A context provider for managing user authentication, device registration, and WebSocket communication in React and React Native applications.
Ayetu Context
A context provider for managing user authentication, device registration, and WebSocket communication in React and React Native applications.
To install the package, use npm:
npm install @ayetu/context
1. Wrap Your Application with the Provider
To use the context, you need to wrap your main application component with the `AyetuContextProvider`. This makes the context available throughout your application.
Example in React (Web or Native)
// App.tsx
import React from "react";
import { AyetuContextProvider } from "@ayetu/context";
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";
const App: React.FC = () => {
return (
<MyComponent />
export default App;
2. Use the Custom Hook
You can use the `useAyetu` hook to access the context values and functions in any component.
Example Usage
// MyComponent.tsx
import React from "react";
import { useAyetu } from "@ayetu/context";
const MyComponent: React.FC = () => {
const {
auth: {
state: { isConnected },
} = useAyetu();
const handleSocialSignIn = async () => {
// Step 1: Start social sign-in process
const result = await socialSignIn("google", "https://your-return-url.com");
if (result.success) {
window.location.href = result.data.redirectUrl;
} else {
console.error("Social sign-in failed:", result.error);
const handleCreateAccount = async (
socialToken: string,
name: string,
handle: string
) => {
// Step 2: Create an account
const accountResult = await createAccount(
if (accountResult.success) {
console.log("Account created:", accountResult.data);
} else {
console.error("Account creation failed:", accountResult.error);
const handleRegisterDevice = async () => {
// Step 3: Register a device
const deviceResult = await registerDevice("My Device");
if (deviceResult.success) {
console.log("Device registered:", deviceResult.data);
// Store device details securely here
} else {
console.error("Device registration failed:", deviceResult.error);
const handleRequestOTP = async () => {
// Step 4: Request an OTP
const otpResult = await requestOTP("+1", "1234567890");
if (otpResult.success) {
console.log("OTP sent:", otpResult.data.otpSent);
} else {
console.error("OTP request failed:", otpResult.error);
const handleSignIn = async (otp: string, device: any) => {
// Step 5: Sign in using OTP and device
const signInResult = await signIn(
if (signInResult.success) {
console.log("Signed in successfully:", signInResult.data);
// Store accessToken and refreshToken securely
// Automatically connect WebSocket upon successful sign-in
} else {
console.error("Sign in failed:", signInResult.error);
const handleWebSocketConnection = () => {
// Manually connect to WebSocket if needed
const handleSendMessage = (action: string, data: any) => {
// Step 7: Send WebSocket message
if (isConnected) {
sendMsg(action, data);
} else {
console.error("Cannot send message: WebSocket is not connected.");
return (
<button onClick={handleSocialSignIn}>Social Sign In</button>
onClick={() => handleCreateAccount("socialToken", "John Doe", "@john")}
Create Account
<button onClick={handleRegisterDevice}>Register Device</button>
<button onClick={handleRequestOTP}>Request OTP</button>
onClick={() =>
handleSignIn("123456", {
/* device object */
Sign In
<button onClick={handleWebSocketConnection}>Connect WebSocket</button>
{/* Add UI for sending messages via WebSocket */}
export default MyComponent;
Step-by-Step Guide
Social Sign-In: Use `socialSignIn(provider, returnUrl)` to initiate a social sign-in process. You will receive a `redirectUrl` that will redirect the user to complete the sign-in. The `returnUrl` is the URL the user will be redirected back to after successful authentication, along with the `socialToken`, `name`, and `handle`.
Create an Account: If the user does not have an account, call `createAccount(handle, name, telephoneCountryCode, telephoneNumber, password, socialToken)` to create one. This returns a `userId` and an `otpSent` boolean indicating whether an OTP was sent.
Register a Device: Use `registerDevice(deviceName)` to register a new device. This returns an object containing device information, which should be stored securely.
Request OTP: Call `requestOTP(telephoneCountryCode, telephoneNumber)` to request an OTP for the given phone number. This function will return an `otpSent` boolean indicating whether the OTP was successfully sent.
Sign In: After receiving the OTP, use `signIn(telephoneCountryCode, telephoneNumber, password, otp, device)` to sign in the user. This will return the `deviceId`, `accessToken`, and `refreshToken`. The `refreshToken` should be stored securely for future use. Note: Upon successful sign-in, `connectSocket(accessToken)` is called automatically to establish a WebSocket connection.
Connect WebSocket: While the WebSocket connection is established automatically upon sign-in, you can also manually call `connectSocket(accessToken)` to reconnect if the connection is lost or needs to be reestablished.
Send WebSocket Message: After a successful WebSocket connection, use `sendMsg(action, data)` to send messages to the server and listen for state updates.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.