Webpack plugin and timezone data includes to pull in specific timezone data into desired chunks.
@bbc/moment-timezone-include -
This package allows you to exclude all moment timezones from being included, while including specific ones in the chunks you desire.
npm install @bbc/moment-timezone-include --save
Usage - Exclude default timezones
plugins: [new MomentTimezoneInclude({ startYear: 1990, endYear: 2025 })],
This does two things. Firstly it removes all timezones from the moment-timezone package so that they can be included individually. It also specifies the date range of the specifically included timezone data. If startYear
isn't provided it defaults to the earliest available data and likewise if endYear
isn't included it includes all known future data.
Usage - Include specific timezones
import '@bbc/moment-timezone-include/tz/America/New_York'
This makes the specified timezone available to moment. It supports all moment timezones by replacing America/New_York
in the example above with any moment timezone. The full list of timezones can be found here.
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