This is a library to help define GitHub Actions workflows using CDKTF. This package vends constructs for defining a workflow that will be synthesized to a workflow yaml file in your repos `.github/workflows` directory.
This is a library to help define GitHub Actions workflows using CDKTF. This package vends constructs for defining a workflow that will be synthesized to a workflow yaml file in your repos .github/workflows
This project is in early development. The constructs are likely to change as the needs of the project evolve.
A few items I'm currently working towards:
- [ ] More github resource synthesis
- [ ] Higher test coverage
- [ ] More indepth documentation
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { App, TerraformStack } from 'cdktf';
import { Workflow, Job } from 'cdktf-github-actions';
const app = new App();
class MyWorkflowStack executes TerraformStack {
constructor(scope: Construct, name: string) {
super(scope, name);
let echoJob = new Job(this, 'build-job', {
steps: [
name: 'echo',
run: 'echo "Hello World"',
const wf = new Workflow(this, 'workflow', {
repoName: 'my-repo',
jobs: [echoJob],
const stack = new MyWorkflowStack(app, 'test');
The constructs support the ability to define github resources and create them using the github terrafrom provider. The following example shows how to create a create a workflow with secrets that will be stored in the repository.
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { App, TerraformStack } from 'cdktf';
import { Workflow, Job } from 'cdktf-github-actions';
const app = new App();
class MyWorkflowStack executes TerraformStack {
constructor(scope: Construct, name: string) {
super(scope, name);
let echoJob = new Job(this, 'build-job', {
steps: [
name: 'echo',
run: 'echo "Hello World"',
withSecrets: [
referencedName: 'token',
secretName: 'MY_SECRET',
secretValue: '123',
const wf = new Workflow(this, 'workflow', {
repoName: 'my-repo',
jobs: [echoJob],
const stack = new MyWorkflowStack(app, 'test');
The example above will create a secret with the name MY_SECRET
and the value 123
in the repository. The secret will be referenced in the workflow using the name token