Library to wrap GupShup WhatsApp APIs(v2) for messages and user opt-ins
Gupshup WhatsApp API
A library wrapping Gupshup Whatsapp API (v2) to be able to send Outbound messages of types (text, templates, video, audio, location, contact card, stickers, images) and fetch/send the opt-in requests to the users and the opted-in users list.
Note: It does not connect with the Inbound APIs (that are responsible for receiving messages from customers through webhooks)
npm i axis-gupshup-whatsapp
yarn add axis-gupshup-whatsapp
Basic Usage
You will be needed to create gupshup instance with provided apiKey
. You can obtain the api key from Whatsapp Dashboard (https://www.gupshup.io/whatsapp/dashboard) for your specific app or if you are testing with the sandbox application.
const Gupshup = require('axis-gupshup-whatsapp')
let client = new Gupshup({
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
Request Body
| Property | Type | Description | Required |
| ------------- | ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| channel
| string
| The channel name, i.e.whatsapp
| true |
| destination
| string
| Customer's Whatsapp number | true |
| source
| string
| Your Whatsapp business number | true |
| message
| Message Payload | Payload for the sending message | true |
| src.name
| string
| Your whatsapp application name | false (required for sandbox apps) |
Message Payload
| Property | Type | Description | Required |
| ------------- | ----------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ----- | ----- |
| isHSM
| string
| true
(for template message) and false
(for session message) | false |
| type
| string
| Whatsapp message type( text
, audio
, video
, file
, image
, location
, contact
, sticker
) | true |
| text
| string
| The text message to be sent to the customer, in case of type=text
| false |
| url
| string
| The public URL where the file / audio / video attachment to be sent to the customer is hosted | false |
| originalUrl
| string
| The public URL where the image to be sent to the customer is hosted. Only to be sent for type = image
| false |
| previewUrl
| string
| The public URL where a thumbnail of the image to be sent to the customer is hosted. Only to be sent for type = image
| false |
| caption
| string
| Add caption to media messages, applicable to media type = image | video | file
| false |
| longitude
| number
| To be sent for type = location
| false |
| latitude
| number
| To be sent for type = location
| false |
| name
| string
| Name of the location. Only to be sent for type = location
| false |
| address
| string
| Postal address of the location. Only to be sent for type = location
| false |
| contact
| Contact Card | Contact details to be sent when type = contact
| false |
Contact Card
| Property | Type | Description | Required |
| ----------- | --------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | -------- |
| addresses
| [Contact Address] | Contact address for the person | false |
| birthday
| string
| Person's date of birth | true |
| emails
| [Contact Email] | Person's email or emails | true |
| name
| Contact Name | Person's first, last and formatted name | true |
| org
| Contact Organization | Person's organization details | true |
| phones
| [Contact Phone] | Person's contact phone numbers | true |
| url
| [Contact URL] | Person's contact URLs | true |
Contact Address
| Property | Type | Description | Required |
| ------------- | -------- | ------------------- | -------- |
| city
| string
| Eg: "Menlo Park" | true |
| country
| string
| Eg: "United States" | true |
| countryCode
| string
| Eg: "us" | true |
| state
| string
| Eg: "CA" | true |
| street
| string
| Eg: "1 Hacker Way" | true |
| type
| string
| Eg: "HOME" | true |
| zip
| string
| Eg: "94025" | true |
Contact Email
| Property | Type | Description | Required |
| -------- | -------- | ----------------- | -------- |
| email
| string
| Eg: "[email protected]" | true |
| type
| string
| Eg: "WORK" | true |
Contact Name
| Property | Type | Description | Required |
| --------------- | -------- | ---------------- | -------- |
| firstName
| string
| Eg: "John" | true |
| formattedName
| string
| Eg: "John Smith" | true |
| lastName
| string
| Eg: "Smith" | true |
Contact Organization
| Property | Type | Description | Required |
| ------------ | -------- | -------------- | -------- |
| company
| string
| Eg: "WhatsApp" | true |
| department
| string
| Eg: "Design" | true |
| title
| string
| Eg: "Manager" | true |
Contact Phone
| Property | Type | Description | Required |
| -------- | -------- | ----------------------- | -------- |
| phone
| string
| Eg: "+1 (650) 555-1234" | true |
| type
| string
| Eg: "WORK" | true |
| wa_id
| string
| Eg: "16505551234" | false |
Contact URL
| Property | Type | Description | Required |
| -------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | -------- |
| url
| string
| Eg: "https://www.facebook.com" | true |
| type
| string
| Eg: "WORK" | true |
Supported Resources
1. Send Text Message
channel: 'whatsapp',
source: '917834811114',
destination: '919876543210',
'src.name': 'GupshupAppTest',
message: {
isHSM: 'false',
type: 'text',
text: 'hi there',
.then((response) => {
console.log('Text message sent', response)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Text message err:', err)
2. Send Template Message
channel: 'whatsapp',
source: '917834811114',
destination: '919876543210',
'src.name': 'GupshupAppTest',
message: {
isHSM: 'true',
type: 'text',
text: 'Hi Ashwamegh, your order is confirmed and will be delivered to you by 15 Feb',
.then((response) => {
console.log('Template text message sent', response)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Template text message err:', err)
3. Send Image as a Message
- Supported Content-Types: image/jpeg, image/png
- maximum file size: 5 MB
channel: 'whatsapp',
source: '917834811114',
destination: '919876543210',
'src.name': 'GupshupAppTest',
message: {
type: 'image',
caption: 'Sample image',
.then((response) => {
console.log('Image message sent', response)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Image message err:', err)
4. Send Document/File as a Message
- Supported Content-Types: Any valid MIME-type
- maximum file size: 100 MB
channel: 'whatsapp',
source: '917834811114',
destination: '919876543210',
'src.name': 'GupshupAppTest',
message: {
type: 'file',
url: 'https://www.buildquickbots.com/whatsapp/media/sample/pdf/sample01.pdf',
filename: 'Sample file',
.then((response) => {
console.log('Document message sent', response)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Document message err:', err)
5. Send Audio as a Message
- Supported Content-Types: audio/aac, audio/mp4, audio/amr, audio/mpeg, audio/ogg; codecs=opus. Note: The base audio/ogg type is not supported.
- maximum file size: 16 MB
channel: 'whatsapp',
source: '917834811114',
destination: '919876543210',
'src.name': 'GupshupAppTest',
message: {
type: 'audio',
url: 'https://file-examples.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/file_example_MP3_700KB.mp3',
.then((response) => {
console.log('Audio message sent', response)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Audio message err:', err)
6. Send Video as a Message
- Supported Content-Types: video/mp4, video/3gpp. Note: Only H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec is supported.
- maximum file size: 16 MB
channel: 'whatsapp',
source: '917834811114',
destination: '919876543210',
'src.name': 'GupshupAppTest',
message: {
type: 'video',
url: 'http://clips.vorwaerts-gmbh.de/big_buck_bunny.mp4',
caption: 'Sample video',
.then((response) => {
console.log('Video message sent', response)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Video message err:', err)
6. Send Location as a Message
channel: 'whatsapp',
source: '917834811114',
destination: '919876543210',
'src.name': 'GupshupAppTest',
message: {
type: 'location',
longitude: 43.43,
latitude: 33.34,
name: 'Name of the location',
address: 'Postal address',
.then((response) => {
console.log('Location message sent', response)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Location message err:', err)
7. Send Contact Card as a Message
channel: 'whatsapp',
source: '917834811114',
destination: '919876543210',
'src.name': 'GupshupAppTest',
message: {
type: 'contact',
contact: {
addresses: [
city: 'Menlo Park',
country: 'United States',
countryCode: 'us',
state: 'CA',
street: '1 Hacker Way',
type: 'HOME',
zip: '94025',
city: 'Menlo Park',
country: 'United States',
countryCode: 'us',
state: 'CA',
street: '200 Jefferson Dr',
type: 'WORK',
zip: '94025',
birthday: '2012-08-18',
emails: [
email: '[email protected]',
type: 'WORK',
email: '[email protected]',
type: 'WORK',
name: {
firstName: 'John',
formattedName: 'John Smith',
lastName: 'Smith',
org: {
company: 'WhatsApp',
department: 'Design',
title: 'Manager',
phones: [
phone: '+1 (940) 555-1234',
type: 'HOME',
phone: '+1 (650) 555-1234',
type: 'WORK',
wa_id: '16505551234',
urls: [
url: 'https://www.facebook.com',
type: 'WORK',
.then((response) => {
console.log('Contact Card sent', response)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Contact Card err:', err)
8. Send Sticker as a Message
channel: 'whatsapp',
source: '917834811114',
destination: '919876543210',
'src.name': 'GupshupAppTest',
message: {
type: 'sticker',
url: 'https://cdn.getstickerpack.com/storage/uploads/sticker-pack/tunes-traffic/7.png',
.then((response) => {
console.log('Location message sent', response)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Location message err:', err)
Messages API Response
{ "status": "submitted", "messageId": "ee4a68a0-1203-4c85-8dc3-49d0b3226a35" }
User Opt-ins
1. Get Opt-in users list
.then((response) => {
console.log('Optins User list: ', response)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Optins User list error: ', err)
API Response
"status": "success",
"users": [
"countryCode": "91",
"lastMessageTimeStamp": 1585593959851,
"optinSource": "URL",
"optinStatus": "OPT_IN",
"optinTimeStamp": 1585504095053,
"phoneCode": "8x98xx21x4"
2. Send User Opt-in Request
appName: 'GupshupAppTest',
userMobileNumber: 919876543210,
.then((response) => {
console.log('Optin request sent: ', response)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Optin request error: ', err)
API Response
"status": 202
yarn install
yarn test