AwayJS scene classes
AwayJS Scene
Dependency for AwayJS applications requiring a heirarchical scenegraph: contains data structures for a collection of display object types, as well as geometric prefabs for simple 2D & 3D objects.
AwayJS Dependencies
- core
- graphics
Internal Structure
adapters used for scripting
base Enums for various display object settings, root data classes for timeline and touch data
bounds (to be moved to view module)
controllers Custom interaction controls for display objects
display display objects that can be added to a scene heirarchy, including basic billboards, lines and text, as well as more configurable Sprite objects that expose the graphics API
errors Error types
events Event objects for scene classes
factories Interface for timelines
lightpickers Objects for selecting lightsources (to be moved to materials module)
managers manager classes for fonts and frame scripts
prefabs Generator clases for simple display objects such as Cube, Sphere, Torus etc
shadowmappers Helper classes for shadows (to be moved to materials module)
text Helper classes for text
tools Merge tool for combining display objects (or a heirarchy of display objects) into a single sprite
utils Cast tool for converting data types (deprecated)