Lambda server for xyz map generation to provide apis for serving both raster and vector map.
Lambda server for xyz map generation to provide apis for serving both raster and vector map.
All available APIs are defined in the index.ts
Host: https://basemaps.linz.govt.nz/
Server APIs
Validate the server status, health, version which is using for the ci/cd.
- GET /ping
- GET /v1/ping
- GET /version
- GET /v1/version
- GET /health
- GET /v1/health
xyz tile generation API
Get a tile from the xyz and format for map generation, support both vector and raster tileSet.
/v1/tiles/topographic/WebMercatorQuad/2/1/1.pbf - Vector Tile
/v1/tiles/aerial/WebMercatorQuad/6/0/38.webp - Raster Tile
Imagery Metadata API
Fetch the imagery metadata based on the imageryId
/v1/imagery/:imageryId/source.geojson - Source boudning boxes
/v1/imagery/:imageryId/covering.geojson - Output tile bounding boxes
/v1/imagery/:imageryId/cutline.geojson - Cutline used ont he imagery set
/v1/imagery/:imageryId/collection.json - STAC Collection
/v1/imagery/:imageryId/15-32659-21603.json - STAC Item
Config APIs
Fetch the imagery and tile set configurations
Sprite and Fonts APIs
To get the fonts and sprites for the vector map.
StyleJSON and TileJSON APIs
Get the style json and tile json for the vector map.
Preview APIs
Serve a preview of a imagery set
Attribution APIs
Get attribution json for the map attributions.
- GET /v1/tiles/:tileSet/:tileMatrix/attribution.json
- GET /v1/attribution/:tileSet/:tileMatrix/summary.json
WMTS Capabilities APIs
Get WMTS xml from the server to support QGIS and Arcgis