A tiny react box component suited to fast UI building.
This is a tiny (2kb) react component that makes creating container elements really quick. There is no stylesheet required, all styles are applied using js. The only dependency is react.
import b from '@beaverbuilder/box'
const MyComponent = () => (
{ /* Use as any html tag */ }
<b.div />
{ /* Quick Padding */ }
<b.span pad />
<b.div padY={20} />
<b.div pad="sm" />
<b.div padX="30px" padY="40px" />
{ /* Aspect Ratio Boxes */ }
<b.div ratio="1:2">Aspect Ratio Box</b.div>
<b.div ratio="video" />
<b.square /> { /* Same as `<b.div ratio="square" />` */ }
<b.poster /> { /* Shorthand for a 3:4 aspect ratio div */ }
{ /* Flexbox Shorthand */ }
<b.span column />
<b.row gap={10} />
<b.column tag="section" />
Since flexbox is used so frequently when constructing UI, the box component has a few shorthand ways to create flex containers. You can use b.column
and b.row
to create flexbox div elements quickly.
<b.column>I am a `display: flex; flex-direction: column` container element.</b.column>
<b.column tag="span" />
You can use the tag="span"
prop to create a column or row with something other than a div element.
The gap
prop is a shorthand for setting style={ { gap: '5px' } }
. Be aware of browser support for this property - at the present the gap
property for flexbox is supported in Chrome, Firefox, Edge(Chromium) and the Safari Technology Preview. If supported, direct child elements with have the specified space (gap) between each of them.
<b.row gap={5}>
Button One
Button Two
Button Three
## Error Boundaries
Any box can optionally contain an error boundary by setting the `errorBoundary` prop. This prevents js errors from bubbling up to the parent elements.
<b.div errorBoundary>
<SomeShadyComponent />
The error will be caught within the div and will display the error message. You can optionally provide a fallback component that will present in the event of an error.
const MyCustomFallback = ( { error } ) => ( <> We have a problem! { error.message } </> ) const MyUI = () => ( <b.div errorBoundary={ MyCustomFallback }> </b.div> )
## Peer Dependencies
* React