basic lib functions for (bash)shell
basic lib functions for (bash)shell script
- meant to be basic, small and easy to use
- pure bash(4.3+), no magic, no external dependences
- ECMAScript(Javascript) style like api
- well tested
- well documented
- should be fast
from npm
# install in global
npm -g i @b2ns/libshell
# or with yarn
yarn global add @b2ns/libshell
# or with pnpm
pnpm add -g @b2ns/libshell
# source libshell directly in your script
source libshell
# install in local project
npm i @b2ns/libshell
# or with yarn
yarn add @b2ns/libshell
# or with pnpm
pnpm add @b2ns/libshell
# source libshell from node_modules
source "$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/node_modules/@b2ns/libshell/libshell.sh"
from github
download the latest release here
how to use
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
source libshell
# or source like this if you don't install libshell to global
# source "$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/rel/path/to/libshell.sh"
# after source libshell you get a `import` function and all libs builtin
# use IMPORT_ALL_LIBS=0 to only get the `import` function
# IMPORT_ALL_LIBS=0 source libshell
# use `import` to include your own script
import /path/to/foo.sh
import ./path/to/bar.sh
import path/to/bar.sh
# import at one line
import /path/to/x.sh ./path/to/y.sh path/to/z.sh
# import builtin lib(you only need this when you set IMPORT_ALL_LIBS to 0)
import Array File Path String
# let's use builtin lib functions here
basename="$(String_stripStart "/foo/bar/libshell.sh" "*/" 1)" # libshell.sh
dirname="$(String_stripEnd "/foo/bar/libshell.sh" "/*")" # /foo/bar
Color_print "hello world\n" "green" "italic" "bold" "bgBlack"
define and parse command arguments passed to your script.
# hello-world.sh
# define command arguments
Args_define "-j --job" "Running jobs" "<int>" 2
Args_define "-f --format" "Output format" "[json yaml toml xml]" "json"
Args_define "-v -V --version" "Show version"
Args_define "-h --help" "Show help"
# don't forget to parse the arguments passed in
Args_parse "$@"
# let's deal with the arguments you got
if Args_has "-v"; then
echo "Version: 1.0.0"
if Args_has "-h" || (($# == 0)); then
# get help info based on what you defined above
if Args_has "-f"; then
format="$(Args_get "--format")"
echo "hello world" > "foo.$format"
# let's pass some arguments
./hello-world.sh -h
./hello-world.sh -v
./hello-world.sh -f yaml
./hello-world.sh -f=yaml
./hello-world.sh -vhf yaml
./hello-world.sh -vhf=yaml
./hello-world.sh --job 8
./hello-world.sh -j=8
./hello-world.sh -j8
more details in the doc
arr=("foo" "bar" "baz")
Array_isEmpty arr
Array_includes arr "bar"
Array_indexOf arr "bar" # 1
Array_join arr "/" # foo/bar/baz
arr2=(2 5 1 3 4)
Array_forEach arr2 echo # "2 0" "5 1" "1 2" "3 3" "4 4"
Array_forEach arr2 'echo "$1-$2"' # "2-0" "5-1" "1-2" "3-3" "4-4"
Array_map arr2 'echo "$(($1 * 2))"' # 2 10 2 6 8
Array_push arr2 9 # 2 5 1 3 4 9
Array_pop arr2 # 2 5 1 3
Array_reverse arr2 # 4 3 1 5 2
Array_sort arr2 # 1 2 3 4 5
Array_splice arr2 1 1 # 2 1 3 4
more details in the doc
coloredMsg="$(Color "hello world" "yellowBright" "bgBlack" "italic" "underline")"
echo -e "$coloredMsg"
# or just use Color_print
Color_print "hello world\n" "yellowBright" "bgBlack" "italic" "underline"
# use rgb or hex color if your terminal supports it
Color_print "hello world\n" "#fa0" "rgb(0,0,0)|bg" "bold"
more details in the doc
File_isDir "foo/bar/"
File_isFile "foo/bar/baz.sh"
File_isExist "foo/bar/baz.sh"
File_isSymlink "foo/bar/baz.sh"
File_isEmpty "foo/bar/baz.sh"
more details in the doc
IO_log "log"
IO_info "info"
IO_warn "warn"
IO_error "error"
# also accept color format arguments
IO_success "success" "#0f0" "bold"
more details in the doc
Math_abs -1 # 1
Math_max 3 2 1 5 # 5
Math_min 3 2 1 5 # 1
Math_random 1 100
Math_range 1 10 2
more details in the doc
Path_basename "../foo/bar.sh" # bar.sh
Path_basename "../foo/bar.sh" ".sh" # bar
Path_extname "../foo/bar.sh" # .sh
Path_dirname "../foo/bar.sh" # ../foo
Path_join "path/to/foo/" "../bar.sh" # path/to/bar.sh
Path_resolve "path/to/foo/" "../bar.sh" # /abs/path/to/bar.sh
more details in the doc
String_isEmpty "foo"
String_includes "foobar" "bar"
String_indexOf "foobar" "bar" # 3
String_match "foobar" "o{2,2}bar$"
String_replace "foobar" "o" "x" #fxobar
String_slice "foobar" 1 4 # oob
String_substr "foobar" 1 4 # ooba
String_split "foo-bar-baz" "-" # ("foo" "bar" "baz")
String_toLowerCase "FOO" # foo
String_toUpperCase "foo" # FOO
String_capitalize "foo" # Foo
String_trim " foo bar " # foo bar
String_stripStart "/foo/bar/baz.sh" "*/" 1 # baz.sh
String_stripEnd "/foo/bar/baz.sh" "/*" # baz.sh
more details in the doc
why this repo?
I came form the javascript world, and I found myself always googlingtruncate string in bash shell ?
,difference between % and # ?
,if String is empty, use -n or -z ?
So here is this repo, to help writing shell script without google and pain.shoud I source libshell in every file?
No. you only need source it in the entry file.
And there will be no harm if you source it everywhere.will it import the same module multiple times?
only import module once.
libshell will register the imported module and make sure it not being imported multiple times.feel slow when running in a loop?
It's a bash problem here.
In bash()
will use subshell to execute. too many subshell will slow down your script.SECONDS=0 for ((i = 0; i < 10000; i++)); do # subshell used here num="$(Math_random 0 10)" done echo "cost: ${SECONDS}s" # cost: 10s
workaround: use the special global variable
to get the return value from the functionSECONDS=0 for ((i = 0; i < 10000; i++)); do # invoke function directly and redirect stdout to /dev/null Math_random 0 10 >/dev/null num="$RETVAL" done echo "cost: ${SECONDS}s" # cost: 0s
why xxx not included?
libshell meant to be basic. Only basic and general use function will be included.
build with
- linter: shellcheck
- fixer: shfmt
- unit test: bats