGFX(
v1TemplateId: 829, // Just an example v1TemplateId
interfaceType: "full",
gfxConfig: {
disableTOS: true, // to hide the watermark (only applicable on full interface)
showWatermark: false, // to hide the watermark (only applicable on full interface)
showInitialToast: true, // show the initial toast message by default
customOptions: {
css: `
.AbstractDrawer {
background: #fff !important;
border-top: 1px solid #2b2c2d18;
border-radius: 0;
Shopify App Installation
We provided a usefull Shopify App to embed our GFX Editor into your shopify Theme. To install the app into your store, check this documentation: Shopify App
Shopify Manual Installation
When integrating your Shopify store with gfx you must
- Add a property to line items:
- Add an attribute to the order:
app_flow: 'embedded'
To get the design_number
, you must call gfx.actions.saveDesign()
which will return a SavedDesign
This repo contains a working example of how to integrate gfx with Shopify using liquid.
Here is an example of how you would do this with an ajax request with Jquery:
const savedDesign = await gfx.actions.saveDesign();
await $.post(
quantity: parseInt(quantity.value),
id: parseInt(window.currentVariant),
attributes: {
app_flow: "embedded",
properties: {
design_number: savedDesign.designNumber,
With liquid templates
This usually requires custom implementation support right now. Please contact your GFX account manager.
Basically, you must add the properties to your form:
<form method="post" action="/cart/add">
<input type="hidden" name="properties[design_number]" value="DESIGN_NUMBER" />
<input type="text" name="id" value="VARIANT_ID" />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
Externals Fulfillments:
Our designs seamlessly integrate with your workflow. Once you’ve crafted your design in the gfx editor, simply utilize our API to send it directly. The API accepts data structured in a specific format, ensuring smooth integration with your existing systems. Check docs here