Prepare and get information about the transition between two balenaCloud application releases
Tiny library and simple command line script to prepare and get information about the transition between two balenaCloud application releases.
NOTE: this library is highly EXPERIMENTAL as it relies on implementation details of the balenaCloud platform that may change at any time. The exposed API is also subject to change, though these changes will be communicated with appropriate version bumps, as per Semantic Versioning. All that said, you are very welcome to use this library in non-critical applications and we appreciate your feedback.
Devices on balenaCloud run releases, which is a term used to describe a set of artifacts and their runtime configuration. When you build and deploy a new release, all devices that belong to the application begin a process to transition to the new release by downloading the new artifacts and applying the new runtime configuration. When that transition ends, the device is said to be on the new release. In other words, each release describes a target state and devices strive to reach it. You can think of releases a device has been on as discrete points on a timeline and the transition from one to the other as an edge that connects the two.
Each transition may involve intermediate artifacts that, like releases, must be built before it can begin to take place. We tentatively call this transition and the artifacts a release update. A release update is pending when it hasn't been asked to begin building its artifacts, and ready when all of its artifacts have been built, at which point the transition can begin. While the release update is being built, it is said to be in the preparing state.
Currently, the only type of such an intermediate artifact is image deltas. An image delta is the binary difference between two Docker images, called the source and destination image. Deltas are themselves ordinary images that can be applied on top of the source image to produce a third one that is bit-identical to the destination image. The computation of a delta is between the raw image data, thus changes to lower image layers do not cause unnecessary data to be included into the payload, resulting in significant network-bandwidth savings compared to pulling regular images in order to update.
Devices use deltas instead of regular image pulls to update to a new release, when configured for doing so. Devices that run balenaOS after v2.47.1 are configured to use deltas by default. When such a device begins its update process, it'll first ask for deltas between the images it has locally and the images specified by the new release for each respective service. Deltas, however, may take significant time to produce – it is primarily a function of the size of the images involved – therefore delaying the transition. Deltas are unique among any given image pair, thus it is enough for a delta to be generated once – the same set of deltas can then be downloaded by every device that updates between the same two releases.
is able to provide information about these transitions
and a way to fully prepare a release update before your fleet updates to a new
release, which in combination with release pinning can significantly reduce
the time required for a device to transition from the old to the new release.
Given any two releases of the same application, it computes a description of
the transition and can trigger a build of all required artifacts, including
image deltas, and it can optionally wait until the release update becomes ready
or a configurable timeout is exceeded before returning. The returned information
includes details about which artifacts will be removed, which will be downloaded
and which will merely be updated, as well as information about deltas. It also
provides a (pessimistic) estimate of the total payload size, which is useful
for fleet owners that run devices in network-constrained environments.
Getting started
provides both a command line script and a library that
you can use in your NodeJS project.
Authenticating with balenaCloud
Regardless of which way you go, you first need to authenticate with balenaCloud.
currently just reuses your existing balena CLI session.
In order to authenticate, make sure you have the CLI installed and run:
$ balena whoami
If that doesn't show your username, then just run the following command and follow the instructions to login:
$ balena login
Using the command line interface
If you only care about the command line script, then it might be preferrable to install it globally with:
$ npm install --global '@balena/release-update'
There's only one command:
Usage: balena-release-update [options]
--from-release The source release ID or commit hash (required).
--to-release The target release ID or commit hash (required).
--prepare Trigger any pending image deltas between service images.
--wait Wait until the update is ready. Implies --prepare.
--timeout N The maximum time in seconds to wait. Implies --wait.
--help, -h Show this help text and exit.
--version, -v Show program version and exit.
$ balena-release-update --wait --from-release 900813 --to-release 900835
"originates_from__release": {
"id": 900813,
"commit": "84d3d8f43eddd81b1699552dd39338f8dbf8b11e"
"produces__release": {
"id": 900835,
"commit": "b2cf2db7fece36f10e6a7e815ab169fd30cab05f"
"is_produced_by__service_update": [
"service_name": "main",
"status": "ready",
"originates_from__image": {
"id": 1115249,
"is_stored_at__image_location": "registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/053f8c64320e2aedc83c8cfc63ff95fa",
"content_hash": "sha256:bc4f975c19a46102ac022508b954919ce8c64c65a83b25c0202cdb216e72451f",
"image_size": 310905195
"produces__image": {
"id": 1115290,
"is_stored_at__image_location": "registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/1210859f1a5d4d29653ed1db80d8c9d6",
"content_hash": "sha256:fd67e1fcf25ecaf3a192627c54334ce50fa144000acadfdfdac0c1c0ed63e895",
"image_size": 310954877,
"is_produced_by__delta": {
"id": 1510997,
"version": 3,
"is_stored_at__location": "registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/1210859f1a5d4d29653ed1db80d8c9d6:delta-3c90dce25a5f9f2f",
"size": 484575
"overall_status": "ready",
"estimated_total_payload_size": 484575
Using it as a library
To install the package and add it as a dependency to your project, run the following:
$ npm install --save '@balena/release-update'
Then import the module in your project:
import { getUpdateInfo, prepareUpdate } from '@balena/release-update';
Getting information about a release update
const updateInfo = await getUpdateInfo(900813, 900835);
"originates_from__release": {
"id": 900813,
"commit": "84d3d8f43eddd81b1699552dd39338f8dbf8b11e"
"produces__release": {
"id": 900835,
"commit": "b2cf2db7fece36f10e6a7e815ab169fd30cab05f"
"is_produced_by__service_update": [
"service_name": "main",
"status": "ready",
"originates_from__image": {
"id": 1115249,
"is_stored_at__image_location": "registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/053f8c64320e2aedc83c8cfc63ff95fa",
"content_hash": "sha256:bc4f975c19a46102ac022508b954919ce8c64c65a83b25c0202cdb216e72451f",
"image_size": 310905195
"produces__image": {
"id": 1115290,
"is_stored_at__image_location": "registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/1210859f1a5d4d29653ed1db80d8c9d6",
"content_hash": "sha256:fd67e1fcf25ecaf3a192627c54334ce50fa144000acadfdfdac0c1c0ed63e895",
"image_size": 310954877,
"is_produced_by__delta": {
"id": 1510997,
"version": 3,
"is_stored_at__location": "registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/1210859f1a5d4d29653ed1db80d8c9d6:delta-3c90dce25a5f9f2f",
"size": 484575
"overall_status": "ready",
"estimated_total_payload_size": 484575
Preparing a release update
You can optionally wait until the release update becomes ready:
const updateInfo = await prepareUpdate(900813, 900835, {
wait: true
Or until a timeout is exceeded:
const updateInfo = await prepareUpdate(900813, 900835, {
timeout: 60
The project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. A copy is also available in the LICENSE file in this repository.