Manage APIs, services and publish to the Amplify Marketplace
Axway Central CLI package for managing Amplify Central resources and DevOps operations.
For more documentation and examples please visit Amplify Central CLI documentation portal.
Note: OS support: Mac OS, Linux, Windows 10. Node.js version support: >=12.13.0 Terminal shell support: Mac Terminal, Linux Terminal, Windows Command Prompt, Windows PowerShell. Not supported: Cygwin(Windows), Git Bash(Windows).
Note for existing users: The "Amplify CLI" core package has been deprecated in favor of the new "Axway CLI" package. The Axway Central CLI supports both the old Amplify CLI core package and the new Axway CLI core package; however, for the purposes of this ReadME and the CLI command help text you may encounter, all commands that previously used the "amplify" keyword now use the "axway" keyword, even though both keywords are supported.
Additionally, if you are a current user of the deprecated 'Amplify Central CLI' package, please uninstall it by running
[sudo] axway pm uninstall @axway/amplify-central-cli
before following the instructions below to install this 'Axway Central CLI' package.
Assuming you are familiar with Node.js and npm, ensure you have Node.js >= 12.13.0, and npm >= 6.12.0 installed. Then, install the Axway CLI, which will give you connectivity to the Axway Amplify Platform. Note that you must first have an account on https://platform.axway.com, and be provisioned in Amplify Central:
$ [sudo] npm install -g axway
Use the Axway package manager command to install the Axway Central CLI:
# To install latest available version:
$ axway pm install @axway/axway-central-cli
# If you want to install a specific prod version:
$ axway pm install @axway/[email protected]
# or a specific tag:
$ axway pm install @axway/axway-central-cli@dev
Additional Installation Steps On Windows
After successfully installing axway-central-cli, verify if OpenSSL is installed. OpenSSL is needed to generate public/private key pairs for service account authentication. This is a pre-requisite for the creation of service accounts.
Install OpenSSL if not installed already. You can download and install OpenSSL from here Download OpenSSL
After installing OpenSSL, ensure it is added to your path (C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin) in environment variables.
Verify if OpenSSL is installed and configured correctly
openssl version
Optional configurations
Enabling shell autocompletion
Our CLI provides autocompletion support for Bash or Zsh (Linux or MacOS), which can save you a lot of typing.
The completion script for Zsh can be generated with
axway central completion --zsh
. Sourcing the completion script in your shell enables autocomplete for the CLI.# add autocomplete to zsh for the current shell source <(axway central completion --zsh) # permanently add autocomplete to zsh echo "source <(axway central completion --zsh)" >> .zshrc
If you get an error like
complete:13: command not found: compdef
, then add the following to the beginning of your ~/.zshrc file:autoload -Uz compinit compinit
If you are on a Mac you may need to install the bash-completion script before you begin. To do so run
brew install bash-completion
The completion script for Bash can be generated with
axway central completion --bash
. Sourcing the completion script in your shell enables autocomplete for the CLI.# add autocomplete to bash for the current shell source <(axway central completion --bash) # permanently add autocomplete to bash echo "source <(axway central completion --bash)" >> .bashrc
Getting started
Log in to the Axway Amplify Platform using the following command:
# If using a regular account
axway auth login
# If using a service account
axway auth login --client-id <Service Account Client ID> --secret-file <Private Key>
Log out of the Axway Amplify Platform using the following command:
$ axway auth logout
To see available help, options and examples add -h
or --help
option on any command:
$ axway auth logout -h
General usage
USAGE: axway central <command> [options]
Manage APIs, services and publish to the Amplify Marketplace
apply Update resources from a file
completion Output shell completion code
config Configure Central CLI settings
create Create one or more resources from a file or stdin
delete Delete resources
edit Edit and update resources by using the default editor
get List one or more resources
install Install additional platform resources
Commands reference:
Configuration is saved on disk to allow you to be able to use them across commands.
axway central config <command> [options]
list View Central CLI settings
set Set Central CLI settings
Region configuration
Region configuration identifies the Amplify Central instance to whose servers you want to send your requests. Your current authenticated account's org setting is used by default (i.e., if your org belongs to the APAC region, it is going to be used automatically).
You can always override the current region setting by configuring CLI with the following command (possible values are US
, EU
or AP
# to point CLI to EU region:
axway central config set --region=EU
# to point CLI to US region:
axway central config set --region=US
# to point CLI to APAC region:
axway central config set --region=AP
Or by adding optional --region=<value>
flag with any command:
axway central get environments --region=EU
Account configuration
In general, it is not needed to manipulate the account
configuration. CLI should be able to detect the current default account. However, if you want to use a specific account Axway Central CLI allows you to provide --account
with every command you run to override your auth.defaultAccount
config in Axway CLI (you can check its value by running axway config list
or axway config get auth.defaultAccount
axway central get environments --account=<Desired account name>
# for example:
axway central get environments --account=amplify-cli:[email protected]
You can also achieve same goal by running axway config set auth.defaultAccount <desired account name>
command when needed. Keep in mind that this value is set automatically when you login to the platform using CLI.
You can set up extensions to the Axway Central CLI. Extensions can be a npm package, a Javascript file or even an executable. Once set, you would be able to use these extensions as commands from within the Axway Central CLI.
Tip: You can create extensions using our cli-kit which is the same framework used by Axway Central CLI.
axway central config set extensions.<name> <path_to_executable>
setting extension example:
# set the name and the path to your extension
axway central config set extensions.my-extension '~/myExtension'
# my-extension can then be used as a command from the Axway Central CLI
axway central my-extension ...
Proxy configuration:
Note: Please always check Axway CLI docs for the latest proxy configuration instructions.
Axway Central CLI relies on the Axway CLI configuration for proxy support. To set the proxy URL:
axway config set network.httpProxy http://proxy.int:9090
If the proxy is using a self-signed certificate and you see SSL errors, you can disable the SSL check by setting 'strictSSL' to false:
axway config set network.strictSSL false
Listing config:
You can see all your saved configuration using:
axway central config ls
Proxies: create/update a proxy:
The ability to create/update proxies have been deprecated from the CLI verison 2.19.0
Prints a table of the most important information about the specified resources.
If the desired resource type is scoped you will need to specify the scope name by providing -s, --scope <scope name> (or <scope kind>/<scope name>)
You can query for more than one resource if using comma-separated resources in the command (see the examples).
Querying for multiple resources will display multiple result tables, one result table for each resource you fetch.
To see the list of all available resources on the server run axway central get
, for example (not an actual list, always check the CLI for the latest):
accessrequestdefinitions accreqdef AccessRequestDefinition true Environment management
accessrequests accreq AccessRequest true Environment management
apiserviceinstances apisi APIServiceInstance true Environment management
apiservicerevisions apisr APIServiceRevision true Environment management
apiservices apis APIService true Environment management
apispecs apisp APISpec true K8SCluster management
assetmappings assetmpng AssetMapping true Environment management
assetmappingtemplates assetmpngtmpl AssetMappingTemplate true Environment management
assetreleases assetrelease AssetRelease false catalog
assetrequestdefinitions assetreqdef AssetRequestDefinition true Asset catalog
assetrequestdefinitions assetreqdef AssetRequestDefinition true AssetRelease catalog
assetrequests assetreq AssetRequest true Asset catalog
assetrequests assetreq AssetRequest true AssetRelease catalog
assetresources assetres AssetResource true Asset catalog
assetresources assetres AssetResource true AssetRelease catalog
assets asset Asset false catalog
consumerinstances consumeri ConsumerInstance true Environment management
consumersubscriptiondefs consumersd ConsumerSubscriptionDefinition true Environment management
discoveryagents da DiscoveryAgent true Environment management
documents docs Document true Asset catalog
documents docs Document true AssetRelease catalog
environments env Environment false management
integrations integ Integration false management
k8sclusters k8sc K8SCluster false management
k8sresources k8sr K8SResource true K8SCluster management
meshdiscoveries meshd MeshDiscovery true Mesh management
meshes mesh Mesh false management
meshservices meshsvc MeshService true Mesh management
meshworkloads meshwrk MeshWorkload true Mesh management
releasetags releasetag ReleaseTag true Asset catalog
resourcediscoveries resourced ResourceDiscovery true K8SCluster management
resourcehooks resourceh ResourceHook true Integration management
secrets secret Secret true Integration management
secrets secret Secret true Environment management
specdiscoveries specd SpecDiscovery true K8SCluster management
stages stg Stage false catalog
traceabilityagents ta TraceabilityAgent true Environment management
webhooks webh Webhook true Integration management
webhooks webh Webhook true Environment management
Fetching, Filtering and Querying
You can fetch resources by Resource, by Short Name, or by the specific Resource Name.
You can "simple filter" resources by title, tag, and attribute. These simple filters can be used independently or in combination(logical AND), i.e. you can filter by title AND tag AND attribute. However, they only support -singular- filters: you can only filter by one tag, one title, one attribute at a time.
For more complex filtering and fetching(e.g. using logical OR, or filterieng by multiple tags, titles, attributes, and other filters), you can also query for resources that match RSQL-formatted query parameters you pass in. See the linked documentation for examples of RSQL query syntax, and the "get examples" below for sample usage.
Note: Using the --query flag will override any --title, --tag or --attribute flags you use.
get usage
USAGE: axway central get [options] [<args...>]
Display one or many resources.
args... Command arguments, run "axway central get" to see the examples
--attribute [key=value] Attribute in key=value pair format to filter by
--no-cache Do not use cache when communicating with the server
--account [value] Override your default account config
--language=[langCode] Show the language detail of the retruned object. One of: * | fr-fr | en-us | de-de | pt-br
--languageDefinition=[langCode] Show the language definition constraint of the returned object. One of: fr-fr | en-us | de-de | pt-br
-o, --output [value] Additional output formats. One of: yaml | json
-q, --query [RSQL query] RSQL-formatted query to search for filters that match specific parameters
--region [value] Override your region config
-s, --scope [[name|kind/name]"] Scope name or kind/name for scoped resources
--tag [tag] Tag of resource(s) to fetch
--title [title] Title of resource(s) to fetch
get examples
# get all environments
axway central get envs
# get all environments in yaml format
axway central get environments -o yaml
# get environment by Resource/Common name in json format
axway central get env myenv -o json
# get all webhooks
axway central get webhooks
# get all webhooks by Short Name
axway central get webh
# get all webhooks and apiservices by Short Name
axway central get webh,apis
# get all environments and api services
axway central get envs,apisvc
# get environment and apiservice which matches a Resource/Common Name in a specified scope(scope is required ater -s flag) in json format
axway central get env,apisvc commonname -s env1 -o json
# get apiservice with name "testsvc" in the scope "Environment" with name "testenv"
axway central get apisvc testsvc -s Environment/testenv
# get product with name "testproduct" with all available language information and output in json
axway central get products testproduct --language="*" -o json
# get assets with titles that start with "a"
axway central get assets -q "title==a*"
# get assets with titles that start with a or i
axway central get assets -q "title==a* or title==i*"
# get assets with tags that match tag1 or tag2
axway central get assets -q "tags=in=(tag1,tag2)"
# get assets and filter the list to assets that have a specific title "test"
axway central get assets --title test
# get assets and filter the list to assets that have a specific tag "tag1"
axway central get assets --tag tag1
# get assets and filter the list to assets that have a specific attribute "location=arizona"
axway central get assets --attribute location=arizona
# get assets and filter the list with a combination of title, tag and attribute filters
axway central get assets --title test --tag tag1 --attribute location=arizona
# To get a product with name "test-product" with French language translation if available in YAML format
axway central get products test-product --language="fr-fr" -o yaml
# To get a product with name "test-product" with German language translation if available in YAML format
axway central get products test-product --language="de-de" -o yaml
# To get a product with name "test-product" with US English language translation if available in YAML format
axway central get products test-product --language="en-us" -o yaml
# To get a product with name "test-product" with Portugal language translation if available in YAML format
axway central get products test-product --language="pt-br" -o yaml
# To get a stage with name "demo-stage" with the French language translation in JSON format
axway central get stages demo-stage --languageDefinition="fr-fr" -o json
# To get a stage with name "demo-stage" with the US English language translation in JSON format
axway central get stages demo-stage --languageDefinition="en-us" -o json
# To get a stage with name "demo-stage" with the German language translation in JSON format
axway central get stages demo-stage --languageDefinition="de-de" -o json
# To get a stage with name "demo-stage" with the Portugese language translation in JSON format
axway central get stages demo-stage --languageDefinition="pt-br" -o json
USAGE: axway central create <command> [options]
Create one or more resources from a file or stdin
agent-resource Create an agent resource
environment Create an environment with the specified name
--account [value] Override your default account config
--no-cache Do not use cache when communicating with the server
-f, --file [path] Filename to use to create the resource
-o, --output [value] Additional output formats. One of: yaml | json
--region [value] Override your region config
-y, --yes Automatically reply "yes" to any command prompts.
create: multiple resources from a file
USAGE: axway central create -f <path_to_file>
create: specific resource by name
Note: Only environments are currently available for this command.
USAGE: axway central create environment [options] <name>
Create an environment with the specified name
name Name of new environment
--account [value] Override your default account config
--no-cache Do not use cache when communicating with the server
-f, --file [path] Filename to use to create the resource
-o, --output [value] Additional output formats. One of: yaml | json
--region [value] Override your region config
-y, --yes Automatically reply "yes" to any command prompts.
create examples
# create new environment with "newenv" name
axway central create env newenv
# create new environment with "newenv" name and output result in yaml
axway central create environment newenv -o yaml
# create multiple resources from file
axway central create -f ./some/folder/resources.yaml
# create an agent resource
axway central create agent-resource
APPLY (create or update)
The resource name must be specified in the file. This resource will be created if it doesn't exist yet.
Note: apply command removes the resourceVersion from metadata of the resource to avoid conflict of resource creation
USAGE: axway central apply [options]
Update resources from a file
--account [value] Override your default account config
-f, --file [path] Filename to use to create or update the resources. One of: yaml | json
--language [langCode] Only update language portion. One of: fr-fr | en-us | de-de | pt-br
--no-cache Do not use cache when communicating with the server
-o, --output [value] Additional output formats. One of: yaml | json
--region [value] Override your region config
--subresource [name] Name of the 1 subresource to update. Will prevent main resource and all other subresources from being updated.
-y, --yes Automatically reply "yes" to any command prompts.
apply examples
# create or update multiple resources from file
axway central apply -f ./some/folder/resources.yaml
# create or update multiple resources from file and output results in YAML format
axway central apply -f ./some/folder/resources.json -o yaml
# only update 1 language "en-us" for multiple resources from file
axway central apply -f ./some/folder/resources.yaml --language en-us
# only update 1 subresource named "state" for multiple resources from file
axway central apply -f ./some/folder/resources.yaml --subresource state
File content used for create
or apply
commands allows the creation or updates to the sub-resources by providing values as part of the payload in the file (in the same way the APIs return it). For example, using this payload for an Asset
resource will create x-custom
and state
sub-resources for an Asset
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: Asset
name: testasset
title: title
type: API
x-custom: x-custom value
state: state value
Delete resources by type and name or by filename.
When deleting a resource by its name, if the desired resource type is scoped, you will need to specify the scope name by providing -s, --scope (or <scope kind>/<scope name>)
flag. If the resource might exist in multiple scopes a prompt will be displayed to prevent the unintended deletion of multiple resources. You can skip this prompt by providing -y, --yes
To see the list of all available resources on the server run axway central delete
USAGE: axway central delete [options] [<args...>]
Delete resources
args... Command arguments, run "axway central delete" to see the examples
--account [value] Override your default account config
--no-cache Do not use cache when communicating with the server
-f, --file [path] Filename to use to delete the resource.
--region [value] Override your region config
-s, --scope [name] or [kind/name] Scope name or kind/name for scoped resources.
--wait Wait for the resources to be completely deleted.
-y, --yes Automatically reply "yes" to any command prompts.
--forceDelete Force delete a resource (Warning: Ignores finalizers on the resource and the resources scoped under it)
delete examples
# delete environment by name
axway central delete environment newenv
# delete api service by name (a scoped resource)
axway central delete apisvc someapisvc -s newenv
# delete document with name "somedoc" in all scopes named "somescope" without confirmation prompt
axway central delete docs somedoc -s somescope -y
# delete document with name "somedoc" in all scope "AssetRelease" named "somescope"
axway central delete docs somedoc -s AssetRelease/somescope -y
# delete all resources specified in the file
axway central delete -f ./some/folder/resources.yaml
# force delete environment by name with a prompt
axway central delete environment newenv --forceDelete
# force delete API service by name (a scoped resource) with a prompt
axway central delete apisvc someapisvc -s newenv --forceDelete
# force delete all resources specified in the file without a prompt
axway central delete -f ./some/folder/resources.yaml --forceDelete --yes
USAGE: axway central edit <command> [options]
Edit and update resources by using the default editor
environment Edit an environment with the specified name.
--account [value] Override your default account config
--no-cache Do not use cache when communicating with the server
-o, --output [value] Additional output formats. One of: yaml|json
--region [value] Override your region config
edit: resource by name
Using "environment" as an example.
USAGE: axway central edit environment [options] <name>
Edit an environment with the specified name.
name Name of the environment
--account [value] Override your default account config
--no-cache Do not use cache when communicating with the server
-o, --output [value] Additional output formats. One of: yaml|json
--region [value] Override your region config
edit examples
# delete environment by name
axway central edit environment newenv
INSTALL (axway central / platform resources)
USAGE: axway central install <command> [options] [<args...>]
Install additional platform resources
agents Install Amplify API Gateway / Amazon API Gateway / Azure API Gateway / Istio / Apigee X Gateway / GitHub / GitLab / Kafka / SwaggerHub
args... Command arguments, run "axway central install" to see the examples
--account [value] Override your default account config
--no-cache Do not use cache when communicating with the server
--region [value] Override your region config
install: agents configuration
USAGE: axway central install agents [options]
Amplify API Gateway / Amazon API Gateway / Azure API Gateway / Istio / Apigee X Gateway / GitHub / GitLab / Kafka / SwaggerHub
--account [value] Override your default account config
--no-cache Do not use cache when communicating with the server
--region [value] Override your region config
install examples
# install agent configuration in interactive mode
axway central install agents
Axway [email protected] https://axway.com
This code is proprietary, closed source software licensed to you by Axway. All Rights Reserved. You may not modify Axway’s code without express written permission of Axway. You are licensed to use and distribute your services developed with the use of this software and dependencies, including distributing reasonable and appropriate portions of the Axway code and dependencies. Except as set forth above, this code MUST not be copied or otherwise redistributed without express written permission of Axway. This module is licensed as part of the Axway Platform and governed under the terms of the Axway license agreement (General Conditions) located here: https://support.axway.com/en/auth/general-conditions; EXCEPT THAT IF YOU RECEIVED A FREE SUBSCRIPTION, LICENSE, OR SUPPORT SUBSCRIPTION FOR THIS CODE, NOTWITHSTANDING THE LANGUAGE OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS, AXWAY HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS, AS WELL AS ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED INFRINGEMENT WARRANTIES, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND YOU ACCEPT THE PRODUCT AS-IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS, SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Your right to use this software is strictly limited to the term (if any) of the license or subscription originally granted to you.