This news API library allows users to quickly get results from multiple different news APIs (NYT, Guardian, News API) in a standardized format.
News API Library
This news API library allows users to quickly get results from multiple different news APIs (NYT, Guardian, News API) in a standardized format.
function getNews(apiKey, source)
Takes an apiKey object and a source string (’nyt’, ‘guardian’ or ‘’ for news API)
Returns a promise with the following data:
snippet: the abstract or snippet of an article
title: the article title
url: the link to the article on the original news site
image_url: a url to the preview image for the article
Alternatively, users can search use functions for each specific news API:
function getGuardian(apiKey)
Takes the Guardian API key as a string and returns a promise with the data formatted as described in the getNews() function.
function getNYT(apiKey)
Takes the NYT API key as a string and returns a promise with the data formatted as described in the getNews() function.
function getNewsAPI(apiKey)
Takes the NewsAPI api key as a string and returns a promise with the data formatted as described in the getNews() function.