Have timeline, control stuff
Timeline State Resolver
This library orchestrates and controls different devices. Its input is a timeline data structure and a layer-to-device-map. Using the input, it resolves the expected state, diffs the state against current state and sends commands to devices where necessary.
Supported devices
- CasparCG - using the casparcg-connection library
- Blackmagic Design ATEM vision mixers - using the atem-connection library
- Blackmagic Design Hyperdeck record/playback devices - using the hyperdeck-connection library
- Lawo audio mixers - using the emberplus library
- Panasoniz PTZ cameras
- Pharos light control devices
- Sisyfos audio controller
- Quantel video server
- vMix software vision mixer
- VizRT MediaSequencer graphics system - using the v-connection library
- Arbitrary OSC compatible devices
- Arbitrary HTTP (REST) compatible devices
- Arbitrary TCP-socket compatible devices
TSR is primarily developed to be used in the Playout Gateway of the Sofie project.
When developing support for new devices, a helpful tool for quickly trying out new functionality is the Quick-TSR repo.
Installation instructions (for developers)
Install yarn https://yarnpkg.com
Install dependencies
Build and test
yarn build
Run test & view coverage
yarn cov
Examples of timeline objects
Here follows some examples of valid mappings and timeline-objects to control devices with TSR.
Playing a video
Play the video clip "AMB" for 5 seconds
// Mapping:
myLayerCaspar: {
device: DeviceType.CASPARCG,
deviceId: 'myCCG',
channel: 1,
layer: 10
// Timeline:
id: 'video0',
enable: {
start: 'now',
duration: 5000
layer: 'myLayerCaspar',
content: {
deviceType: DeviceType.CASPARCG,
type: TimelineContentTypeCasparCg.MEDIA,
file: 'AMB'
Blackmagic Design ATEM
Cut to source
Cut to source 2 on ME1
// Mapping:
myLayerME1: {
device: DeviceType.ATEM,
deviceId: 'myAtem',
mappingType: MappingAtemType.MixEffect,
index: 0
// Timeline:
id: 'source2',
enable: {
start: 'now'
layer: 'myLayerME1',
content: {
deviceType: DeviceType.ATEM,
type: TimelineContentTypeAtem.ME,
me: {
input: 2,
transition: AtemTransitionStyle.CUT
Blackmagic Design Hyperdeck
Record a clip
Start recording of a clip, and record it for 10 secods
// Mapping:
myLayerRecord: {
device: DeviceType.ATEM,
deviceId: 'myHyperdeck',
mappingType: MappingAtemType.MixEffect,
index: 0
// Timeline:
id: 'record0',
enable: {
start: 'now',
duration: 10000
layer: 'myLayerRecord',
content: {
deviceType: DeviceType.HYPERDECK,
type: TimelineContentTypeHyperdeck.TRANSPORT,
status: TransportStatus.RECORD,
recordFilename: 'sofie_recording1'
Lawo audio mixer
Pull up a fader
Pull up a fader, and leave it there
// Mapping:
myLayerFader0: {
device: DeviceType.LAWO,
deviceId: 'myLawo',
mappingType: MappingLawoType.SOURCE,
identifier: 'BASE'
// Timeline:
id: 'lawofader0',
enable: {
start: 'now'
layer: 'myLayerFader0',
content: {
deviceType: DeviceType.LAWO,
type: TimelineContentTypeLawo.SOURCE,
faderValue: 0
Panasoniz PTZ
Recall a preset
// Mapping:
myLayerCamera1: {
device: DeviceType.PANASONIC_PTZ,
deviceId: 'myPtz',
mappingType: MappingPanasonicPtzType.PRESET
// Timeline:
id: 'ptzPreset1',
enable: {
start: 'now'
layer: 'myLayerCamera1',
content: {
deviceType: DeviceType.PANASONIC_PTZ,
type: TimelineContentTypePanasonicPtz.PRESET,
preset: 1
Pharos Light control
Recall a scene
// Mapping:
myLayerLights: {
device: DeviceType.PANASONIC_PTZ,
deviceId: 'myPtz',
mappingType: MappingPanasonicPtzType.PRESET
// Timeline:
id: 'scene1',
enable: {
start: 'now'
layer: 'myLayerLights',
content: {
deviceType: DeviceType.PHAROS,
type: TimelineContentTypePharos.SCENE,
scene: 1
Sisyfos audio controller
Activate channel 3
Activate channel 3 on sisyfos pgm output
// Mapping:
myLayerSisyfosScene1: {
device: DeviceType.SISYFOS,
deviceId: 'mySisyfos',
channel: 3
// Timeline:
id: 'channel3',
enable: {
start: 'now'
layer: 'myLayerSisyfosScene1',
content: {
deviceType: DeviceType.SISYFOS,
type: TimelineContentTypeSisyfos.SISYFOS,
isPgm: 1 // 0 = OFF, 1 = Pgm level, 2 = VoiceOver level
id: 'channel3',
enable: {
start: 'now'
layer: 'myLayerSisyfosScene1',
content: {
deviceType: DeviceType.SISYFOS,
type: TimelineContentTypeSisyfos.SISYFOS,
faderLevel: 0.75
id: 'channel3',
enable: {
start: 'now'
layer: 'myLayerSisyfosScene1',
content: {
deviceType: DeviceType.SISYFOS,
type: TimelineContentTypeSisyfos.SISYFOS,
label: 'SERVER B'
//VISIBLE: (shows or hide a fader)
id: 'channel3',
enable: {
start: 'now'
layer: 'myLayerSisyfosScene1',
content: {
deviceType: DeviceType.SISYFOS,
type: TimelineContentTypeSisyfos.SISYFOS,
visible: false // false: hide - true: show
Quantel video server
Play a video
Play a video for 10 seconds
// Mapping:
myLayerVideoA: {
device: DeviceType.QUANTEL,
deviceId: 'myQuantel',
portId: 'sofie1',
channelId: 2
// Timeline:
id: 'video0',
enable: {
start: 'now',
duration: 10000
layer: 'myLayerVideoA',
content: {
deviceType: DeviceType.QUANTEL,
title: 'myClipInQuantel'
// guid: 'abcdef872832832a2b932c97d9b2eb9' // GUID works as well
Arbitrary HTTP-interface
Send a POST request
Send a POST Request to a URL
// Mapping:
myLayerHTTP: {
device: DeviceType.HTTPSEND,
deviceId: 'myHTTP'
// Timeline:
id: 'video0',
enable: {
start: 'now'
layer: 'myLayerHTTP',
content: {
deviceType: DeviceType.HTTPSEND,
type: TimelineContentTypeHttp.POST,
url: 'http://superfly.tv/api/report',
params: {
someRandomParameter: 42,
anotherFineParameter: 43