Lightweight and configurable icons for Svelte
Svelte Context Icons
npm i @ayalab/svelte-context-icons
How to use
Create icons paths config
You may use a library that provides svg icons paths, for example @mdi/js
./icons-config.js import { mdiPlus, mdiMinus } from "@mdi/js"; const paths = { plus:mdiPlus, minus:mdiMinus };
Or you may add your svg icons paths
./icons-config.js const paths = { plus: "M19 13h-6v6h-2v-6H5v-2h6V5h2v6h6v2z", };
Wrap your app with IconsProvider and add paths config to its props
import { IconsProvider } from "@ayalab/svelte-context-icons"; import { paths } from "./icons-config.js"; <IconsProvider {paths}> <App/> </IconsProvider>
Now in any part of your app you can use the icon component
import { Icon } from "@ayalab/svelte-context-icons"; <div> <Icon name="plus"/> </div>
To add typescript support, you may use that workaround
Create .ts file with paths object like in previous example
In your types folder, create .d.ts file with the following content
declare module "@ayalab/svelte-context-icons" { import type { SvelteComponentTyped } from 'svelte'; // Set the path to your icons config here declare type TPaths = keyof typeof import("./icons-config").paths; export type TIconName = TPaths; declare type TIconProps = import("@ayalab/svelte-context-icons/index").TIconProps<TPaths>; declare type TProviderProps = import("@ayalab/svelte-context-icons/index").TIconsProviderProps<TPaths>; export class Icon extends SvelteComponentTyped<TIconProps, {}, {}> {} export class IconsProvider extends SvelteComponentTyped<TProviderProps, {}, {}>{} }