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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Have timeline, control stuff




Timeline State Resolver


This library orchestrates and controls different devices. Its input is a timeline data structure and a layer-to-device-map. Using the input, it resolves the expected state, diffs the state against current state and sends commands to devices where necessary.

Supported devices

  • CasparCG - using the casparcg-connection library
  • Blackmagic Design ATEM vision mixers - using the atem-connection library
  • Blackmagic Design Hyperdeck record/playback devices - using the hyperdeck-connection library
  • Lawo audio mixers - using the emberplus library
  • Panasoniz PTZ cameras
  • Pharos light control devices
  • Sisyfos audio controller
  • Quantel video server
  • vMix software vision mixer
  • VizRT MediaSequencer graphics system - using the v-connection library
  • Arbitrary OSC compatible devices
  • Arbitrary HTTP (REST) compatible devices
  • Arbitrary TCP-socket compatible devices


TSR is primarily developed to be used in the Playout Gateway of the Sofie project.

When developing support for new devices, a helpful tool for quickly trying out new functionality is the Quick-TSR repo.

Installation instructions (for developers)


  • Install yarn

  • Install dependencies yarn

Build and test

  • Build: yarn build

  • Run test & view coverage yarn cov

Examples of timeline objects

Here follows some examples of valid mappings and timeline-objects to control devices with TSR.


Playing a video

Play the video clip "AMB" for 5 seconds

// Mapping:
	myLayerCaspar: {
		device: DeviceType.CASPARCG,
		deviceId: 'myCCG',
		channel: 1,
		layer: 10
// Timeline:
	id: 'video0',
	enable: {
		start: 'now',
		duration: 5000
	layer: 'myLayerCaspar',
	content: {
		deviceType: DeviceType.CASPARCG,
		type: TimelineContentTypeCasparCg.MEDIA,

		file: 'AMB'

Blackmagic Design ATEM

Cut to source

Cut to source 2 on ME1

// Mapping:
	myLayerME1: {
		device: DeviceType.ATEM,
		deviceId: 'myAtem',
		mappingType: MappingAtemType.MixEffect,
		index: 0
// Timeline:
	id: 'source2',
	enable: {
		start: 'now'
	layer: 'myLayerME1',
	content: {
		deviceType: DeviceType.ATEM,
		type: TimelineContentTypeAtem.ME,
		me: {
			input: 2,
			transition: AtemTransitionStyle.CUT

Blackmagic Design Hyperdeck

Record a clip

Start recording of a clip, and record it for 10 secods

// Mapping:
	myLayerRecord: {
		device: DeviceType.ATEM,
		deviceId: 'myHyperdeck',
		mappingType: MappingAtemType.MixEffect,
		index: 0
// Timeline:
	id: 'record0',
	enable: {
		start: 'now',
		duration: 10000
	layer: 'myLayerRecord',
	content: {
		deviceType: DeviceType.HYPERDECK,
		type: TimelineContentTypeHyperdeck.TRANSPORT,

		status: TransportStatus.RECORD,
		recordFilename: 'sofie_recording1'

Lawo audio mixer

Pull up a fader

Pull up a fader, and leave it there

// Mapping:
	myLayerFader0: {
		device: DeviceType.LAWO,
		deviceId: 'myLawo',
		mappingType: MappingLawoType.SOURCE,
		identifier: 'BASE'
// Timeline:
	id: 'lawofader0',
	enable: {
		start: 'now'
	layer: 'myLayerFader0',
	content: {
		deviceType: DeviceType.LAWO,
		type: TimelineContentTypeLawo.SOURCE,

		faderValue: 0

Panasoniz PTZ

Recall a preset

// Mapping:
	myLayerCamera1: {
		device: DeviceType.PANASONIC_PTZ,
		deviceId: 'myPtz',
		mappingType: MappingPanasonicPtzType.PRESET
// Timeline:
	id: 'ptzPreset1',
	enable: {
		start: 'now'
	layer: 'myLayerCamera1',
	content: {
		deviceType: DeviceType.PANASONIC_PTZ,
		type: TimelineContentTypePanasonicPtz.PRESET,
		preset: 1

Pharos Light control

Recall a scene

// Mapping:
	myLayerLights: {
		device: DeviceType.PANASONIC_PTZ,
		deviceId: 'myPtz',
		mappingType: MappingPanasonicPtzType.PRESET
// Timeline:
	id: 'scene1',
	enable: {
		start: 'now'
	layer: 'myLayerLights',
	content: {
		deviceType: DeviceType.PHAROS,
		type: TimelineContentTypePharos.SCENE,

		scene: 1

Sisyfos audio controller

Activate channel 3

Activate channel 3 on sisyfos pgm output

// Mapping:
	myLayerSisyfosScene1: {
		device: DeviceType.SISYFOS,
		deviceId: 'mySisyfos',
		channel: 3
// Timeline:
	id: 'channel3',
	enable: {
		start: 'now'
	layer: 'myLayerSisyfosScene1',
	content: {
		deviceType: DeviceType.SISYFOS,
		type: TimelineContentTypeSisyfos.SISYFOS,

		isPgm: 1 // 0 = OFF, 1 = Pgm level, 2 = VoiceOver level
	id: 'channel3',
	enable: {
		start: 'now'
	layer: 'myLayerSisyfosScene1',
	content: {
		deviceType: DeviceType.SISYFOS,
		type: TimelineContentTypeSisyfos.SISYFOS,

		faderLevel: 0.75
	id: 'channel3',
	enable: {
		start: 'now'
	layer: 'myLayerSisyfosScene1',
	content: {
		deviceType: DeviceType.SISYFOS,
		type: TimelineContentTypeSisyfos.SISYFOS,
		label: 'SERVER B'
//VISIBLE: (shows or hide a fader)
	id: 'channel3',
	enable: {
		start: 'now'
	layer: 'myLayerSisyfosScene1',
	content: {
		deviceType: DeviceType.SISYFOS,
		type: TimelineContentTypeSisyfos.SISYFOS,
		visible: false // false: hide - true: show

Quantel video server

Play a video

Play a video for 10 seconds

// Mapping:
	myLayerVideoA: {
		device: DeviceType.QUANTEL,
		deviceId: 'myQuantel',

		portId: 'sofie1',
		channelId: 2
// Timeline:
	id: 'video0',
	enable: {
		start: 'now',
		duration: 10000
	layer: 'myLayerVideoA',
	content: {
		deviceType: DeviceType.QUANTEL,

		title: 'myClipInQuantel'
		// guid: 'abcdef872832832a2b932c97d9b2eb9' // GUID works as well

Arbitrary HTTP-interface

Send a POST request

Send a POST Request to a URL

// Mapping:
	myLayerHTTP: {
		device: DeviceType.HTTPSEND,
		deviceId: 'myHTTP'
// Timeline:
	id: 'video0',
	enable: {
		start: 'now'
	layer: 'myLayerHTTP',
	content: {
		deviceType: DeviceType.HTTPSEND,
		type: TimelineContentTypeHttp.POST,

		url: '',
		params: {
			someRandomParameter: 42,
			anotherFineParameter: 43