CommonJS only package
CommonJS only package
Default plugin options:
storefrontAccessToken: null,
shopifyDomain: null,
publicUrl: null,
feedEndpoint: 'products-feed',
collectionHandle: 'frontpage',
exludeSoldout: true,
feedItem: [
{ key: 'id', type: 'legacyVariantId' }
{ key: 'title', type: 'seoTitle'},
{ key: 'description', type: 'seoDescription' },
{ key: 'product_type' },
{ key: 'link', type: 'shopifyUrl' },
{ key: 'image_link' },
{ key: 'brand', type: 'vendor' },
{ key: 'condition' },
{ key: 'availability' },
{ key: 'price', type: 'noCurrencyCode' },
{ key: 'gtin', type: 'barcode' }
{ key: 'item_group_id', type: 'legacyProductId' }
Plugin options:
shopifyDomain (string)
i.e: "public-rec-headless.myshopify.com"
publicUrl (string)
Public url without a trailing slash i.e: "https://www.publicrec.com"
collectionHandle (String)
The collection's handle used to build the feed from. Defaults to "frontpage". shopify default. i.e: "shop-all"
exludeSoldout (bool)
Wether to exclude soldout variants from the feed. true|false
feedItem (Array)
Fields and options for each product feed item:
type: 'legacyVariantId'
or 'variantGid'
or 'bpVariantId'
i.e: { key: 'id', type: 'legacyVariantId' }
type: 'seoTitle'
or 'productTitle'
or 'dynamicTitle'
i.e: { key: 'title', type: 'seoTitle' or 'productTitle' }
if type 'dynamicTitle'
is used values representing optionKeys must be passed as values to build the title:
i.e : { key: 'title', type: 'dynamicTitle', values: ['Size', 'Color', 'Style'] }
output: title: "Large Blue Crew"
type: seoDescription'
or 'productDescription
i.e: { key: 'description', type: 'seoDescription' }
i.e: { key: 'product_type' }
type: 'shopifyUrl'
or 'backpackUrl'
i.e: { key: 'link', type: 'shopifyUrl' }
if type 'backPackUrl'
is used values representing optionKeys will need to be passed to form the queryString that selects the variant
i.e: { key: 'link', type: 'backpackUrl', values: ['Color', 'Size'] }
output: link: <g:link>https://www.publicrec.com/products/weekend-full-zip?Color=Heather%20Silver%20Spoon</g:link>
if no values
passed into backpackUrl
it will default to ?variantId=LEGACY_ID
output: link: <g:link>https://www.publicrec.com/products/weekend-full-zip?variant=32884022607906
Returns the first variant image if available else the first product's image
i.e: { key: 'image_link' }
options (Optional)
Will create a new row for each selectedOptionsMap key passed:
i.e: { key: 'options', values: ["Color", "Size", "Cut"] }
outputs: g:color:blue, g:size: xl, g:cut:v-neck
metadata (Optional)
Will create a new row for each variant.metadata key defined in values:
i.e: { key: 'metadata', values: ["material", "fit"] }
outputs: g:material:cotton, g:fit: loose
Defaults to ven value can overwrite vendor ala value 'Acme'.
type: 'vendor'
or 'custom'
i.e: { key: 'brand', type: 'vendor' }
if type 'custom'
is used values (as a string) can be used to overwrite the vendor
i.e: { key: 'brand', type: 'custom', values: 'Acme' }
outputs: brand: g:brand:Acme
Defaults to outputting "new".
i.e: { key: 'condition' }
To overwrite pass a values (as string)
i.e: { key: 'condition', values: 'brand new' }
outputs: condition: g:condition:brand new
Defaults to "in stock" and "out of stock" depending on the variants availability.
i.e: { key: 'availability' }
To overwrite set values as ['available string', 'unavailable string']
i.e: { key: 'availability', values: ['its in stock', 'soldout'] }
outputs: g:availability:its in stock | soldout
type: 'noCurrency' (default)
or 'withCurrencyCode-before'
or 'withCurrencyCode-after'
i.e: { key: 'price' }
if type withCurrencyCode-before
or withCurrencyCode-after
is used you can provide the currencyCode via values (as a string)
i.e: { key: 'price', type: 'withCurrencyCode-after', values: "USD" }
outputs: g:price:104 USD
type: 'barcode', 'sku'
i.e: { key: 'gtin', type: 'sku' }
NOTE: 'barcode' is WIP - waiting for platform to have barcode support
type: 'legacyProductId', 'productGid', 'bpProductId'
i.e: { key: 'item_group_id', type: 'legacyProductId' }
Example implementation
At gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-products-feed',
options: {
collectionHandle: 'mens',
exludeSoldout: true,
publicUrl: 'https://www.publicrec.com',
shopifyDomain: process.env.GATSBY_SHOPIFY_SHOP_DOMAIN,
storefrontAccessToken: process.env.GATSBY_SHOPIFY_STOREFRONT_ACCESS_TOKEN,
feedItem: [
{ key: 'link', type: 'backpackUrl', values: ['Color'] },
{ key: 'brand', type: 'vendor', values: 'Public Rec' },
{ key: 'options', values: ['Color', 'Size', 'Style'] },
{ key: 'price', type: 'withCurrencyCode-after', values: 'USD' }
Note: feedItems defined will be merged with the defaults. i.e For the above mock example feedItems would result in:
feedItem: [
// set via plugin implementation
{ key: 'link', type: 'backpackUrl', values: [ 'Color' ] },
{ key: 'brand', type: 'vendor', values: 'Public Rec' },
{ key: 'options', values: [ 'Color', 'Size', 'Style' ] },
{ key: 'price', type: 'withCurrencyCode-after', values: 'USD' },
// defaults
{ key: 'id', type: 'legacyVariantId' },
{ key: 'title', type: 'seoTitle' },
{ key: 'description', type: 'seoDescription' },
{ key: 'product_type' },
{ key: 'image_link' },
{ key: 'condition' },
{ key: 'availability' },
{ key: 'gtin', type: 'barcode' },
{ key: 'item_group_id', type: 'legacyProductId' }
Example output
Would be available on [production] at: https://www.publicrec.com/products-feed.xml
Would be available on [dev] at: http://localhost:8000/products-feed.xml
Gatsby build Log
info Generating product feed based on [mens] collection...
Excluding 24 unavailable variants from product feed.
Product feed will include 97 items
info Generated product feed with 97 items.
info Generating XML feed...
info Generated XML feed.
info Writing XML feed...
info Wrote XML feed to public/products-feed
info Product feed will be available at: https://www.publicrec.com/products-feed.xml