A small library that contains an AsyncStack to use with the AWS CDK, but allow for a stack to use async calls to be constructed. Inspired by wanting to use esbuild/rollup plugins to compile code, but you can't with the sync interfaces.
Async CDK
A small library that contains an AsyncStack to use with the AWS CDK, but allow for a stack to use async calls to be constructed. Inspired by wanting to use esbuild/rollup plugins to compile code, but you can't with the sync interfaces.
pnpm add @axel669/async-cdk
The AsyncStack was kept very minimal so that switching to an async cdk would be simple and quick. Stacks can inherit from AsyncStack instead of the standard cdk stack (AsyncStack inherits from that already), and only need to have a build function that does the same work you would normally do in the constructor. This combined with the static create method that takes the same signature as the normal constructor is all that's needed.
A static appName can be delcared in a custom stack, and the create function will treat it as a prefix to use across all instantiated stacks, allowing for the second argument to create to act like an environment name instead.
import { AsyncStack } from "@axel669/async-cdk"
export class CustomStack extends AsyncStack {
static appName = "cdk-app"
// The second and third arguments from create are passed to the build function
async build(env, props) {
// init cdk stack, use some async functions
import cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"
import { TestStack } from "./test-stack.js"
const app = new cdk.App()
// This will create 2 stacks with the stack IDs "cdk-app-dev" and "cdk-app-prod"
await TestStack.create(app, "dev", {})
await TestStack.create(app, "prod", {})
The rollupCode function is an async function that runs rollup, with full support for the use of plugins. The argument to rollupCode is the same as a regular rollup build command minus the output (the wrapper compiles to a temp location automatically).
import { AsyncStack, rollupCode } from "@axel669/async-cdk"
export class RollupStack extends AsyncStack {
async build(env, props) {
new NodejsFunction(
functionName: "test-func",
memorySize: 128,
runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_20_X,
handler: "index.handler",
code: await rollupCode({
input: "src/main.js"