A recursive directory listing program that supports file-size reporting, and pattern matching. Inspired by the [`tree`](http://www.computerhope.com/unix/tree.htm) UNIX command.
alder 🌳
A recursive directory listing program that supports file-size reporting, and pattern matching. Inspired by the tree
UNIX command.
should be installed globally using yarn
yarn global add @aweary/alder
or with npm
npm install -g @aweary/alder
Usage: alder [options] [target]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-a, --all Print all files, including hidden files
-d, --directories Only print directories
-D, --date-modified Print the last modified date for each file
-i, --no-indent Tree will not print the indentation lines
-f, --full Print the full path prefix for each file
-s, --sizes Show file sizes in tree
-e, --exclude <s> Exclude files matching a pattern
-in, --include <s> Include only files that match a pattern
-d, --depth <n> Only render the tree to a specific depth
--prune Prune empty directories from the output
--filelimit <n> Do not descend directories that contain more than # entries
--jsx Print directory structure as JSX
Exclude pattern
You can pass a string that will be parsed as a regular expression to --exclude
# excluding single directory
alder --exclude=.git
# excluding multiple directories
alder --exclude=".git|bower_components|node_modules"
Include pattern
You can pass a string that will be parsed as a regular expression to --include
# including single file pattern
alder --include=package
# including multiple files patterns
alder --include="package|webpack"