Renderer for AwayJS
AwayJS Renderer
Interface for scene and material modules, providing simpified rendering for complex heriarchies.
AwayJS Dependencies
- core
- graphics
- scene
- stage
Internal Structure
animators Data and renderer classes for shape animation functionality. (Data classes to be split into animation module)
elements Abstractions for elements classes (to be moved to stage module)
errors Error types
events Event objects for renderer classes
filters Data and renderer classes for global filter effects (Data classes to be split into scene module)
managers Render to Texture helper class (deprecated)
materials Abstractions for material classes
renderables Abstractions for renderable classes eg Billboard, LineSegment, Skybox (Shape to be moved to stage module)
shaders Data object for representing state and functionality of a shader (base classes to be moved to stage)
sort Merge sort classes acting on linked lists of renderables
textures Abstractions for texture classes (to be moved to stage module)
utils Helpers for particle animations