Benzinga Squawk JavaScript SDKs for Listener and Broadcaster
Squawk JavaScript SDK
Squawk JavaScript SDK for consumer and broadcaster service
- Using NPM
- Install the library
npm i @benzinga/benzinga-squawk-sdk --save
- Install the library
Using in typescript
- Import the library
import SquawkSDK from "@benzinga/benzinga-squawk-sdk"
Using from private CDN
- Add the script
<script src="/your_cdn/path/to/squawkjs.min.js"> </script>
Using in react native
The SDK also support react native. In order to use the SDK in our react native application we need to
- Add react native WebRTC module in our codebase ( The SDK itself is light and depends on the host application to add react native WebRTC SDK )
npm install react-native-webrtc --save
- Must call
, before initialize the SDK, so that WebRTC specific methods are available to global namespaces for the SDK to useregisterGlobals
- API Doc Reference for more details explanation
- Make sure you have necessary application permissions provided for WebRTC from both Android and iOS
Create a squawk instance of SquawkJS by calling
.Create a Squawk consumer instance
// if we want to use session based authentication new SquawkSDK.Builder(transportConfig: TransportConfig, callback?: SDKCallback) .withDebug() // enabling debug will add verbosity in the application. It is suggested not to use debug in production .withSession() .asListener() .build() // if we want to use api key based authentication new SquawkSDK.Builder(transportConfig: TransportConfig, callback?: SDKCallback) .withDebug() // enabling debug will add verbosity in the application. It is suggested not to use debug in production .withApiKey() .asListener() .build() // if we want to use JWT based authentication new SquawkSDK.Builder(transportConfig: TransportConfig, callback?: SDKCallback) .withDebug() // enabling debug will add verbosity in the application. It is suggested not to use debug in production .withJWT() .asListener() .build()
Create a Squawk broadcaster instance
// if we want to use session based authentication new SquawkSDK.Builder(transportConfig: TransportConfig, callback?: SDKCallback) .withDebug() // enabling debug will add verbosity in the application. It is suggested not to use debug in production .withSession() .asBroadcaster() .build() // if we want to use api key based authentication new SquawkSDK.Builder(transportConfig: TransportConfig, callback?: SDKCallback) .withDebug() // enabling debug will add verbosity in the application. It is suggested not to use debug in production .withApiKey() .asBroadcaster() .build() // if we want to use JWT based authentication new SquawkSDK.Builder(transportConfig: TransportConfig, callback?: SDKCallback) .withDebug() // enabling debug will add verbosity in the application. It is suggested not to use debug in production .withJWT() .asBroadcaster() .build()
Initialize the transport and establish a connection with API token, and username.
- It is an async function. It will return success or throw exception upon successfully connected, or failed with the Server
async initialize(apiKey: string): Promise<any>
- It is an async function. It will return success or throw exception upon successfully connected, or failed with the Server
Subscriber specific API
As a consumer you can use following SDK methods
- subscribeChannel - unsubscribeChannel - getTransportState - getChannelState - getAvailableChannels - getExistingPresenters - muteChannel - unMuteChannel - stop
Subscribe to a channel
It is an async function. Subscribe to a channel with a channel id and audio element. It will return success or throw exception if failed to subscribe the given channel.
async subscribeChannel(channelId: number): Promise<void>
Unsubscribe from a channel
It is an async function. Unsubscribe from a channel with a channel id. It will return success or throw exception if failed to un-subscribe from a channel
async unsubscribeChannel(channelId: number): Promise<void>
Query current SDK transport state
Calling this function will provide current
of the SDK.getTransportState(): TransportState
Get a channel state
It is an async function. Get a channel state. It will return success with
type or throw exception if failed to fetch channel stateasync getChannelState(channelId: number): Promise<RTCState>
Get a list of available channels
It is an async function. Get a list of currently available channel. It takes auth key as string and it will return success or throw exception if failed to fetch available channel
async getAvailableChannels(key: string): Promise<GetStreamResponse>
Get a list of existing presenters
Get a list of existing presenters. It will return an array of
getExistingPresenters(): Presenter[]
Mute channel subscriber
Mute a subscriber audio. Will throw exception if subscriber with given channel id is not present
muteChannel(channelId: number)
Unmute channel subscriber. Will throw exception if subscriber with given channel id is not present
Mute a subscriber audio
unMuteChannel(channelId: number)
Stop and disconnect client and release resource
It is an async function. It disconnects transport and client related resource. It will return success or throw exception if failed release transport and client resource
async stop(): Promise<any>
Broadcaster specific API
As a broadcaster you can use following SDK methods
- startBroadcasting - stopBroadcasting - getTransportState - getChannelState - getAvailableChannels - getExistingPresenters - muteChannel - unMuteChannel - stop
Start broadcasting to a channel
It is an async function. Calling this method will start broadcasting to given channel or if throw error if failed.
async startBroadcasting(channelId: number): Promise<void>
Stop broadcasting to a channel
It is an async function. Calling this method will stop broadcasting to the given channel or if throw error if failed.
async stopBroadcasting(channelId: number): Promise<void>
Query current SDK transport state
Calling this function will provide current
of the SDK.getTransportState(): TransportState
Get a channel state
It is an async function. Get a channel state. It will return success with
type or throw exception if failed to fetch channel stateasync getChannelState(channelId: number): Promise<RTCState>
Mute channel broadcaster
Mute a broadcaster audio. Will throw exception if subscriber with given channel id is not present
muteChannel(channelId: number)
Unmute channel broadcaster. Will throw exception if subscriber with given channel id is not present
Mute a broadcaster audio
unMuteChannel(channelId: number)
Get a list of available channel
It is an async function. Get a list of currently available channel. It takes auth key as string and it will return success or throw exception if failed to fetch available channel
async getAvailableChannels(key: string): Promise<GetStreamResponse>
Get a list of existing presenters
Get a list of existing presenters. It will return an array of
getExistingPresenters(): Presenter[]
Stop and disconnect client and release resource
It is an async function. It disconnects transport and client related resource. It will return success or throw exception if failed release transport and client resource
async stop(): Promise<any>
Example codebase
Please keep request timeout( requestTimeoutInMs
) less than or equal to connection timeout ( connectionTimeoutInMs
) in order to keep the application behaviour consistent
// create a transport config object
const transportConfig = {
serverAddress: 'wss://squawk-lb.zingbot.bz/ws/v4/squawk',
connectionTimeoutInMs: 5000 + 10000, // 15 second
requestTimeoutInMs: 10000, // 10 second
maxRetry: 5,
} as TransportConfig
// Create a listener or broadcaster specific callback
// SDK callback object is used to listen squawk RTC realted service related callback
// Listener callback if you are using listener
const sdkCallBack = {
onMediaOverride(channelId: number): void {
// implementation here
onPresenterStateChange(presenterState: PresenterState, channelId: number): void {
// implementation here
onRTCStateChange(rtcState: RTCState, channelId: number): void {
// implementation here
onRemoteStream(e: MediaStream | undefined, channelId: number): void {
// implementation here
onTransportStateChange(transportState: TransportState): void {
// implementation here
} as ListenerCallback
// Broadcaster callback if you are using broadcaster
const sdkCallBack = {
onBroadcastOverride(): void {
// implementation here
onBroadcasterLeft(name: string, streamId: number, userId: string): void {
// implementation here
onLocalStream(e: MediaStream | undefined): void {
// implementation here
onNewBroadcaster(name: string, streamId: number, userId: string): void {
// implementation here
onRTCStateChange(rtcState: RTCState, channelId: number): void {
// implementation here
onTransportStateChange(transportState: TransportState): void {
// implementation here
} as PublisherCallback
// Create a squawkJs instance
// Create a squawkJs listener instance based on session key
const squawkClient = new SquawkSDK.Builder(transportConfig, sdkCallBack).asListener().withSession().build()
// Or create a squawkJs broadcaster instance based on session key
const squawkClient = new SquawkSDK.Builder(transportConfig, sdkCallBack).asBroadcaster().withSession().build()
// initialize client
await squawkClient.initialize('your-api.key')
Listener specific examples
// subscribe to channel await squawkClient.subscribeChannel(1) // when using in react native await squawkClient.subscribeChannel(1) // unsubscribe from channel await squawkClient.unsubscribeChannel(1) // get available channel const availableChannel = await squawkClient.getAvailableChannels("my test auth key") // get channel status const channelState = await squawkClient.getChannelState(1) // stop and release client await squawkClient.stop()
Publisher specific examples
// broadcast to channel await squawkClient.startBroadcasting(1) // when using in react native await squawkClient.startBroadcasting(1) // stop broadcasting to a channel await squawkClient.stopBroadcasting(1) // get available channel const availableChannel = await squawkClient.getAvailableChannels("my test auth key") // get channel status const channelState = await squawkClient.getChannelState(1) // stop and release client await squawkClient.stop()
Squawk SDK Error Code
Squawk SDK throws an error which is an instance of SquawkError
when some error occured during async SDK calls. SquawkError
has an error message ( msg
), and error coded ( code
) that you can use in your application to write your SDK error handling logic. Scope of error message are quite broad. So, using error code is encouraged for logic handling.
Error code is a type of Squawk ErrorType
which is an enum of type(s)
- If there is an error happened during initialization
- If a listener or broadcasted is not allowed listen or broadcast to a channel
- If a listener is already subscribed to the given channel
- If a broadcaster is already broadcasting to the given channel
- If some other generic error occurred while subscribing to the given channel
- If some other generic error occured while broadcasting to the given channel
- If given channel is not accociated to the listener or publisher
- If error occurred during unsubscribe to the channel
- If error occurred while stopping a broadcaster
If error occurred while querying available channel list
Useful public interface, type and values
- Application has a default max and min retry policy. Values greater than 30 and less than 5 will be ignored
callback fromListenerCallback
- We have to attach the Media stream with an HTML audio element, so that the audio can be played by the browser(s).
- Note - Some browser(s) can have default audio playout restriction that required a user interaction to play audio.
- We have to attach the Media stream with an HTML audio element, so that the audio can be played by the browser(s).
interface TransportConfig {
connectionTimeoutInMs: number
requestTimeoutInMs: number
maxRetry: number
serverAddress: string
interface ClientCallback {
onTransportStateChange(transportState: TransportState): void;
onRTCStateChange(rtcState: RTCState, channelId: number): void;
interface ListenerCallback extends ClientCallback {
onRemoteStream(e: MediaStream | undefined, channelId: number): void;
onPresenterStateChange(presenterState: PresenterState, channelId: number): void;
onMediaOverride(channelId: number): void;
interface PublisherCallback extends ClientCallback {
onLocalStream(e: MediaStream | undefined): void;
onBroadcastOverride(): void;
onNewBroadcaster(name: string, streamId: number, userId: string): void;
onBroadcasterLeft(name: string, streamId: number, userId: string): void;
enum TransportState {
connected = 'CONNECTED',
disconnected = 'DISCONNECTED',
neutral = 'NEUTRAL',
enum RTCState {
connected = 'CONNECTED',
closed = 'CLOSED',
failed = 'FAILED',
neutral = 'NEUTRAL',
enum PresenterState {
streaming = 'STREAMING',
neutral = 'NEUTRAL',
type Stream = {
id: number
type: string
description: string
allowedBroadcasting: boolean
allowedListening: boolean
metadata: string
type GetStreamResponse = {
streams: Stream[]
id: number
type: 'getAvailableStreamsResponse'