react/redux utils for less boilerplate
for easier life on redux npm version 1.4.7
Getting Started
npm i @banbrick/react-utils
Create store
this will create a store with registration ability
import { ConnectedRouter, configureStore } from '@banbrick/react-utils';
const store = configureStore<ApplicationState>({ reducers, initalState, middlewares, devTool: true });
Setup Location Middleware
const locationMiddleware = { actionType: 'Location_Change_Action' };
const store = configureStore<ApplicationState>({ locationMiddleware, devTool: true });
Config formatter to convert payload to location for location middleware
locationFormatter: (payload) => payload.location;
const locationMiddleware = { actionType: 'Location_Change_Action', locationFormatter };
Build redux
import { ReduxCreator } from '@banbrick/react-utils';
// build redux events, and get actions to tigger
const actions = new ReduxCreator<Number>('count', 0)
.addReducer((state) => ++state, 'increment')
state => ({ count: state.count }),
dispatch => ({ increment: () => dispatch(actions.increment()) })
export class Counter extends React.Component<any> {
render() {
return (
<p>Current count: <strong>{this.props.count}</strong></p>
<button onClick={this.props.increment}>Increment</button>
Advanced Usage
Effect handlers:
using AddEffectHanlder
from creator, add an async promise effect process, will return in action as well
location handlers:
export class WatherForecastState {
forecasts: any[];
const locationHanlder = async (store: Store<ApplicationState>, location: Location) => {
var matches = matchPath(location.pathname, { path: '/weather-forecast/:startDateIndex?'});
if (matches) {
const startDateIndex = (matches.params as any).startDateIndex;
const httpConfig = store.getState().httpConfig.config;
const forecasts = await new WeatherForecastSource(httpConfig).fetchdata(startDateIndex);
export const watherForecastActions =
new ReduxCreator<WatherForecastState>('watherForecast', new WatherForecastState())
.addReducer((state, forecasts) => ({ ...state, forecasts }), 'setForcasts')
by adding location handler you can run actions based on location change, reqiure to use ConnctedRouter
this will alloed you to call processLocationEvents
to run location events explicitly