This package contains the data access layer for the Bespoken API. It is responsible for all interactions with bespoken data stores.
This package contains the data access layer for the Bespoken API. It is responsible for all interactions with bespoken data stores.
Data sources
- MySql 8 Database server: mysql.bespoken.io (refer to Batch Tester MySQL for credentials)
- Firebase
This includes libraries for:
- admin
- client
- MongoDB
This package runs isolated and does not require more configurations than setting the environment where runs to.
| Environment | Value | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | | DA_ENV | dev or prod | Indicates the environment where it will connect. This will use one o another encrypted-dev.env or encrypted-prod.env file |
Note: All env vars for running are saved in the repository( they are encrypted using SOPS and AGE).
Just for reference the list of env vars and its soures are listed below:
| Environment | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | DA_ENV | It must be set on the project where it will be used. Indicates the environment where it will connect. This will use one o another encrypted-dev.env or encrypted-prod.env file | | DA_PRISMA_BESPOKEN_DB | Url to connect the MySql database on mys1l8.bespoken.io. | | DA_PRISMA_BESPOKEN_DB_SHADOW | Url to connect shadow MySql database on mys1l8.bespoken.io. This is only for development when the migration is calculated. | | DA_FIREBASE_KEY | Firebase configuration to access the admin API level. Gives access to manitpulate the data or create accounts | | DA_FIREBASE_EMAIL | Firebase configuration to access the admin API level. Gives access to manitpulate the data or create accounts | | DA_FIREBASE_PROJECT | Firebase configuration to access the admin API level. Gives access to manitpulate the data or create accounts | | DA_FIREBASE_URL | Firebase configuration to access the admin API level. Gives access to manitpulate the data or create accounts | | DA_FIREBASE_CLIENT_API_KEY | Firebase configuration to access the client API level. | to validate Firebase toke(like JWT authentication when user login to dashboard) | | DA_FIREBASE_CLIENT_AUTH_DOMAIN| Firebase configuration to access the client API level. Give access to validate Firebase toke(like JWT authentication when user login to dashboard) | | DA_FIREBASE_CLIENT_DATABASE_URL| Firebase configuration to access the client API level. Give access to validate Firebase toke(like JWT authentication when user login to dashboard) | | DA_FIREBASE_CLIENT_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID| Firebase configuration to access the client API level. Give access to validate Firebase toke(like JWT authentication when user login to dashboard) | | DA_FIREBASE_CLIENT_STORAGE_BUCKET| Firebase configuration to access the client API level. Give access to validate Firebase toke(like JWT authentication when user login to dashboard) | | DA_FIREBASE_CLIENT_TOKEN| Firebase configuration to access the client API level. Give access to validate Firebase toke(like JWT authentication when user login to dashboard) | | DA_MONGO_URL | To connect to MongoDB | | DA_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN | To coonect to Github API to manage test suite files | | DA_GITHUB_ORGANIZATION | To coonect to Github API to manage test suite files | | DA_JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64 | JWT token key for authentication. This is encoded in base64. To support the internal-api authentication | | DA_INTUIT_CLIENT_ID | Quickbooks API credentials | | DA_INTUIT_CLIENT_SECRET | Quickbooks API credentials | | DA_INTUIT_ENVIRONMENT | Quickbooks API credentials | | DA_INTUIT_REDIRECTURI | Quickbooks API credentials | | DA_INTUIT_COMPANY_ID | Quickbooks API credentials | | DA_DYNAMODB_REGION | Configuration to access AWS DynamoDB. It uses one db for dev and prod, orgin field is used for diferenctiate between environments | | DA_DYNAMODB_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Configuration to access AWS DynamoDB. | | DA_DYNAMODB_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Configuration to access AWS DynamoDB. | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_ALEXA_OAUTH_URL | Alexa configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created. (For Bots. Console: https://developer.amazon.com/alexa/console/avs/products/AlexaBot/details/info) | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_ALEXA_AVS_CLIENT_ID | Alexa configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created. (For Bots) | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_ALEXA_AVS_CLIENT_SECRET | Alexa configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created. (For Bots) | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_ALEXA_AVS_PRODUCT_ID | Alexa configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created. (For Bots) | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_ALEXAMUSIC_OAUTH_URL | Alexa configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created. (For Music device, Console: https://developer.amazon.com/alexa/console/avs/products/VirtualDeviceMusic/details/info) | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_ALEXAMUSIC_AVS_CLIENT_ID | Alexa configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created. (For Music device) | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_ALEXAMUSIC_AVS_CLIENT_SECRET | Alexa configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created. (For Music device) | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_ALEXAMUSIC_AVS_PRODUCT_ID | Alexa configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created. (For Music device) | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_GOOGLE_OAUTH_URL | Google configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created.(Console: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/oauthclient/969501293302-726fr1b001sg3lg1ouk4u3l0m77h3skh.apps.googleusercontent.com?authuser=2&project=silent-echo) | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_GOOGLE_ASSISTANT_CLIENT_ID | Google configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created. | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_GOOGLE_ASSISTANT_CLIENT_SECRET | Google configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created. | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_CRYPT_KEY_REFESH_TOKEN | Google configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created. | | DA_VIRTUALDEVICE_JWT_STATE_BASE64 | Google configuration for creating access tokens when virtual device is created. |
Example of usage
// 1. Set the environment where it will run
export DA_ENV=dev
// 2. Add the package to your project
pnpm add @bespoken-api/package-x add @bespoken-api/data-access
// 2. Import the dao class from the package and run
const { AppSettingsDao } = require("@bespoken-api/data-access")
const dao = new AppSettingsDao()
const dto = await dao.readAppSettings('dashboard')
Adding new env vars
For adding new env vars, you must decrypt the file into .env. Then copy .env content, replace it on the encrypted-*.env, and then encrypt this file again.
Use prefix DA_ for all vars
Requires to have SOPS and AGE installed in your machine. Also, have the Public and Prive keys to encrypt/decrypt the files. see: README.md
There is a file for each environment encrypted-dev.env and encrypted-prod.env. To add a new env var, you need to add it to each of the encrypted files.
You can use the following steps to add a new env var:
- Decrypt one of the file, for example, encrypted-dev.env (cwd: data-access folder)
pnpm -w run sops:decrypt --file=./encrypted-dev.env
- Open the file .env and copy the content( this content will be used to replace the content of encrypted-dev.env)
## Prisma
DA_OTHER_VAR="other value"
- Replace the content of encrypted-dev.env with the content of .env and add the new env var
## Prisma
DA_OTHER_VAR="other value"
## New group
DA_NEW_VAR="new value"
- Encrypt the file again
pnpm -w run sops:encrypt --file=./encrypted-dev.env
- Repeat steps 1 to 4 for encrypted-prod.env
Reading env vars from code
The reading process is done by the sopsConfig function. This function is called in the index.js file of the package and sets the value in the object process.env . It is called only once and it is called with the encrypted-dev.env or encrypted-prod.env file depending on the value of DA_ENV env var.
Then modify the config
class in /libs/utils/configuration.js
const config = new class {
_cache = {}
get DA_ENV() { return process.env.DA_ENV }
// Add the new variable
get DA_NEW_VAR() { return process.env.DA_ENV }
// If requires to use read multi-line env var encode it in base64 and then decode in this class
if (isUndefined(this._cache?.DA_JWT_PRIVATE_KEY)) {
this._cache.DA_JWT_PRIVATE_KEY = Buffer.from(toString(process?.env?.DA_JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64), 'base64').toString('utf-8')
return this._cache?.DA_JWT_PRIVATE_KEY
Then to use it in code, import the config object and use it as follows:
const { config: { DA_NEW_VAR }
} = require('../utils/configuration')
Adding new data sources
New data sources should be added in the folder /libs/datasources/ file.
Adding new DAOs
New DAOs should be added in the folder /libs/daos/ file.
Develop database schema modifications
Read Prisma Documentation for more information about Prisma Migrations
Prisma requires to prebuild a client library before execution. This is done automatically when running
commands. And can be run manually by running withprisma:generate
. This library depends on the platform where it's running to prebuild this lib. This is configured on theprisma/schema.prisma
file in theclient.binaryTargets
those files should be committed to git.
The following commands are provided for development and publishing purposes.
depending on the required for its execution.
Create and run a migration for development purposes
pnpm --filter=@bespoken-api/data-access run prisma:migrate
Create a customized migration
pnpm --filter=@bespoken-api/data-access run prisma:draft
Deploy changes in production
pnpm --filter=@bespoken-api/data-access run prisma:draft
Generate client library
pnpm --filter=@bespoken-api/data-access run prisma:draft
Usage examples
Add a new column
- Modify the schema.prisma file adding the new column(set nullable or)
model AppSetting {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
app String
name String
content Json
// new column
new_column String?
- Run prisma:migrate command
Remember changes are applied to
Command will ask for the migration name. Set a descriptive name for it and commit the changes to git.
pnpm --filter=@bespoken-api/data-access run prisma:migrate
Add new column from values in another column
- Modify the schema.prisma file adding the new column(set nullable or)
model AppSetting {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
app String
name String
content Json
// new column
new_column String?
- Run prisma:migrate command
Remember changes are applied to
Command will ask the migration name set a descriptive name for it.
pnpm --filter=@bespoken-api/data-access run prisma:migrate
- Create a custom migration to copy the data
Command will ask the migration name. Set a descriptive name for it.
pnpm --filter=@bespoken-api/data-access run prisma:draft
- Edit the migration file created in the previous step(find the new migration file into the folder
-- This is an empty migration.
update app_settings
new_column = name;
- Run the migration
pnpm --filter=@bespoken-api/data-access run prisma:migrate
- Remove the old column
model AppSetting {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
app String
content Json
// new column
new_column String?
- Run the migration
pnpm --filter=@bespoken-api/data-access run prisma:migrate
Other commands for development purposes are provided.
MySql using Prisma
The packages uses Prisma to interact with the MySql database. Prisma is an ORM that generates a client library based on the database schema. The client library is used to interact with the database.
NPM Scripts
Generate Client Library
This command generates the native client library based on prisma configurations. It runs automatically when push or migrate commands are executed.
pnpm --filter=@bespoken-api/data-access run prisma:generate