PersistGraphQL Webpack Plugin
PersistGraphQL Webpack Plugin
Webpack Plugin for working with Persisted GraphQL Queries with Hot Code Replacement support.
npm install --save-dev persistgraphql-webpack-plugin
Usage with Webpack 2
When Webpack is used for front-end only
Sample Webpack config:
var PersistGraphQLPlugin = require('persistgraphql-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.jsx?$/,
// ...
use: [
// Should come AFTER babel-loader
test: /\.(graphql|gql)$/,
use: [
// Should come AFTER graphql-tag/loader
plugins: [
new PersistGraphQLPlugin({filename: 'persisted_queries.json',
moduleName: path.resolve('node_modules/persisted_queries.json')})
In the source code of front-end persisted GraphQL queries will be injected
as a virtual module persisted_queries.json
. This module will be updated
if queries added or changed. Also asset with name persisted_queries.json
will be generated
during compilation and written to output directory.
var queryMap = require('persisted_queries.json');
When Webpack is used both for back-end and front-end
var PersistGraphQLPlugin = require('persistgraphql-webpack-plugin');
const moduleName = path.resolve('node_modules/persisted_queries.json');
const frontendPersistPlugin = new PersistGraphQLPlugin({ moduleName });
const backendPersistPlugin =
new PersistGraphQLPlugin({ provider: clientPersistPlugin, moduleName });
var frontendWebpackConfig = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.jsx?$/,
// ...
use: [
// Should come AFTER babel
test: /\.(graphql|gql)$/,
use: [
// Should come AFTER graphql-tag/loader
plugins: [
var backendWebpackConfig = {
// ...
plugins: [
Both in the source code of front-end and back-end persisted GraphQL queries will be injected
as a virtual module node_modules/persisted_queries.json
. This module will be updated if queries added or changed.
var queryMap = require('persisted_queries.json');
Usage with Webpack 1
When Webpack is used for front-end only
Sample Webpack config:
var PersistGraphQLPlugin = require('persistgraphql-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.jsx?$/,
loaders: [
'babel?' + JSON.stringify(
cacheDirectory: __DEV__,
presets: ['es2015', 'es2017', 'react'],
plugins: ['transform-runtime', 'transform-decorators-legacy', 'transform-class-properties']
// Should come AFTER babel-loader
exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/
test: /\.(graphql|gql)$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loaders: [
// Should come AFTER graphql-tag/loader
plugins: [
new PersistGraphQLPlugin({filename: 'persisted_queries.json',
moduleName: path.resolve('node_modules/persisted_queries.json')})
In the source code of front-end persisted GraphQL queries will be injected
as a virtual module persisted_queries.json
. This module will be updated
if queries added or changed. Also asset with name persisted_queries.json
will be generated
during compilation and written to output directory.
var queryMap = require('persisted_queries.json');
When Webpack is used both for back-end and front-end
var PersistGraphQLPlugin = require('persistgraphql-webpack-plugin');
const moduleName = path.resolve('node_modules/persisted_queries.json');
const frontendPersistPlugin = new PersistGraphQLPlugin({ moduleName });
const backendPersistPlugin =
new PersistGraphQLPlugin({ provider: clientPersistPlugin, moduleName });
var frontendWebpackConfig = {
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.jsx?$/,
loaders: [
'babel?' + JSON.stringify(
cacheDirectory: __DEV__,
presets: ['es2015', 'es2017', 'react'],
plugins: ['transform-runtime', 'transform-decorators-legacy', 'transform-class-properties']
// Should come AFTER babel-loader
exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/
test: /\.(graphql|gql)$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loaders: [
// Should come AFTER graphql-tag/loader
plugins: [
var backendWebpackConfig = {
// ...
plugins: [
Both in the source code of front-end and back-end persisted GraphQL queries will be injected
as a virtual module node_modules/persisted_queries.json
. This module will be updated if queries added or changed.
var queryMap = require('persisted_queries.json');
new PersistGraphQLPlugin(options: object)
|Name of virtual wepback module with persisted GraphQL queries, this option is required|
|Name of the ouput file with persisted GraphQL queries|
|Apply a query transformation to the query documents, adding the __typename field at every level of the query. You must pass this option if your client code uses this query transformation.|
|Instance of plugin running on another webpack instance which will provide persisted GraphQL queries|
Copyright © 2017 SysGears INC. This source code is licensed under the MIT license.