Command line tool that compares ECXml schemas.
Copyright © Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved. See LICENSE.md for license terms and full copyright notice.
The Schema Comparer is a command-line tool, as well as a public API, that allows the comparison of two EC3.x ECSchema files and reports back all the differences discovered during the comparison.
Quick Overview
npm install -g @bentley/schema-comparer
schema-comparer -i c:\dir1\SchemaA.ecschema.xml -i c:\dir2\SchemaB.ecschema.xml -o c:\Desired\Output\Path\ -ref1 c:\\dir1, c:\\dir2 -ref2 c:\\dir3, c:\\dir4
Getting Started
Install globally:
npm install -g @bentley/schema-comparer
Comparing ECXml Schema Files
Required Parameters:
-i, --input {path}: The paths to an XML EC Schema files (Ex. '-i c:\dir1\SchemaA.ecschema.xml -i c:\dir2\SchemaB.ecschema.xml').
Optional Parameters:
-o, --output {path}: Directory to put the comparison output file in the format 'SchemaA.compare.log'.
--ref1 {path}: Comma-separated list of paths to search when locating schema 1 references (Ex. '-r1 c:\dir1, c:\dir2').
--ref2 {path}: Comma-separated list of paths to search when locating schema 2 references (Ex. '-r1 c:\dir1, c:\dir2').
For help use the '-h' option.
To compare two ECSchema files, run:
schema-comparer -i c:\dir1\SchemaA.ecschema.xml -i c:\dir2\SchemaB.ecschema.xml -o c:\Desired\Output\Path\ -ref1 c:\\dir1, c:\\dir2 -ref2 c:\\dir3, c:\\dir4
Updating to new version
Since the package is installed globally, updating has a different syntax than normal. To update the package globally, run:
npm update -g @bentley/schema-comparer
- Are you have issues comparing your ECSchema?
- Check to make sure your ECSchema version is at least EC3.1