Axway Amplify platform organization and user management CLI
Axway Amplify OUM CLI
Manage organizations, teams, and users.
This package is bundled with the Axway CLI and thus does not need to be directly installed.
npm i -g axway
List all organizations:
$ axway org list
View an organization:
$ axway org view
$ axway org view <org>
Rename an organization:
$ axway org rename <org> <name>
Organization Users
List all organization users:
$ axway org user list <org>
Add a user to an org:
$ axway org user add <org> <guid|email> --role <role1> [...--role <role2>]
Update a user's roles:
$ axway org user update <org> <guid|email> --role <role1> [...--role <role2>]
Delete a user:
$ axway org user remove <org> <guid|email>
Organization Teams
List all organization teams:
$ axway team list [org]
View a team's info:
$ axway team view <org> <team>
Add a team to an org:
$ axway team add <org> <name> --desc [value] --tag [tag1] --tag [tag2] --default
Update a team:
$ axway team update # shows help
$ axway team update <org> <team> # shows help
$ axway team update <org> <team> --name [value] --desc [value] --tag [tag1] --tag [tag2] --default
Remove a team from an org:
$ axway team remove <org> <team>
Organization Team Users
List all users in a team:
$ axway team user list <org> <team>
Add a user to a team:
$ axway team user add <org> <team> <guid|email> --role <role1> [...--role <role2>]
Update a user's role within a team:
$ axway team user update <org> <team> <guid|email> --role <role1> [...--role <role2>]
Remove a user from a team:
$ axway team user remove <org> <team> <guid|email>
Organization Usage
View the usage:
$ axway org usage <org> --from [yyyy-mm-dd] --to [yyyy-mm-dd]
Organization Activity
View the organization activity:
$ axway org activity <org> --from [yyyy-mm-dd] --to [yyyy-mm-dd]
Organization IdP
Manage the organization identity provider settings:
$ axway org idp <org>
Account Management
View an account including organizations and roles:
$ axway user view
Update your account information:
$ axway user update --first-name <name> --last-name <name>
View your user activity:
$ axway user activity --from [yyyy-mm-dd] --to [yyyy-mm-dd]
Change your log in credentials:
$ axway user credentials
This project is open source under the Apache Public License v2 and is developed by
Axway, Inc and the community. Please read the LICENSE
file included
in this distribution for more information.