Parse and Generate AML: the easiest language to define database schema.
AML (Azimutt Markup Language) is the easiest language to design databases.
Made to be fast to learn and write.
Why AML?
- Structured text is WAY better than GUI: portable, copy/paste, find/replace, versioning, column edition...
- It's simpler, faster to write and less error-prone than SQL or other database schema DSLs
- Made for humans: readable, flexible, can hold custom properties
- Database agnostic: hold concepts, not specific syntax, can be converted to other dialects
- Free as 🕊️ but also 🍺
In short, it's perfect for fast prototyping and brainstorming. To know more, have a look at the AML documentation.
id uuid pk
name varchar
email varchar index
role user_role(admin, guest)=guest
id uuid pk
title varchar
content text | formatted in markdown
created_at timestamp=`now()`
created_by uuid -> users(id) # inline relation
How to use it
- In Azimutt designer: design your database schema with AML
- In Dialect converters: convert AML to other dialects such as SQL, JSON, Markdown...
- As a code library (see API below)
This package has a very simple API:
function parseAml(content: string): ParserResult<Database> { /* ... */ }
function generateAml(database: Database): string { /* ... */ }
You can look at the Database definition, it's how Azimutt model any database schema (offers zod validations and TypeScript types).
ParserResult is just a class with a result
and errors
Here is a sample usage:
const aml = 'users\ id int pk\n name varchar\n'
const parsed = parseAml(aml)
if (parsed.errors) {
parsed.errors.forEach(e => console.log('paring error', e.message))
if (parsed.result) {
console.log('database', parsed.result)
const generated: string = generateAml(parsed.result)
console.log('generated', generated)
You can have both, a result
and some errors
as there is syntax recovery and some errors are warnings (see level
This package also offer a few more features:
function generateDot(database: Database) {} // generate a DOT graph
function generateMermaid(database: Database) {} // generate a Mermaid erDiagram
function generateMarkdown(database: Database) {} // generate markdown documentation
function generateJsonDatabase(database: Database): string {} // generate nice JSON (similar to `JSON.stringify(db, null, 2), but more compact)
function parseJsonDatabase(content: string): ParserResult<Database> {} // parse and validate JSON (`zod.safeParse()` adapted to Azimutt APIs)
const schemaJsonDatabase: JSONSchema = {} // the JSON Schema object for the Database type
The last useful thing is the Monaco Editor helpers:
const monaco = {language, completion, codeAction, codeLens, createMarker}
You can set up Monaco Editor to be a powerful IDE for AML:
monaco.languages.register({id: 'aml'})
monaco.languages.setMonarchTokensProvider('aml', aml.monaco.language()) // syntax highlighting
monaco.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider('aml', aml.monaco.completion()) // auto-complete
monaco.languages.registerCodeActionProvider('aml', aml.monaco.codeAction()) // quick-fixes
monaco.languages.registerCodeLensProvider('aml', aml.monaco.codeLens()) // hints with actions
const model = monaco.editor.createModel('users\n id int pk\n name varchar index\n', 'aml')
var editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('aml-editor'), {
theme: 'vs-light',
minimap: {enabled: false},
automaticLayout: true,
scrollBeyondLastLine: true,
editor.onDidChangeModelContent(e => {
const parsed = parseAml(editor.getValue())
monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(model, 'owner', (parsed.errors || []).map(e => aml.monaco.createMarker(e, model, editor)))
const db = parsed.result // <= here is your Database object (or undefined ^^)
You can also use the Database JSON Schema for improved JSON editing experience in Monaco.
As an example you can try the AML to JSON converter or the JSON to AML converter
- update
version - update lib versions (
pnpm -w run update
+ manual) - test with
pnpm run dry-publish
and checkazimutt-aml-x.y.z.tgz
content - launch
pnpm publish --no-git-checks --access public
View it on npm.
If you need to develop on multiple libs at the same time (ex: want to update a connector and try it through the CLI), depend on local libs but publish & revert before commit.
- Depend on a local lib:
pnpm add <lib>
, ex:pnpm add @azimutt/models
- "Publish" lib locally by building it:
pnpm run build