BellsWall.com Inscription Marketplace CLI
🔔 BellsWall CLI
Welcome to BellsWall - Your Friendly Neighborhood Bitcoin Inscription Manager! 🚀
✨ Features
- 🎨 Manage Artist Profiles
- 📜 Handle Inscriptions
- 💎 Collection Management
- 🏪 Marketplace Listings
- 🔐 Secure Wallet Integration
🚀 Installation
npm install -g @bellswall/cli
🎮 Commands
👩🎨 Artist Management
# Create a new artist profile (interactive mode)
bellswall artist create
# Create with all details upfront
bellswall artist create --name="Satoshi" --bio="Bitcoin Artist" --twitter="satoshi"
# Show artist details
bellswall artist show --wallet=bc1...
bellswall artist show --id=<artist_id>
# Update artist profile
bellswall artist update --id=<artist_id> --name="New Name"
📜 Inscriptions
# Get inscription details
bellswall inscription get --id=<txid>i<vin>
# Get JSON output
bellswall inscription get --id=<txid>i<vin> --json
💎 Collections
# View your collection (first 10 inscriptions)
bellswall collection get
# Paginate through collection
bellswall collection get --limit=20 --offset=40
# Get JSON format
bellswall collection get --json
🏪 Marketplace Listings
Turn your inscriptions into treasure! 💎
# Create a new listing
bellswall listing create --inscription=<txid>i<vin> --price=0.5
# Update listing price
bellswall listing update --id=<txid>i<vin> --price=0.5
# List all listings
bellswall listing list
# Get listing details
bellswall listing get --id=<txid>i<vin>
# Buy a Listing
bellswall listing buy --id=<txid>i<vin>
🎯 Tips and Tricks
- 💡 Use
flag for machine-readable output - 🔄 Most commands support both interactive and flag-based input
- 📝 IDs follow the format
i0) - 🎨 Artist profiles are linked to your wallet address
🛠 Development
# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/bellswall.git
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run locally
./bin/dev artist show --help
🤝 Contributing
We love contributions! 🎉 Feel free to:
- 🐛 Report bugs
- 💡 Suggest features
- 🔧 Submit PRs
📜 License
MIT © Your Name Here
🙏 Acknowledgments
Built with ❤️ using:
- oclif - The Open CLI Framework
- TypeScript
- And lots of ☕️
Made with 🔔 by the BellsWall Team
Remember: Not your keys, not your inscriptions! 🔑