Securable trait that domain object can express to provide access control.
This trait allows an object to secure itself, so that you can ask questions like "Can Sally read Bob's account balance?" or "Can bank teller John close account #123?"
The primary export of this module is a trait called Securable
, which you can have your class(es) express.
See our @ballistagroup/mutrait
package for more information, including full trait support in JavaScript.
File Account.js
const { traits } = require('@ballistagroup/mutrait')
const { Securable } = require('@ballistagroup/securable-trait')
class Account extends traits(Securable) {
constructor (balance = 0, openedAt = new Date()) {
super(balance, openedAt)
this._balance = balance
this.openedAt = openedAt
this.closedAt = null
get balance () { return this._balance }
deposit (amount) { this._balance += amount }
withdraw (amount) { this._balance -= amount }
close (at = new Date()) { this.closedAt = at }
get open () { return !this.closed }
get closed () { return !!this.closedAt }
module.exports = Account
File index.js
const Account = require('./Account')
const sally = 'sally'
const keith = 'keith'
const acct = new Account()
console.log(acct.secured) // false
console.log(acct.grants({ principals: sally, actions: 'get balance' })) // true
console.log(acct.grants({ principals: sally, actions: 'close' })) // true
console.log(acct.grants({ principals: keith, actions: 'get balance' })) // true
console.log(acct.grants({ principals: keith, actions: 'close' })) // true
acct.grant({ principal: sally, action: 'get balance' })
acct.grant({ principal: sally, action: 'close' })
console.log(acct.secured) // true
console.log(acct.grants({ principals: sally, actions: 'get balance' })) // true
console.log(acct.grants({ principals: keith, actions: 'close' })) // false
console.log(acct.grants({ principals: sally, actions: 'get balance' })) // true
console.log(acct.grants({ principals: keith, actions: 'close' })) // false
Security via aspect-oriented programming (AOP)
When you combine this library with method interception via @ballistagroup/aspectify
and with ClsHookedContext
or ZoneJsContext
from @ballistagroup/continuation-local-storage
, you can completely isolate the crosscutting concern of security.
File Secured.js
const { Before } = require('@ballistagroup/aspectify')
const Context = require('@ballistagroup/continuation-local-storage/context/ClsHookedContext')
const secured = Before(({ thisJoinPoint }) => {
if (!thisJoinPoint.thiz || thisJoinPoint?.thiz === thisJoinPoint?.clazz) {
return // because we're in a static context or there's no securable to call securable.grants on
const token = Context().get('token')
if (!thisJoinPoint.thiz.grants({
principals: token.principal,
actions: thisJoinPoint.fullName
})) {
const e = new Error(`E_UNAUTHORIZED`)
e.principal = token.principal
e.clazz = thisJoinPoint.clazz.constructor.name
e.method = thisJoinPoint.fullName
throw e
module.exports = secured
File Account.js
const { traits } = require('@ballistagroup/mutrait')
const { Securable } = require('@ballistagroup/securable-trait')
const secured = require('./secured')
class Account extends traits(Securable) {
constructor (balance = 0, openedAt = new Date()) {
super(balance, openedAt)
this._balance = balance
this.openedAt = openedAt
this.closedAt = null
get balance () { return this._balance }
deposit (amount) { this._balance += amount }
withdraw (amount) { this._balance -= amount }
close (at = new Date()) { this.closedAt = at }
get open () { return !this.closed }
get closed () { return !!this.closedAt }
module.exports = Account
There's more to write here, but for now, see the tests for usage.