back{4}app rest api
back4app rest
Table of contents
- [Getting Started] (#getting-started)
- [Dependencies] (#dependencies)
- [Gulp] (#gulp)
- [Building Files] (#building-files)
- [Best Practices] (#best-practices)
Getting Started
First of all, you need to install Node.js. To help you to manage different version of Node.js in your system is recommended that you use nvm. nvm is a Node.js version manager. Using it you will be able to have how many Node.js versions you want. To install it run this command:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.25.4/install.sh | bash
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.25.4/install.sh | bash
To enable the nvm, close and reopen the terminal. Now you can install the most recent stable version of Node.js. To do this just run this command:
nvm install stable
For further information about nvm check its repository.
First ensure that you have installed node.js ands mongodb. Then
$ npm install
####Possible errors
May be caused by the default node version in your machine. To set the default node in your shell, run this command:
nvm alias default 4.0.0
Then verify the change persists by closing the shell window, reopening it and running:
node --version
Gulp is included on Development Dependencies. Running the previous command might install it. To install gulp you should run this command:
npm install gulp --global
Gulp Tasks
This task is used to maintain the established standards on code style and avoid syntax errors.
It uses gulp-jshint
and gulp-jscs
This task does unit and interface tests. Those are two subtasks, that can be called separately.
It uses karma
and selenium
, through gulp-mocha
and browser-sync
To generate the production files, this task concatenates and minifies the development files. It depends on lint task, and it runs unit tests on the minified files.
It uses gulp-concat
and gulp-uglify
Building files
Contributing with the project, you can build the production files by running the Gulp Task dist
It will create the "dist" directory. All dependencies and minified files will be injected on the production web page.
To run this task, use the following command:
gulp dist
Best Practices
You should follow the configuration files, using it on your IDE. They're
.Try to always remember to run lint and tests:
gulp lint
gulp test
Create tests to any new major interactions, or changed ones.
Follow the code comment standards for documentations.