Simple classes to access Azure services.
Use these services from a server only. These services use secrets that should be protected and not passed or exposed on a client.
- Cache for redis
- Bing Search
- Blob storage
- Blob storage
- Computer Vision as AiVision
- Content moderation as AiContentModeration
- Cosmos DB - mongo db
- Cosmos DB - no-sql
- Event hubs
- Key vault
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Translator
Bing Search
Bing Search Services
- Documentation
- Create Bing Search v7 key in Azure portal
- Key
- Endpoint
- Search - search is based on the endpoint and query parameters
const { BingSearchV7 } = require('@azberry/az-simple');
const key = process.env.MICROSOFT_BING_SEARCH_V7_KEY;
const endpoint = 'https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/news/search';
async function mytest() {
const searchService = new BingSearchV7(key);
const results = await searchService.searchNews(endpoint, {
q: `Microsoft Space SDK`,
count: 5,
sortBy: `Relevance`, // or `Date`,
safeSearch: `Strict`, // or `Moderate` or `Off`
mkt: 'en-US',
freshness: `Month`, // or `Day` or `Week`
textFormat: `Raw` // or `HTML`
mytest().catch((err) => console.log(err));
Example response:
"name":"Best match",
"name":"Most recent",
"name":"Google Chrome and Android drop TrustCor support following privacy scare",
"description":"Google has announced that it is set to drop TrustCor Systems as a root certificate authority (CA) for its web browser. The tech giant cited a “loss of confidence in its ability to uphold these fundamental principles and to protect and safeguard Chrome's users” in a group discussion.",
"name":"Yves Pitsch’s Post",
"description":"Today, Microsoft is excited to announce a crucial step towards democratizing access to space development, with the private preview release of the Azure Orbital Space SDK (Software Development Kit).",
"name":"Kevin Mack’s Post",
"description":"Today, Microsoft is excited to announce a crucial step towards democratizing access to space development, with the private preview release of the Azure Orbital Space SDK (Software Development Kit).",
"name":"What will 2023 hold for the telecoms industry?",
"description":"It’s that time of year again when we ask some leading lights from the industry to gaze into their crystal balls and take a punt on what we’ll be talking about next year in the world of telecoms.",
Blob Storage
Azure Blob Storage service - without heirarchical namespaces enabled (so no Data Lake)
- Key
- Endpoint
- Containers:
- Create if not exists
- Delete (includes all snapshots)
- Blobs:
Get blob
- As Json
- As text
- As Buffer
Get blob properties
- system
- metadata
- tags
const client = new BlobStorage(AZURE_STORAGE_NAME, AZURE_STORAGE_KEY); return await client.getBlobProperties(blobUrl, { system: true, metadata: true, tags: true });
Example response:
{ "system": { "lastModified": "2023-01-07T18:16:17.000Z", "createdOn": "2023-01-07T18:16:17.000Z", "objectReplicationRules": {}, "blobType": "BlockBlob", "leaseState": "available", "leaseStatus": "unlocked", "contentLength": 202300, "contentType": "image/jpeg", "etag": "\"0x8DAF0DB4542A49F\"", "clientRequestId": "eee498d8-0f25-4307-ac0c-65c0b3869f95", "requestId": "8d4c466a-401e-000d-3cce-2264e9000000", "version": "2021-10-04", "date": "2023-01-07T19:28:47.000Z", "acceptRanges": "bytes", "isServerEncrypted": true, "accessTier": "Hot", "accessTierInferred": true, "body": true, "objectReplicationSourceProperties": [] }, "metadata": {}, "tags": {} }
Upload blob
- From local file
- From readable stream
Delete blob
List blobs in container by page
- Delimiter
- Prefix
- to search subdirs and files: use string like 's' to search for any that begin with 's'
- to search subdirs only: use string like 'subdirName/' or 'subdirName/s'
- Page settings
- limit results to small number such as 10
- add continuationToken value to next query if it is returned from current query
{ maxPageSize: 10, continuationToken: 'abc' }
import { BlobStorage } from '@azberry/az-simple'; const name = process.env.AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME; const key = process.env.AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY; const containerName = 'test'; // exact container name const prefixStr = 's'; // subdirs and files that start with 's' const delimiter = '/'; // const pageSettings = { maxPageSize: 10 }; // don't pass empty `continuationToken` try { const client = new BlobStorage(name, key); const results = await client.listBlobsInContainer( containerName, pageSettings, prefixStr, delimiter ); // shape of results as type HierarchicalListingResponse // { // serviceEndpoint: string | undefined; // container: string; // prefix: string; // delimiter: string; // pageSettings: PageSettings; // subDirectoryNames: string[] | undefined; // blobNames: string[] | undefined; // error: string | number | undefined | Error; // }; return results; } catch (err) { console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); }
Computer Vision as AiVision
Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision
- Key
- Endpoint
Analyze image
const { AiVision } = require('@azberry/az-simple'); require('dotenv').config(); const key = process.env.AZURE_COMPUTER_VISION_KEY; const endpoint = process.env.AZURE_COMPUTER_VISION_ENDPOINT; async function mytest() { const aiVision = new AiVision(key, endpoint); const options = { visualFeatures: [ 'Categories', 'Brands', 'Adult', 'Color', 'Description', 'Faces', 'Objects', 'Tags' ], language: 'en' }; const results = await aiVision.readImage( 'https://moderatorsampleimages.blob.core.windows.net/samples/sample16.png', options ); console.log(results); } mytest().catch((err) => console.log(err));
Example response
{ "categories":[ { "name":"animal_dog", "score":0.99609375 } ], "adult":{ "isAdultContent":false, "isRacyContent":false, "isGoryContent":false, "adultScore":0.0006656277109868824, "racyScore":0.001631653867661953, "goreScore":0.0007828648085705936 }, "color":{ "dominantColorForeground":"White", "dominantColorBackground":"Grey", "dominantColors":[ "Grey", "Green" ], "accentColor":"A36D28", "isBWImg":false, "isBwImg":false }, "tags":[ { "name":"grass", "confidence":0.9957543611526489 }, { "name":"dog", "confidence":0.9939157962799072 }, { "name":"mammal", "confidence":0.9928356409072876 }, { "name":"animal", "confidence":0.9918001890182495 }, { "name":"dog breed", "confidence":0.9890419244766235 }, { "name":"pet", "confidence":0.974603533744812 }, { "name":"outdoor", "confidence":0.969241738319397 }, { "name":"companion dog", "confidence":0.906731367111206 }, { "name":"small greek domestic dog", "confidence":0.8965123891830444 }, { "name":"golden retriever", "confidence":0.8877675533294678 }, { "name":"labrador retriever", "confidence":0.8746421337127686 }, { "name":"puppy", "confidence":0.872604250907898 }, { "name":"ancient dog breeds", "confidence":0.8508287668228149 }, { "name":"field", "confidence":0.8017748594284058 }, { "name":"retriever", "confidence":0.6837497353553772 }, { "name":"brown", "confidence":0.6581960916519165 } ], "description":{ "tags":[ "grass", "dog", "outdoor", "animal", "mammal", "laying", "tan" ], "captions":[ [ "Object" ] ] }, "faces":[ ], "objects":[ { "rectangle":[ "Object" ], "object":"dog", "confidence":0.903, "parent":[ "Object" ] } ], "brands":[ ], "requestId":"97f1e8cc-f07d-4e5b-b11c-13a7d6ddf607", "metadata":{ "width":1295, "height":1155, "format":"Png" }, "modelVersion":"2021-05-01" }
Content moderation as AiContentModeration
Azure Cognitive Services Content Moderation
- Key
- Endpoint
Content moderation for images
const { AiContentModeration } = require('@azberry/az-simple'); async function main() { const contentModeratorKey = process.env.AZURE_CONTENT_MODERATION_KEY; const contentModeratorEndPoint = process.env.AZURE_CONTENT_MODERATION_ENDPOINT; const aiContentModeration = new AiContentModeration( contentModeratorKey, contentModeratorEndPoint ); const result = await aiContentModeration.imageModeration( "https://moderatorsampleimages.blob.core.windows.net/samples/sample5.png" ); console.log(result); } main();
Example response
Content moderation for text
require('dotenv').config(); const { AiContentModeration } = require('@azberry/az-simple'); async function main() { const contentModeratorKey = process.env.AZURE_CONTENT_MODERATION_KEY; const contentModeratorEndPoint = process.env.AZURE_CONTENT_MODERATION_ENDPOINT; const aiContentModeration = new AiContentModeration( contentModeratorKey, contentModeratorEndPoint ); const result = await aiContentModeration.textModeration( 'text/plain', 'This is a fuck you to the world' ); console.log(result); } main();
Example response
{ "originalText":"This is a fuck you to the world", "normalizedText":" fuck you world", "misrepresentation":null, "status":{ "code":3000, "description":"OK", "exception":null }, "language":"eng", "terms":[ { "index":3, "originalIndex":10, "listId":0, "term":"fuck" }, { "index":3, "originalIndex":10, "listId":0, "term":"fuck you" } ], "trackingId":"e60eb47f-262d-496c-90bb-8731fddc9a5b" }
Cosmos DB (NoSql)
Azure Cosmos DB NoSql
- Key
- Endpoint
- Create new database & container
- Get existing container
Event Hubs
To send:
- Event hub namespace name
- Event hub connection string
To receive:
- Event hub namespace name
- Event hub connection string
- Storage connection string
- Storage container name
- Send bulk messages
- Receive bulk messages
To send or receive individual messages, use an array of 1 item.
const { EventHubs } = require('@azberry/az-simple');
async function main() {
const connectionString = process.env.AZURE_EVENT_HUBS_NAMESPACE_CONNECTION_STRING;
const eventHubName = process.env.AZURE_EVENT_HUB_NAME;
const eventHubs = new EventHubs(eventHubName);
const eventsToSend = [
{ body: 'First event' },
{ body: 'Second event' },
{ body: 'Third event' }
await eventHubs.sendBatch(connectionString, eventsToSend);
main().catch((err) => console.log(err));
A successful call returns no result.
const { EventHubs } = require('@azberry/az-simple');
async function main() {
const eventHubConnectionString =
const eventHubName = process.env.AZURE_EVENT_HUB_NAME;
const consumerGroup = '$Default';
const storageConnectionString = process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING;
const storageContainerName = process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME;
const endProcessingInMilliseconds = 20000;
const eventHubs = new EventHubs(eventHubName);
const eventsReturned = await eventHubs.receiveBatch(
main().catch((err) => console.log(err));
Example output
"body": "First event",
"offset": "0",
"sequenceNumber": 0,
"enqueuedTimeUtc": "2023-01-05T16:55:17.677Z",
"systemProperties": {}
"body": "Second event",
"offset": "80",
"sequenceNumber": 1,
"enqueuedTimeUtc": "2023-01-05T16:55:17.677Z",
"systemProperties": {}
"body": "Third event",
"offset": "160",
"sequenceNumber": 2,
"enqueuedTimeUtc": "2023-01-05T16:55:17.677Z",
"systemProperties": {}
Key Vault
Azure Key Vault
Create an access policy for your key vault that grants secret permissions to your user account with the az keyvault set-policy command.
az keyvault set-policy --name <your-key-vault-name> --upn [email protected] --secret-permissions delete get list set purge
Configure @azure/identity credential setup.
- DefaultAzureCredential - you must provide environment mechanism to authenticate such as environment variables
- Secrets: Get, set, delete
Use this to access Cosmos DB for Mongo API
- Account name
- Account key
- Get blob as JSON
Azure Cache for Redis
Use this to access Azure Cache for Redis.
- Host name:
- Password: primary access key
- Port: (default) 6380
- Database: optional, 0-15 (16 possible databases)
- Connect
- Get current client
- Get status
- Get key
- Get client type
- Get key type
- Set key
- Delete key
- Ping
- Send command
const { RedisCache } = require('@azberry/az-simple');
const params = {
password: process.env.AZURE_CACHE_FOR_REDIS_ACCESS_KEY,
port: process.env.AZURE_CACHE_FOR_REDIS_PORT,
database: 12
async function main() {
const redisCache = new RedisCache(params);
await redisCache.connect();
const name1 = 'Dog:001:a';
const name2 = 'Dog:002:a';
const name3 = 'Dog:003:a';
const value = 'Here we go again';
console.log(await redisCache.ping());
// STATUS: isReady, isOpen, serverTime
console.log(`status = ${JSON.stringify(await redisCache.status())}`);
// Set key
const set1 = await redisCache.set(name1, value);
// Set Key
const set2 = await redisCache.set(name2, value);
// Get key type: `string`
const type2 = await redisCache.type(name2);
console.log(`type: ${type2}`);
// Set key with short cache time
const set3 = await redisCache.set(name3, value, 50);
// DBSize - item count == 3
const dbSize = await redisCache.sendCommand(['DBSIZE']);
console.log(`size ${JSON.stringify(dbSize)}`);
// Delete second item
const deleteName2 = await redisCache.delete(name2);
console.log(`delete ${JSON.stringify(deleteName2)}`);
// DBSize - item count == 2
const dbSize1 = await redisCache.sendCommand(['DBSIZE']);
console.log(`size ${JSON.stringify(dbSize1)}`);
// Get first item: "Here we go again"
const get1 = await redisCache.get(name1);
// Does first item exist: returns 1
const doesExist = await redisCache.sendCommand(['EXISTS', name1]);
console.log(`key 1 exists ${JSON.stringify(doesExist)}`);
// DBSize - item count - 2
const dbSize2 = await redisCache.sendCommand(['DBSIZE']);
console.log(`size ${JSON.stringify(dbSize2)}`);
// List all keys: ["Dog:001:a","Dog:003:a"]
const keys = await redisCache.sendCommand(['KEYS', '*']);
console.log(`list ${JSON.stringify(keys)}`);
// DBSize - item count - 2 (third item hasn't timed out yet)
const dbSize3 = await redisCache.sendCommand(['DBSIZE']);
console.log(`size ${JSON.stringify(dbSize3)}`);
// Remove keys
// const flushall = await redisCache.sendCommand(['FLUSHALL']);
//console.log(`flushall ${JSON.stringify(flushall)}`);
// Want to do your own thing with redis?
const client = redisCache.getCurrentClient();
// Disconnect with wait
await redisCache.DisconnectWhenFinished();
// Disconnect
await redisCache.disconnectNow();
Azure Cognitive Service Translator Text
Create the key in the Global
- Key
- Endpoint
- Get translation - translate array of strings from one language to another