A chart container component that can be used to wrap various charts. It will handle 'init ', 'update', and 'resize' of chart appropriatly.
React Chart Container
React Chart Container is a React component that can wrap chart elements and handle it's init
, update
and resize
event properly.
Why you need React Chart Container?
If you render a chart on an element like div with some library like ECharts, you'll have to consider all the concepts bellow:
- init a chart instance and render it on the target element
- handle resizing of the chart when size of any of the ancestral elements changing or the browser window size changing
- handle updatingof the chart when data or chart setting changing
- handle loading status when fetching chart data
- destroy chart instance at proper time
it's really annoying to do all the things.
React Chart Container can help you with all the stuff above.
React Chart Container can be installed by npm or yarn.
# yarn
yarn add @awey/react-chart-container
# npm
npm install @awey/react-chart-container
And you should import the component, style and hook.
import { ReactChartContainer, useReactChartContainer } from '@awey/react-chart-container'
import '@awey/react-chart-container/lib/style.css'
A typical example is as bellow:
import { FC, useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import * as echarts from 'echarts/core'
import { LineChart } from 'echarts/charts'
import { CanvasRenderer } from 'echarts/renderers'
import { GridComponent } from 'echarts/components'
import { TimelineData, getMockData } from './mock-data'
import { ReactChartContainer, useReactChartContainer } from '../react-chart-container'
import k from './k'
echarts.use([LineChart, CanvasRenderer, GridComponent])
const Spin: FC = () => <div>Loading...</div>
function transformData (data: TimelineData) {
return data.values.map(line => {
return {
type: 'line',
name: line.name,
id: line.alias + ':::' + line.name,
data: line.data.map((point, index) => {
if (!data.timestamps[index]) return null
return {
name: data.timestamps[index],
value: [data.timestamps[index], point]
function App () {
const [mockData, setMockData] = useState(getMockData())
const { elRef, onReady, onResize } = useReactChartContainer<echarts.ECharts, TimelineData, string>({
init: (el, d, _s) => {
// console.log('settings in init function:', s)
const instance = echarts.init(el)
xAxis: {
type: 'time'
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
axisLabel: { formatter: (v: number) => k(v) }
grid: {
show: true,
left: 56,
bottom: 24,
right: 8,
top: 28
series: transformData(d)
}, { lazyUpdate: true })
return instance
resize: (graphRef) => graphRef.current?.resize(),
update: (graphRef, d, _s) => {
// console.log('settings in update function:', s)
series: transformData(d)
}, { lazyUpdate: true, replaceMerge: 'series' })
destroy: (graphRef, _el) => graphRef.current?.dispose()
}, mockData as TimelineData, 'hello')
useEffect(() => {
window.setInterval(() => {
}, 3000)
}, [])
return (
<div >
spinIcon={<Spin />}
<div ref={elRef} style={{ height: 400 }}></div>
export default App
| prop | type | required/default | description |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| onReady
| (size: Rect) => void
| - | the callback of container ready |
| onResize
| (size: Rect) => void
| - | the callback of container resizing |
| loading
| boolean
| false
| indecate loading status |
| className
| string
| ''
| class name |
const useReactChartContainer: <
Settings = undefined
chart: Chart<GraphType, Data, Settings>,
data: Data,
settings: Settings
) => {
elRef: MutableRefObject<null>;
graphRef: GraphRef<GraphType>;
onResize: () => void;
onReady: () => void;
interface Chart<GraphType, Data, Settings = undefined> {
init (element: HTMLDivElement, data: Data, settings: Settings): GraphType
resize (graphRef: GraphRef<GraphType>, data: Data, settings: Settings): void
update (graphRef: GraphRef<GraphType>, data: Data, settings: Settings): void
destroy (graphRef: GraphRef<GraphType>, element: HTMLDivElement): void
export type GraphRef<GraphType> = MutableRefObject<GraphType | null>