The @awsless/dynamodb package provides a small and tree-shakable layer around aws-sdk v3, to make working with the DynamoDB API super simple.
The @awsless/dynamodb package provides a small and tree-shakable layer around aws-sdk v3, to make working with the DynamoDB API super simple.
The Problem
- Floating Point Precision - Almost no DynamoDB clients are suitable when floating point precision is important. We use our @awsless/big-float package to solve this problem.
- Tree-shakable - The API is designed to balance tree-shakability vs providing a fully typed API.
- Query Builder - Type safe & easy to use query expression builder.
- Testing - We provide a local DynamoDB server and mock that will route all DynamoDB requests to the local DynamoDB server.
Install with (NPM):
npm i @awsless/dynamodb
Basic Usage
import { putItem, getItem, define, ... } from '@awsless/dynamodb';
const posts = define('posts', {
hash: 'userId',
sort: 'id',
schema: object({
id: number(),
userId: number(),
title: string(),
// Insert a post into the posts table
await putItem(posts, {
id: 1,
userId: 1,
title: 'Hello World'
// Get a post from the posts table
const user = await getItem(posts, { userId: 1, id: 1 })
// Update a post in the posts table
await updateItem(posts, { userId: 1, id: 1 }, {
update(exp) {
return exp.update('title').set('Hi...')
// Delete a post in the posts table
await deleteItem(posts, { userId: 1, id: 1 })
// List posts from user 1
const { items, cursor } = await query(posts, {
keyCondition(exp) {
return exp.where('userId').eq(1)
// List posts from user 1 but with stringified cursors
const { items, cursor } = await paginateQuery(posts, {
keyCondition(exp) {
return exp.where('userId').eq(1)
// List posts
const { items, cursor } = await scan(posts)
// List all posts
for await(const items of scanAll(posts, { batch: 100 })) {
// Processing batches of 100 items at a time...
// Write a transaction
await transactWrite({
items: [
transactConditionCheck(posts, { userId: 1, id: 0 }, {
condition(exp) {
return exp.where('id').not.exists
transactPut(posts, { userId: 1, id: 1, title: 'Post 1' }),
transactPut(posts, { userId: 1, id: 2, title: 'Post 2' }),
transactPut(posts, { userId: 1, id: 3, title: 'Post 3' }),
Mock for testing
import { mockDynamoDB, seedTable, ... } from "@awsless/dynamodb";
const posts = define('posts', {
hash: 'id',
schema: object({
id: number(),
title: string(),
tables: [ posts ],
seeds: [
seedTable(posts, {
id: 1,
title: 'Hello World',
it('your test', async () => {
const result = await getItem(posts, { id: 1 })
Schema Types
We provides the following schema types:
- array
- bigfloat
- bigint
- binary
- boolean
- date
- enums
- number
- object
- optional
- record
- string
- ttl
- unknown
- uuid
- bigintSet
- binarySet
- numberSet
- stringSet
The binary
& binarySet
schema type supports the following input value types:
ArrayBuffer, Blob, Buffer, DataView, File, Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array, BigInt64Array, BigUint64Array
And the output value type is always Uint8Array
Operation Functions
| Type | Description |
| getItem
| Get an item |
| putItem
| Store an item |
| updateItem
| Update an item |
| deleteItem
| Delete an item |
| getIndexedItem
| Get an item from a specific index |
| query
| Query a list of items |
| queryAll
| Query a list of items |
| paginateQuery
| Pagination helper to query a list of items |
| scan
| Scan the table for items |
| scanAll
| Scan the table for items |
| paginateScan
| Pagination helper to scan a list of items |
| batchGetItem
| Batch get items |
| batchPutItem
| Batch store items |
| batchDeleteItem
| Batch delete items |
| transactWrite
| Execute a transactional write |
| transactPut
| Store an item transactionally |
| transactUpdate
| Update an item transactionally |
| transactDelete
| Delete an item transactionally |
| transactConditionCheck
| Conditional check transactionally |
Typescript Infer Types
Infer the item type of a table definition when inserting an item.
Infer the item type of a table definition when querying an item.
import { define, InferInput, InferOutput, object, uuid, number, string, binary } from "@awsless/dynamodb";
const posts = define('posts', {
hash: 'id',
schema: object({
id: uuid(),
title: string(),
likes: number(),
data: binary(),
/* {
id: UUID,
title: string,
likes: number,
data: BinaryValue
} */
type Post1 = InferInput<typeof posts>
/* {
id: UUID,
title: string,
likes: number,
data: Uint8Array
} */
type Post2 = InferOutput<typeof posts>