ButtonIcon component
ButtonIcon Component
This is a component published as its own package from our component library monorepo: https://github.com/BenefitsDataTrust/ui-components. Setup instructions, as well as higher-level goals and concerns can be found from the main project README.
Handles display of button icons according to style guide conventions.
- https://zeroheight.com/990ea04ab/p/64014e-buttons/t/06a011
| prop | type | required | default | explanation |
| className | string | no | "" | Adds an optional classname to the component |
| classOverrides | { shape: string, size: string, variant: string } | no | {} | Allows specifying classes to override other specific classes in the component |
| variant | enum("solid", "outlined", "text", "ghost") | no | "solid" | Determines the button style variant |
| shape | enum("default", "circle", "square") | no | "default" | Determines the button shape variant |
| size | enum("tiny", "small", "medium", "large") | no | "small" | Determines the button size variant (use classOverrides
for custom sizes) |
| loading | boolean | no | false | Determines button loading state |
| disabled | boolean | no | false | Determines button disabled state |
| label | string | yes | "" | Adds aria label |
| icon | React element | no | undefined | Determines the button icon |
| onClick | function | no | () => {} | Event handler for onclick events |
| testId | string | no | n/a | Adds an optional data-testid for testing purposes
| ariaControls | string | no | n/a | Adds an optional aria-controls for situations where the button has an effect on another component
| ariaExpanded | boolean | no | n/a | Adds an optional aria-expanded for situations where the button makes previously hidden content visible